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Taipei, September 7th, 7:20PM
A news reporter stood in front of her camera man with microphone in hand and a bright smile plastered on her face. She looked directly into the camera and motioned to the events behind her.
"This is Cat Grant reporting from Taipei where the historic peace summit between South Rhelasia and North Rhelasia has completely broken down. As a last resort Prime Minister Tsang of South Rhelasia and General Sing Mon Li of North Rhelasia has agreed to bring in an independent arbitrator but, who is it? Speculation has run from the secretary general of the United Nations to Superman but, the man of steel seems unlikely as I'm told the arbitrator is due at any moment by car."
As the crowd circled around the steps of the building one red haired man in dark sunglasses and a suit similar to a body guard's stepped behind a pillar and placed his finger to his ear. "Alex here" the man heard this voice and raised an eyebrow "Where's Aqualad?"
"I'm the Team's Leader..."
"Oh" the man cleared his throat "This is Red Arrow"
"I figured, what's up?"
"I need access Justice Leagues Database"
Alex walked into the holo-ring where training and mission briefing was done in the cave as Red Arrow continued. "As well as the exact height of the League of Shadows Assassin known as Cheshire"
"Checking" Alex pressed buttons on the computer as a Holoscreen appeared and displayed the information the Justice League acquired on Cheshire along with a picture. "Cheshire is 1.67 meters tall"
Alex smiled "She's five foot six dude and very dangerous. Do you need back up?"
"Please, the last thing I need is the Junior Justice League" Red Arrow tapped the frame of his glasses and looked out into the crowd.
"No, you just need our computer, you don't have to be rude about it I just wanted to see if you needed help bye then"
September 8th 6:41 AM
Alex walked across the room and into the entrance hall seeing M'gann walking in as well. Behind her were Red Tornado and Martian Manhunter and they slowly approached Superboy as he worked on his bike with Sphere sitting behind him. Aqualad walked alongside them in his Atlantean armor.
"Ready for school?" M'gann called out as she floated next to the half-kryptonian. "I made our lunches"
Martian Manhunter approached them "The first day of the scholastic season holds great significance and cultural resonance; we want to wish you both well."
"Guess it's not a Kryptonian thing."
Alex chuckled "You may want to change before you go"
"Oh I spent hours working on this outfit!" Megan's costume morphed into a white tank top under an open long sleeved crop top sweater, a skirt that extended down to her lower thighs and knee high socks. "Meet Megan Morse! What do you think can I pass for an Earth girl now?"
"Well..." Alex said looking at M'gann's green skin.
"Just kidding!" Her light green skin tone changed to a milky Caucasian color.
Megan turned to Superboy "What's your human name?"
"My what?"
Aqualad chuckled "I certainly hope you don't expect to register in school as 'Superboy' do you?"
Martian Manhunter morphed into a bald African American man wearing a business suit. "I selected John Jones as my human name and suggested John Smith for Red Tornado. You could be a John too"
"I've always thought you looked a lot like a Conner" Megan suggested.
"Sounds... appropriate"
Aqualad spoke up "A last name will also be required"
"Perhaps Kent?" John suggested.
"Oh in memory of Dr. Fate, the late Kent Nelson"
John morphed back into his Martian form "Of course"
"I guess it would be an honor or something" Superboy said as he turned away.
M'gann turned to Alex and gave her a hug "Are you sure you don't want to come?"
"If I did go I would be in middle school and I'm supposed to be in high school but with turning younger I don't know."
"We could have them make an exception with your intellect you can get in easily" Martian Manhunter said
Alex smiled nodding "I will speak with Black Canary about this then"
Alex used her time healing her injuries with her mana getting rid of the bandages once her injuries were gone she mediated in the living room. Suddenly the coms link beeped audibly from the holo-computer that wasn't currently visible. Alex squealed in surprise as she fell to the ground loosing her concentration. Alex pulled the computer up and answered the call.
"Uh Cave to whoever this is..." Alex said rubbing her back from the fall.
A familiar voice spoke through the computer "It's me; I may possibly be in over my head"
"The unification is unthinkable!" the Prime Minister spoke loudly in the discussion with the mystery arbitrator who happens to be Lex Luther and General Sing of the opposing nation "Our nations no longer have anything in common!"
Red Arrow stood behind Lex and the two leaders alongside their body guards.
"Gentlemen, spite you differences you still share an appreciation for many things, such as the exquisite art of the Rhelasian Tea Ceremony." Lex motioned to the crowd as it split to reveal a women dressed in ceremonial clothing pushing a cart with tea pots placed neatly on top.
As she approached a thirteen year old in a green hoodie and black t-shirt turned around and placed a glowing pink hand out motioning her to stop. "That would be far enough, Cheshire"
Red Arrow drew an arrow from his quiver and aimed it at the assassin in disguise.
Cheshire smiled before pressing a button on the cart's handle and hurling it at the crowd.
Alex placed a mana shield between her and the cart just as it exploded, the force was powerful enough to rip Alex's hoodie to pieces and cause her to be pushed back slightly but, the shield held. The windows were shattered and most of the room was in shambled but the people in danger were untouched. Alex let her shield fall as she fell to her knees.
Red Arrow stepped beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Sorry about that still a little weak but I'll be fine"
"Fights not over" Red Arrow pulled another arrow from his quiver and aimed it at the open windows as a helicopter came into view with soldiers piled in.
"Damn it" Alex stood up and ripped her torn hoodie off.
Alex's eyes glowed pink as her hands became enveloped in mana.
Alex tossed a disc of man at Cheshire's feet whom managed to dodge and managed to leap into the air with expert accuracy putting distance between her and the two heroes. She landed and pulled two Sai from her dress.
'Where was she holding those?' Red Arrow shook the thought as a helicopter came to the windows level and unleashed half a dozen League of Shadows agents into the room.
Both Tsang and Sing ordered their men to assist Alex and Arrow. The men lined up next to the heroes and pulled out their pistols firing rounds at the agents who dodged most of the attacks however, occasionally a bullet would make contact with an agent but, they met the heroes before that happened.
Behind them Sportsmaster stepped off the helicopter and narrowed his eyes at Alex.
Alex put a shield up in front of Red Arrow and herself giving Arrow cover to fire his arrows from. "Didn't know you could do this" Arrow said as he launched an arrow at an agent who caught it but was caught off guard when it exploded in his face.
"Yeah I mainly use my watch though"
Suddenly Cheshire threw her Sai with such accuracy it made a small cut on Arrow's cheek before passing him. "I'll take Cheshire you take Sportsmaster!"
"With pleasure"
Alex pushed her shield forward knocking several agents down in the process.
Sportsmaster approached her and watched as Arrow jumped at Cheshire.
"I owe you an ass kicking for last time, don't I?" Alex cracked her knuckles as she approached the assassin.
"Don't recognize you" Sportsmaster said charging at Alex swinging a sharpened javelin like a bow-staff. Alex barely dodged under his attack sending a pink disc into his back knocking him to his knees.
"You're that shapeshifter. Your better than I thought. Still better than your gang did in Santa Prisca or Bialya"
Alex's eyes widened at this "How did you-"
"Let's just say I have an inside source... Very inside"
Sportsmaster whirled around and launched his javelin at Alex who put up a shield just in time to protect herself from the explosion. The shield fell to pieces as Sportsmaster's fist came through the smoke and caught Alex in the jaw sending her to the ground. Sportsmaster stepped over her and pulled a device from his belt which extended into a javelin.
"Sorry but a kid is just a kid"
A green flash erupted from underneath him causing him to shield his eyes, "I guess when you're out of options" a voice that sounded as if it was speaking under water spoke from under the assassin as he felt his boots slowly burning. "Sorry, I'm kinda made of acid"
Goop laughed as her gravity disk pulled her up and around Sportsmaster bringing her to eye level. "I'd run if I were you"
Sportsmaster looked over to Cheshire who was on the ropes.
"I told that girl to bring more than a few Sai" Sportsmaster slammed a smoke bomb on the floor and disappeared. Cheshire saw this and rolled her eyes before doing the same. The remaining ninja's leaped into their helicopters and took off into the sky as Red Arrow went to shoot an arrow at them but realized he was out and sighed.
"Can't win em all" Goop slapped the Ultimatrix as she reverted back into Alex.
A last ninja hiding in the shadows leaped out from behind a pillar and pointed a sword at Lex Luther who stayed perfectly calm. "Mercy" with that, Lex's female 'assistant' raised her left hand to the attacker and allowed her arm to open up into some sort of energy weapon and fired it at the Assassin who fell to the ground in a smoking heap.
"Gives new meaning to the 'arms' race doesn't she?" Lex quipped without breaking a sweat.
Tsang and Sing shook Lex's hand and congratulated and thanked him on saving their lives along with admiring his android body guard.
"They owe him their lives?" Red Arrow questioned as the news reporter from the previous night started her report on the events that took place.
"Yes, quite a coup for Lex Luther as with his leadership, North and South Rhelasia have agreed to sign the peace treaty that may eventually lead to reunification"
"I can't believe we just a solid for Lex Luther"
"We didn't do it for him, we did it for peace plus now that the treaty's been signed, the League of Shadow's contract should be mute" Alex commented as they walked out of the building and onto the sidewalk outside "So it's over"
"Is it? I heard what Sportsmaster said, do you really think there's a mole on your team feeding him Intel?"
"I guess I can't just disregard his knowledge of a mission he wasn't there for but, no one on my team is a traitor."
"And if you're wrong?"
Alex looked down at the sidewalk "I trust the whole team....but I will investigate"
"Your not gonna tell them?" Red Arrow raised his eyebrows in surprise.
"I don't want them to freak out over nothing and, if there is a mole, I'd prefer not to tip him or her off"
Red Arrow gave Alex a mock salute before turning away "Good luck with that"
"Wait a sec" Red Arrow stopped to listen "Tonight, you could have called the Justice League or even Arrow but, instead you called the Cave. Why?"
"You're right, the team deserves- has my respect. I'm still getting used to this solo thing but, if you need me? I'll be there" Arrow stuck his hand out for Alex to shake which she smiled and accepted gladly. Red arrow ruffled her hair "still can't believe they made you leader" he said with a small smirk. Alex glared at him fixing her hair as he teased her playfully.
Lex Luther poured two drinks in his pent house suit on the tallest floor of the tallest condominium in Taipei. He picked up the glasses and moved to his guest.
"That went well, the shape shifter was unexpected but, both Li and Tsang were more than impressed with Mercy's 'equipment'. They are quite literally buying into the peace. Our plan to ensure the eventual reunification of Rhelasia under Lexcorps economic and political guidance is a success" he handed the second glass to his guest and they touched glasses briefly to toast to their success.
The guess an old man with a long grey beard and pointed jet black hair, he wore green ancient Chinese garbs with gold trim and smiled as he lifted his glass to take a sip. "And so, another corner of the world sees the light"

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