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Alex launched up from her position in bed, panting audibly and sweating profusely. Her entire half of the bed was drenched in sweat. She felt her pulse beating rapidly and she was never so relieved to wake up from a nightmare before. She lied back down calming down eventually falling asleep.

The next morning she groaned and walked into the nearby bathroom; she looked into the mirror and realized she looked horrible. Her hair was a mess there were dark circles under her eyes. Alex sighed and pulled her clothes off stepping into the shower, relaxing when the warm water soothed her sore muscles.

Alex walked out of the dorm hall and into the main hall where the Holo-ring was held. Alex watched from the sidelines as M'gann and Artemis sparred and Connor did the same with Robin. She watched them all interacting and felt happy. And then there was Wally who had a white cast wrapped firmly around his forearm as he had fractured it when punching Black Adam in the fight with the Injustice League. He sat in a lawn chair sipping from a fruity beverage and spoke to Captain Marvel briefly before the league member rushed to the kitchen quickly.
Alex walked forward as Black Canary praised the heroes for their good work "Good work everyone, in fact it's been a very productive for all of you." Black Canary spotted Alex and raised an eyebrow "Care to join us in mandatory training?"
Alex shook her head nonchalantly and stepped forward "I have things to do"
"I thought you might say that so I added mandatory to my sentence" Canary crossed her arms across her chest.
"I'm not feeling it today" Alex said looking at the ground trying to forget about the night previous.
Canary looked at Alex before stepping towards her and calling her away from the others. Once they were a good distance from the others, Canary stared at Alex for several seconds as Alex awkwardly stared back.
"What?" Alex asked.
"I'm trying to figure out the last time you had a full night's sleep"
Alex looked surprised, "How did you know that?!"
"I have degrees in sociology, psychology and psychiatry. I can tell when a teenager isn't getting enough sleep. Lay off the late night video games and late night training"
Canary uncrossed her arms and placed them firmly on Alex's shoulder "Care to talk about what's apparently driving you mad?"
Alex was about to confess when she noticed the Zeta tubes activating "maybe later" she said heading towards the tubes.
"Recognized: Zatara 11"
Zatara stepped out with an oddly long top hat and cane as if he showed up in full uniform for some reason. As he stepped out of the teleporter, he pulled the Zeta Tubes own holo-computer up and began typing in numbers and letters.
"Access Granted: Zatanna Zatara A03 Authorization Zatara 11"
The teleporter revved to life again as a yellow flash of light produced a teenager wearing a school uniform and looking no older than fifteen. Her jet black hair swayed as she stepped nervously further into the Cave.
"Zatanna this is the team" Zatara said waving his cane in the group's direction.
"Hi" she spoke low and nervous "Its uh nice to meet you all"
Alex held out her hand to greet the newcomer. "Alex Tennyson, team leader"
"Hi" Zatanna laughed nervously "But I already said that" she shook her hand as she motioned to the rest of the group.
"This is M'gann, Artemis, Robin, and Conner. Aqualad is on the team too but he's in Atlantis dealing with something about a starfish."
"Can't wait to get to know you all" Zatanna smiled as Robin began staring.
"So is uh Zatanna joining the team?" Robin asked with a hint of excitement in his voice.
Alex looked over to Robin a little surprised.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, this is strictly a visit" Zatara replied before talking to Canary about something incoherent.
M'gann walked over and stood next to Conner "Does anyone get the impression we're still on probation with Zatara?" M'gann asked through the telepathic link with the present members of the team.
Conner gestured to the kitchen where only he could hear the rustling of someone cooking and the smell of cheese being prepared "Not just Zatara, I mean, why is Marvel still around?"
Wally smiled and rubbed his cast "Because we like having him around"
Artemis jabbed him lightly "You like having him around since he waits on you hand and foot"
"Your point is?"
"It almost makes me miss the whole monotone 'take care of yourselves' thing that Red Tornado used to say" Robin commented crossing his arms.
"If you ignore the fact that we shouldn't have trusted him! He was a traitor that almost got us all killed!"Conner exclaimed angrily.
Zatanna stepped forwards, "Are you guys having a psychic conversation? Cause I can't decide if that's cool or really rude."
The team had been so used to discussing things through M'gann's telepathic links, that they had been as animated and active as they would be in a spoken conversation. Now, Zatanna and the Canary were staring at them accusingly.
Alex sighed "Alright fine, we were talking about the Reds." Alex turned to face the elders "It's been weeks since they attacked us and even Batman hasn't found them or if he has, he hasn't mentioned anything to us"
Canary shared a brief look with Zatara before turning back in the team's direction. "The League is searching for Tornado as we speak; we will find him and the other androids that invaded the cave as well as their creator, Tio Morrow"
"But you've found none of the above" Robin added.
"Not yet, Tornado is Justice League, the team is not to pursue this" Canary made herself clear.
Zatara took his hat off and looked around the room, "Maybe you could take Zatanna on a tour of the cave?" He slowed down as he searched for his daughter and somehow found her several feet away petting Wolf generously.
Captain Marvel flew in from the kitchen with a hot plate of Nachos and landed gently next to the team, "A tour sounds fun."
Conner stepped forward, "Actually I was wondering if you could take Wolf out for some exercise."
Alex stepped in, "Yeah we'll join you in a few."
Marvel nodded excitingly, "Yeah of course, I can do that!" Marvel looked over to Wolf who spotted the steaming plate of cheese and ran over following him outside.
The team walked Zatanna down a hall as she caught up to Alex in the front. She was now suddenly wearing a lavender spaghetti strap, white denim jeans and flip-flops.
Robin raised an eyebrow, "How did you-"
"We're not taking a tour, are we?" Zatanna asked cutting him off.
"Nope, we're finding that android" Alex replied stopping and receiving approving nods from the rest of the team.
"Wow, out loud and everything" Zatanna crossed her arms across her chest and smiled.
Artemis stepped forwards, "What about new girl?"
"I'm sure she won't tell" Robin shrugged and smiled.
Zatanna looked over at the room with her father and Canary who were still talking casually.
Alex looked at the sorceress and smiled "Ever been to the Tower of Fate?"
"Uh, that's the center most point of magic in the entire Nexus of Reality, so no I haven't been there" Zatanna finished her sentence sarcastically and folder her arms again.
"Do you want to go?"
"Excuse me?"
"Do you want to go to the Tower of Fate?"
Zatanna was dumbfounded "Okay, one, are you bribing me? And two, how does someone like you get access to the Tower of Fate?"
"I lived there for 5 months it's practically home for me," Alex said crossing her arms proudly.
"Okay, so you're bribing me?"
"No, it just so happens that the Tower is our first stop in the search for Red Tornado and if you went with us, I could give you access to some of the best magic libraries in all of time and space"
Zatanna glanced back at her father and smiled, "You drive a hard bargain, so I'm in."
Alex smiled, "Great! Let's get going!"
"I'll prep the Bio-Ship" M'gann announced as she floated into the air slowly.
"It'll take too long, plus I'm thinking something with a little more pizazz"
"What has more pizazz than a Martian biological air-craft?" Wally asked attempting to poke fun at Alex.
"Everyone join hands"
"For the record, I'm against what you're about to do" M'gann stated grabbing Alex's right hand
"What exactly do you plan on doing?" Conner asked as Alex's eyes flashed a bright pink.
"Portallus Projectum" a pink tornado swirled around them before engulfing them completely with a flash of pink light, they were gone.

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