Chapter 9 (Miku) Truth Hurts

Start from the beginning

  Further down, I begun to hear voices.

  "What do you plan to do with her?"

  "The virus. It will transform her into 'Zatsune Miku' After that is done, she won't be able to use that stupid overpowered weapon with the Kagamine."

  "Should I get go get her?"

  "No. Get Kaito."

  My eyes widened. Kaito?


  There must have been two exits to the room because whoever it was, didn't come.


  My heart froze.

  "Come down darling."

  I turned around to run back up but two guards were blocking the way. How did they get here?


  I saw a snake on one of the guards.

  "Darling come down or that cobra will kill you. You have 5 seconds."


  I'm not surrendering that's for sure.



  "HAA!" I kicked the guards in the stomach. They didn't move though. Of course, they were just code, programmed to stay there.


  I grabbed the snake and slammed it on the floor. Is was programmed to only kill me once 5 seconds was over.


    I climbed over the guards and ran straight into BRS. She picked me up with a long nails digging into my flesh. I screamed in pain

  "Idiot girl. You should have trusted me. Why did you trust that Kagamine instead?"

  "BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!" I forced the truth out.

  BRS flinched."SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!" 



  BRS started flickering. Like she was a glitch or something. She stabbed my arm with a knife. I cried out in pain.

  "I HATSUNE MIKU, LOVES KAGAMINE LEN!" I screamed even more with tears pouring down my face.

  "AHH!!! STOP IT!" BRS screamed. She slammed my head against the wall and dropped me onto the floor.

  "I-I love you Len." I mumbled before losing consciousness.


  "I'm a idiot. I let BRS take Miku. LEN YOU ARE AN IDIOT!" Len had tears streaming down his face. He threw a stone into the water. He had cuts all over his arms and a deep gash on his right leg. Blood covered most of his skin. Hopefully, someone else's blood and not his.

  His clothes were ripped and stained. Len... How could he be thinking of me when he was on the verge of dieing?

  For all he knows I could be dead by now.

  Len you Baka...  baka...

  I wanted to reach out and touch him but the scene disappeared.

  "So what's your choice? We will leave only when you allow me to take over your body. We won't do anything. I promise." A cold mechanical voice rang out.

  I was standing in an old vintage room. The walls had patterns coloured in teal. The curtains were also teal. The bed had a gold canopy which blended well with the teal bed. There was also a gold vanity with a tons of make up.

  I turned and saw a green and black human figure. It was glitching and morphed into different animals. A lady was backing away from that thing with caution. She looked like BRS without her weapons and hatred.

  "Promise?" Her voice was breaking as I if she knew that she was going to die.

  "Promise..." That glitchy-thingy inched forward to the lady.

  "Fine. I have nothing to live for anymore. Since Rinto cheated on me." The lady clenched her fists and bravely stepped forward."And for the sake of my people. Tell the viruses to leave my people alone."

  Virus. That thing is a virus.

  The virus morphed into a werid gas. And covered the lady.

  I stared in shock as the smoke cleared the reveal BRS.


  Another chapter down!^.^













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