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Robin and Aqualad struck at each other in the middle of the holo-ring. Robin threw a jab which the Atlantean narrowly avoided by back flipping out of the way and landing expertly on his feet. Each strike was rewarded points by the holo-ring much like a video game. Aqualad attempted to side kick the boy wonder in the chest however, Robin simply side stepped the attack and ran in for an attack of his own. They stopped when they saw Conner, Alex, Megan, and a giant white wolf walking towards them from the entrance of the cave. The wolf had been an enemy from their last mission in India but once Conner had removed his inhibitor collar, the wolf became a well-trained pet named... Wolf.
Robin looked at Alex waving at her giving her a smile. She smiled back at Robin and looked away blushing slightly.
Robin and Aqualad looked over to the opposite entrance where Wally and Artemis entered.
Wally looked over to Zatara and Captain Marvel as they talked casually. "So if Zatara is our baby sitter of the week, why is he still here?"
"And then what happened?" M'gann said sounding excited as the other came over.
Alex turned and began walking backwards "And then my brother released the Sub Energy all at once and beat Forever King and accidently annihilated Mt. Rushmore" Alex finished by rubbing the back of her neck "Not our proudest moment"
"Didn't anyone notice that Mt. Rushmore was destroyed" Kid questioned.
"No one noticed because Grandpa Max used this tiny cube-thing to create an exact replica of the Mt. Rushmore faces while the Plumbers reconstructed it in secret and added in a new defense system" Alex concluded her story with a smile. "Yup, that was the time when my brother had temporary near limitless power with one of our weakest aliens"
"You sure have a lot of stories" Conner spoke up as he pet Wolf generously.
M'gann stood next to Alex and put a hand on her shoulder "You still have to tell me about the time you went to make a peace treaty on another planet"
"That one is funny but okay, we were just about to head to the beach-"
Alex was cut off by the Zeta-Tubes activating.
"Recognized: Batman A02"
The dark knight walked into the room ignoring everyone and walking into the holo-ring "Computer, display national news"
The computer complied and displayed the news where Cat Grant began narrating the events from earlier "The initial attack was short lived was short lived but, Metropolis was only granted a short reprieve" the video displayed a massive plant creature wrapping itself around a building and crushing it instantaneously. "Even with the intervention of Superman and the Justice League there seem to be no end in sight"
Robin stepped forwards "Should we get out there?"
Batman was quick to respond "No. The League will soon have the situation under control, that's not why I'm here. According to your Intel Sportsmaster supplied Cadmus' Blockbuster formula to Kobra"
Wally stepped forwards "Who combined it with Bane's venom to create Kobra Venom"
Alex continued "Which the Brain used to create his animal army"
Conner pet Wolf specifically "And upgrade Wolf."
"The Brain also used inhibitor collars like the ones at Belle Reve Penitentiary" M'gann added.
Artemis raised an eyebrow "Is it possible that plant thing is on Kobra Venom too?"
Batman nodded "I had Green Lantern run a spot analysis; Divine Cellulose does contain trace amounts of a Kobra Venom variant."
"These cannot be coincidences" Aqualad said stepping forwards next to Alex and the others "Unrelated criminals are cooperating with each other worldwide."
"Exactly" Batman confirmed "It is now clear that our enemies have formed some kind of secret society of super villains, the attack on Metropolis is only the beginning."
Robin began typing away at a holo-screen. "You got that right" Robin brought up multiple holo-screens behind Batman showing multiple cities from around the world being attacked by Plant creatures. "Plants have sprouted in Taipei, Gotham City, Star City, Paris..." each screen turned to static suddenly.
Wally spoke up "Uh dude?"
"It's not me! Someone is cutting the satellite signal, all satellite signals!"
Just as he said this, all five screens displayed the same live video.
The first thing to appear was a well-known clown villain known as the Joker who sported dark green hair and a pale white face, he held a butterfly knife in one hand and the camera facing him in the other. He used the hand he held the camera in to tap on the lens with his knuckles as if wondering if it was playing.
"Ladies and Gentleman" The Joker began "We interrupt your regularly scheduled mayhem to bring you this important announcement" Joker turned the camera and Alex froze at who she saw standing with the small crowd of super-villains.
"From the Injustice League" standing next to Joker was a woman with lime green skin and long red hair wearing a leaf green leotard. Next to her stood a tall and buff man wearing a black and gold suit with a lightning bolt sprayed across his chest. Next to him was another man with silver hair and some sort of device that resembled wireless earplugs around his head. Then there was a man who wore a helmet but had a decrepit head that resembled a skull, he also wore a green jump suit. Another tall man wearing a red suit with a black cape with gold trim running down to his thighs. Behind them stood a teenage boy with white hair and crimson red eyes, his red jacket was an identical variant to the one her brother owned.
The man wearing the headphone like device spoke up in a thick European accent "We are responsible for the attacks on your cities, if you wish to save them, a ransom of ten billion American dollars is required, and delivery instructions have been sent to the United Nations. There is no time limit; however, the longer you wait-"
Joker panned the camera over to himself and waved his knife around playfully "The more we get to have our jollies" he finished his sentence with a loud cackle before shutting the camera off.
Alex stood completely still and muttered "How is he here? How?"
Batman cleared his throat as Alex noticed everyone was staring at her. Alex walked over to a paused image of the Injustice League.
"The one in the back look familiar?" Alex asked everyone staring at the screen.
Wally scratched his head "Not really."
"Look. Closer."
Robin pulled up a holo-keyboard and zoomed in on the image.
"Wait... That can't be..." Conner tried to make sense of the image but couldn't.
"His name is Albedo and he's a Galvan that's stuck looking like my big brother, so in a way he's my brother's evil twin."
A thick silence erupted in the room until Artemis began laughing hysterically; everyone looked at her with a curious glare.
"This is a joke right? An evil twin? You're from another Universe, how would he even get here?" Artemis wiped a tear from her eye and tried to grip the situation without bursting into laughter.
Alex pulled up a holo-keyboard of her own and zoomed out before zooming back in on Albedo's wrist.
"Crap" Batman said narrowing his eyes through his mask before talking into his communicator.
" does he even have that"
"Albedo is the second smartest Galvan in my Universe, he could build another and... he could've made a better version."
"Ok so, Count Vertigo, The Joker, Poison Ivy, Atomic Skull, Black Adam, Wotan and Albedo. Seven heavy hitters, probably behind everything and everyone we've faced." Robin analyzed the image tried his hardest to seem calm.
"There's your secret society" Wally announced.
"Not so secret anymore" Artemis added as she folded her arms across her chest.
"Perhaps after India, they figured we would deduce the truth and found no reason to hide any longer."
"Yeah? That was their mistake, I think it's time we kicked some plant creature butt!" Wally said pumping his fist in the air.
Alex stood frozen staring at Albedo's image "Why are you really here?" She mumbled to herself.
Batman stepped forwards "The Justice League will handle the plants; I have a different job for this team."
"Oh man" Wally spoke in disappointment before Artemis punched him lightly in the arm.
"With so many plants attacking so many different locations at once, there must be a control center. Your job is to destroy it."
Captain Marvel stepped forwards with a concerned look. "You do realize what you're really asking them to do?"
"They're ready."
"Ready for what?" Wally asked receiving another punch to the arm from Artemis.
"Would you quit that?"
"Hello Wally, if they're fighting the plants, who do you think we'll be fighting?"
"I don't know I guess..."
Alex pointed up to the screen of villains causing Wally to go wide eyed in realization "Oh."
"Well Batman, I hope you're right." The Captain finished putting his hands on his hips.
"And I hope you can locate the enemy?"
"Well, Black Adam is always syphoning off the same magical force that I am, he is my evil twin after all" Captain finished looking up at Albedo. "So If I focus hard enough and get a little hocus-pocus help from Zatara, I should be able to find him lickety-split."
Batman nodded and looked over to Zatara "Do it"
"Cigam sih kcart ot ytiliba s'levraM esaercni."
Captain Marvel began to glow a bright yellow color as well as his electric aura becoming visible. "Robin if you could pull up a holo-map?"
Robin complied and brought a holographic globe up in front of Captain Marvel.
Marvel sent golden electricity into the globe that surged through the hologram before centering in one spot. "There" Marvel said as his new aura faded away slowly.
"Coordinates locked in, the Louisiana Bayou"
Joker waved his hands above several computer screens each displaying a different monster-plant related scenario which the crazed clown seemed to control with his high-tech gloves.
"Kobra Venoms got nothing on good ol' Joker Venom" Joker laughed maniacally as he continued to manipulate the plants worldwide.
"Both work well in concert" Count Vertigo added as Joker continued his rampage. Poison Ivy leaned down and hugged a root of the giant plant that extended towards the ceiling.
"Yes, but we are putting considerable strain on my baby" Ivy tightened her grip on the plant causing part of it to turn a bright shade of green.
Albedo approached the stem of the plant with a device and pressed several buttons as the plant began to surge with energy. "There's always a cost to victory"
Wotan floated above him and chanted a mystical spell that caused his fists to be enveloped in an orange glow as well as heal some over used or injured sports on the giant plants stem.
"We will keep her safe and healthy Ivy" Vertigo assured before turning to Atomic Skull who was standing next to an outlet like pedestal "But she requires more power!"
Skull said nothing as he entire head became consumed by a radiating energy which then extended into the pedestal and funneled through the roots and into the steam of the plant causing it to grow several long leaves and for it to thicken considerably.
Albedo smiled "Stunning what a little teamwork can accomplish."
Suddenly a loud alarm began sounding throughout the headquarters "Intruder alert!" Vertigo announced as Albedo looked at his handheld device that produced green radar like beeping.
The ride to Louisiana was undoubtedly quite as Alex sat next to Robin and he looked over at her noticing she was tense.
"So what do you plan on doing once you find him?" Kid asked munching on a banana simultaneously.
"I'm going to make sure to destroy his omnitrix and hope he doesn't try to flirt with me" Alex said as softly as possible.
"Flirt?" Kid asked
"Since he is stuck in the form of a human I'm what he calls worthy and at least intelligent enough to be with him because he can't return to his galvan form" Alex said
M'gann put hand to her head in distress grunting slightly.
Alex looked over immediately "What's wrong?"
"She's dizzy" M'gann said trying not to lose focus.
"Who Artemis?" Kid asked looking over to the archer who shook her head.
"I feel fine" Artemis noted as Alex realized what M'gann was talking about.
"Not her, the Bioship" Alex looked over to Megan who nodded.
"Can't keep camouflage, barely keeping altitude" Megan focused her thoughts on helping the ship stay in the air.
Vertigo sent his mental attacks into the air in the direction of the intruder hoping to get him or her to reveal themselves and his hope was fulfilled as the red and black ship came into view, Vertigo pointed up at it and yelled out "There it is Black Adam, Go!"
Black Adam leaped into the air and landed a ground shaking punch to the under belly of the Bioship knocking it from its place in the air and sending it into the swamplands below.
Adam jumped onto the roof of the ship and ripped a hole open in the center just big enough for him to see the team. This action caused M'gann to grip her head in pain.
"He's hurting her!"
Alex growled and covered her fist in mana before right hooking Black Adam off of the ship and into the water.
Vines wrapped themselves around the ship and dragged it underneath the swamp water. Artemis watched as the water poured into the ship in massive quantity.
"No way I'm almost drowning three nights in a row" Artemis grabbed a miniature oxygen tank from her belt and pressed it to her lips and taking a deep breath before handing it to Kid who raised an eyebrow before grabbing it.
"Thanks?" he took a deep breath and dived underwater as Alex slapped the Ultimatrix and emerged as Amphibian.
"Miss Martian open a hatch"
"Duh" She said slapping herself in the forehead and morphing gills into her neck before diving under the water and opening a hole in the floor allowing everyone to swim to safety.
They walked onto a small grassland and watched the vines drag the ship further under the water.
M'gann brushed the hair from her eyes and looked over to the team "She's in shock; she'll need time to recover" Just as she finished everyone but Alex were all brought to their knees by a massive headache brought on by some sort of mental attack.
Kid managed to get to his knees and look the villain in the eyes "Vertigo!"
"That's Count Vertigo to you, peasant"
Alex sent a mana disc into Vertigo's stomach knocking him backwards for a moment. Conner jumped at him but was sent to the ground by bone breaking right hook from Black Adam.
'Miss Martian and Robin disappear and achieve the mission objective; we'll hold the rest of them off'
The two nodded before leaping into the jungle and disappearing as ordered.
Alex slapped the Ultimatrix and transformed into Fourarms before helping Conner to his feet.
Black Adam jumped at them again but was propelled through a tree and into the mud by two of four fists from Fourarms.
Fourarms approached the fallen Adam but suddenly felt a sharp pain run through her entire body. Red electricity surged through her until it ceased and left the smoking Fourarms to catch her breath. The red electricity jumped to the ground before forming into a tiny ten inch tall battery with red eyes and a red hourglass symbol on his chest.
"Miss me, Alex?" the battery spoke in a fast and high-pitched voice.
"No." Fourarms turned around to face the alien "Let's not stand on ceremonies Albedo"
"Let's show these beings something impressive, shall we?" the living battery slapped the hourglass symbol on his chest transforming him into a massive white humanoid with red armor and glowing red eyes. The red Ultimatrix symbol was plastered clearly on his chest.
Fourarms was slightly shocked "Okay, big guns from the top" Fourarms slapped the Ultimatrix symbol causing a bright green light to engulf the entire forest with Alex emerging as the same creature as Albedo with the only difference being her figure,  the color of her eyes and Ultimatrix symbol which were both green.
"Way Big" the alien bellowed as she was now at eye level with Albedo. Birds flew from their perch in the tall trees as they sensed a great battle ensuing.
Way Big threw the first punch being blocked by Albedo who countered by grabbing hold of Way Big's fist and pulling her in for a devastating side kick that knocked her into the water and caused a slight earthquake from the sheer force of the attack, not to mention the enormous alien landing in one of the largest swamp's on Earth as if playing in a puddle.
"You're good, better than I remember" Way Big rubbed her head before standing up once again.
Conner, Aqualad, Artemis and Kid Flash were all stunned by the power of these two titans fighting above them. Vertigo and Adam were just as stunned until Vertigo realized this was a perfect opportunity as Atomic Skull arrived and evened the playing field.
Conner was struck in the back by a radiating energy blast sending him face first into the mud, Skull continued to keep him pinned with his natural energy.
Artemis noticed first and sent an arrow at Skull who paid no attention to her. The arrow was intercepted by Black Adam who caught it and allowed it to explode in his face which caused no visible damage. Adam flew over and grabbed Artemis by the neck and began to squeeze ever so slightly which slowly cut off her ability to breathe.
Kid sped over at Super Sonic speeds made sure to punch with all his force and when his fist connected with Adam's abdomen an audible cracking noise filled everyone's ears. Adam dropped Artemis to her knees and allowed her to gasp for air as Adam clutched his stomach and searched for his own source of air.
Kid fell to his knees clutching his arm and screaming in agony.
Way Big heard this and looked over to the scene as Adam collected his second wind and approached the two heroes with intent to kill.
Aqualad was battling Vertigo and holding his own but too distracted by constant mental attack to notice Kid and Artemis' situation. Conner was still fighting against Skull's radiation which no longer had him pinned.
Way Big herself was in a dead lock with Albedo as their fingers were interlocked and they pushed against each other with every bit of power the other had. Way Big collected her thoughts and lifted a foot out of the swamp water bringing moss and seaweed with her. Way Big slammed her foot into Albedo's chest sending him several hundred feet back or just a few feet relative to his size. Albedo landed on his back and watched as Way Big crouched down to get a better look at Adam who only realized Way Big was watching after seeing his entire body becoming eclipsed by the massive To'kustar's shadow. The evil wizard turned around to face his opponent.
"Hi "
Adam gulped audibly as Way Big leaned her fist inward towards him and extended a single finger flicking Adam out of the area and into the wall of their Headquarters nearly a quarter mile away.
"That's for hurting my friends"
Artemis grinned up at Way Big before becoming distressed.
"Uh you should-"
She was interrupted by Albedo tackling her away from the scene; the force of the attack was so strong that a gust of wind pulled Artemis, Kid, Vertigo, Skull and Conner off the ground and several feet away each one landing with a thud.
"Albedo you fool! Watch where you are going!" Vertigo screamed as Albedo pinned Way Big to the ground and began pummeling her into the water. Each hit shaking the ground and causing a slight Earthquake.
Conner looked up and saw Skull shaking his head and trying to get his balance back, Conner used this to his advantage and leaped towards the radiating villain before landing an uppercut that sent him into the air and through a mound of trees, tangling him within their vines.
Conner looked over to Artemis who had Kid's head in her lap and tried to ease the pain to the best of her ability. She shook her head and pointed over to Vertigo who had Aqualad pinned to the ground with a barrage of mental attacks. Conner leaped into the air and drop kicked Vertigo into a tree knocking him unconscious. Conner walked over casually and ripped the mind altering device from his ears and crushed it in his hands.
They all shared a look before looking up to the overwhelming giants who battled it out even now.
Way Big placed her feet on Albedo's chest who still had her pinned before pushing him off with all her strength, they landed a long distance from each other before both got to their feet.
"It's time to end this" Albedo said before crossing his arms with one vertical and the other horizontal.
"You took the words right out of my mouth" Way Big followed Albedo's example and crossed her arms in the same way.
After several seconds of utter silence, Albedo and Way Big let loose an enormous blast of blue cosmic energy at each other. The two blasts met in the middle and once connected caused a force to rip through the jungle area and launch the unconscious villains and victorious heroes into the air hurling them through the swamp.
Way Big struggled to keep her ground as Albedo did the same, they both tried to gain the upper hand as suddenly an explosion rocked the Injustice League headquarters causing the massive plant that sprung from the top to come barreling down to the ground in a ball of fire.
Albedo went wide eyed as both of them ceased their attacks.
"Your friends have been beaten; even you can't take us all at once by yourself"
Albedo looked over at the burning headquarters and then back to Way Big.
"Another time then?" Albedo slapped the Ultimatrix symbol on his chest and was gone. He could be invisible or simply too small to be seen, either way he was gone.
Way Big sighed and stepped onto dry land before crouching down to her teammates.
Poison Ivy and Joker were tied together and sat next to Black Adam, Vertigo and Atomic Skull who were all unconscious.
Way big rubbed her cheeks as she could feel the pain she had received from her fight with Albedo "Wotan escaped?" she asked looking at the others as Kid wore a sling around his neck to hold his arm, he was also supported by Artemis who smiled at him causing them both to blush.
Way big reached her hand into the swamp bringing the bio-ship out and setting her next to the team.
"Wotan left when he saw the plant getting destroyed" Robin announced looking over at the pile of beaten villains.
Way big slammed her hand on the ultramatrix symbol changing back into Alex.
She smiled at Robin "six out of seven that isn't to bad"
"So after all that, he still got away?" Conner said looking over to the enormous scorched area of swamp and tree.
"Albedo is smart, very smart, making every one of his transformations even more dangerous. But he knows when he can't win"
"Impressive" Vandal Savage spoke as he watched a multitude of monitors all projecting the world-wide attack of the plant creatures "The plant creatures have proven their usefulness as potential weapons, more importantly, the so called heroes believe our secret society has been revealed and crushed"
Vandal walked up to the line of people standing in front of him "With the Injustice League standing as our proxies, we are once again free to operate with impunity" Vandal turned to face the people in front of him.
Albedo stepped out from next to them and smiled "And shadows still conceal our light"

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