Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

It was the first time I had seen his face since we broke up one and a half months ago. Panic rose within every cell of my body as I saw his frustratingly beautiful smile. It seemed as if the summer breeze had suddenly stopped blowing, everything and everyone around me disappeared and it was just me and him. And I was staring at him, going through a myriad of emotions. Anger, misery, desire are the few I could name at that moment. My feet were nailed to the ground, my eyes tracing his every detail. He was standing far away but the way he smiled nearly made my heart beat faster.

And then as if he could feel that I was watching him, among the sea of people his eyes shot straight to me and his smile slowly faded. It jolted me back to reality that he had left me devastated, so I looked away. "Oh shit," I murmured.

"What world were you in? We were literally screaming your name!" Xander shouted.

I looked down at the vomit that covered my legs. For a moment, I had even forgotten about that. "I'm going to the washroom and then we're going home." I ordered.

"No way! I'm not going home because you just saw your ex and you can't stand him. I'm not gonna let you ruin my Sunday." Xander lashed out.

I turned to Kai for help, "Kai, he's here so obviously Sophia must be around too. Do you really wanna see her?"

Kai's eyes were roaming around as he tried to spot Sophia. "Hell yeah, I wanna see her and I want her to see me! I didn't work out so hard just to run away from her. She needs to see what she's missing." He seethed in anger.

Since both of my friends had left no room for negotiation and they were my ride back to the dorm, I had to accept my fate. "Fine, but I'm going to the washroom to clean up. I don't want him to see me covered in someone's puke." I told them, before moving my slimy feet as fast as I could to the nearest washroom.

When I went inside, all the girls looked at me with disapproval and disgust probably thinking I puked on myself.  They pinched their noses and vacated the place as soon as they could. I don't know what was more humiliating, emptying the ladies washroom or Cameron seeing me covered in shit. I looked at the only mirror on the wall and I wished to scream out loud- 'Why'. Why did he ruin my day by being at the same place as me? Why was I being tortured like this when I had just decided to move on? And why am I getting puked on in front of my ex?

I poured some water over my dirty legs and dried them with paper towels. After I was done, I went outside to face my fear. I repeated in my head that I didn't care about him until, I saw that he wasn't there in his old spot by the ocean. Taking a sigh of relief, I thought maybe he ran away like me. Anyway I was contented, I made my way back to Kai who was laying on a chair shirtless showing off his new toned body. Xander was probably hunting for lame, dumb girls.

I sat on the chair next to him darting my eyes in the direction he was glaring. "Oh." I realised, staring at the scene.

"Look at her, making out with that hot guy." Kai gritted his teeth, as we watched his ex girlfriend kissing another guy just a few feet away from us. They were both laying on separate mats but they had their hands all over each other. Sophia as usual looked amazing in her teal colored bikini and the guy with her wasn't half bad though I couldn't see his face clearly.

"God, She has such a great body and the way she carries herself, I can never be that classy." I confessed my own hatred.

"You're not helping," Kai shook his head.

"Sorry, but did you not see how that guy was staring at her?" I asked only to tease him, as a another stranger who passed by the happy couple ogled at Sophia.

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