
'Hey Aunt Saudi' I call as I walk in the front door, 'Hello dear did you have a nice day at school today?'     'Yea, I gotta jump in the shower I'll be home late tonight.'         'Don't worry dear I'm going to be over at Jacks this weekend; you don't mind staying home alone do you dear?' Jack is Aunt Saudi's boyfriend they have been dating for over a year now. 'Of course not, go have a great time Aunt Saudi, don't worry about me I work all weekend anyways.' When there's no reply I know she gone to finish packing to go to Steve's. I can't really blame her considering she not really my aunt she was just a friend of my moms and when my mom didn't want me anymore she just dropped me off here with Saudi, I know she didn't want to raise me but she's the closest thing to family I've got. I know it won't last though when I turn eighteen she expects me to move out and get a place of my own. I don't mind I rather like the peace it will bring, and it's not fair for me to push myself on her any more than necessary. I love her dearly, and just wish to see her happy, it's the least I can do after all she has done for me. Ughh what to wear, what to wear? Probably just a pair of lucky brand jeans and a black tank top it'll help showcase my hair and if that doesn't work at least they will get an eyeful of boob, can't really go wrong there, Ha! Said no ever. It's stupid that J makes us wear this shit, seriously! But it pays well so I can't really complain too much, but working at a bar and club isn't really my thing to much skin and dirty little acts going on if you know what I mean. If I could find a place that pays more then what J does I would take it, wellll I don't know I wouldn't want to do that to J I mean besides the fact that he's totally drool worthy he's been really nice to me and has never tried anything less reputable even though his reputation says he would otherwise.


As I get to the bar, something feels off, I don't know what it is exactly. But something is telling me to run as far and as fast as I can. My flight or fight instincts kick in and since I'm not gunna run my adrenalin starts going my breath starts coming out in small rapid gasps, and my heart feels like it's trying to jump out of my throat. Okay, just breathe I tell myself. In out, in out, in out, slowly my heart stops trying to beat out of my chest, and I step out of the car. Nothing looks off to me but I know better my instincts have never been wrong before. The very first time it happened was when I met J, something told me he was dark and extremely dangerous, outwardly he looked normal but he smelled of death, I accidently said it aloud and he looked at me in astonishment then told me that it was because he was not living, he was a vampire. At first I just laughed and didn't want to believe him but the smell I couldn't deny. After working for J for a while I realized two things about him. One: he didn't screw around. Two: he doesn't lie to his staff, he says if he lies to us we would feel compelled to lie to him and he does not tolerate being lied to. I knew in my heart he was telling the truth, thank god he hasn't ever craved a little 'spirit' I snort ha yea right you just keep telling yourself that babe. Man I really need to get some help talking to myself, arguing with myself, yep serious in need of strong medications kind of help. But from the experiences I've had over the years I've learned to always trust my instincts, and that nothing is as it seems. I stay on high alert as I enter bottoms up, the bar where I work. Once the door closes behind me I feel as if a giant pressure is lifted off of me and I am able to let out the breath I have been holding in since I got out of the car. I walk back behind the counter and put my purse beneath the bar counter, and start stocking the fridge and bar, and get ready for opening. An hour into preparing and Josh walks in, I don't have to look up to know it's him he always walks heavy and has a distinct presence about him. He walks over to me and sits right across from me on the stool at the bar 'Hey Spear' he says as a way of greeting     'Hey Josh, what's going on? You're in awful early today.'     'Yea'     he says with a boyish smile 'was just dying to be around you' he says in mock seriousness as he puts his hand over his heart and paints on an; I bleed for you face. 'Ha! Ha! Very funny making fun of the little ginger kid, I see how you are.' I reply trying to keep a straight face, it doesn't last long however when josh lets out a loud booming snort, at that we both loose our composure and end up holding our stomachs and gasping for breath from laughing to hard. When the laughing and gasping die down and we've caught our breath Josh says     'you little? Pshaw girl, I saw you take down sparkle and she's a vampire and at least 6'4' he chuckles again     'Little my ass' he gets up and walks around the bar and starts getting ready himself, I just stand there in complete shock. Who told Josh Sparkle was a vamp? Humans aren't supposed to know other creatures exist. I guess since he works at Illuminate J's strip club where sparkle is one of the top strippers there I guess he could've over heard it, I'll have to keep an eye on him just in case though. I smile to myself, her real name is actually Sparkle and she's a vampire, it's quite ironic if you think about it really since twilight portrayed vampires as sparkly and this vampires name is Sparkle! Oh gosh, it's just too rich! Vampires aren't sparkly and they rather eat you then fall in love with you, well most of them, then there are some like J who just like crime, money, and sex. Besides all that, he is a really great guy and very yummy eye candy. If I was asked to describe how J looks in five words it would probably be "freaking hot dimple endowed hottie" which of course makes me bust out laughing again, earning a strange face from Josh. Whatever I think to myself, half the time I don't even know what to think about my own thoughts. Oh well! Josh and I get working at a good pace in comfortable silence for the next hour and a half. Ten minutes before opening as were topping off the ice Angel walks in; Angel is a waitress here at bottoms up and a stripper at Illuminate. She's also a Nymph like me but she is extremely beautiful compared to me and attracts people like a moth to a flame which is why she works at three of J's establishments. 'Hey baby girl" Angel calls to me as she unlocks the doors and walks to the other side of the bar. 'Hey sexy" I yell back at her as she walks into the bathroom and shuts the door. It's always been mine and angels thing to give each other nicknames to make us feel special we've been doing it since we met the first time three years ago when I first started working for J.     'What no love for me Ange?" Josh shouts at her     'Bwhahahaha, you know I love you josh'    'yea I know, how could you not love all this'     he motions to himself up and down and winks at me. 'You know me being your favorite person and all' he continues. Angels blonde head pops out of the bathroom door with a sly grin on her face she adds     'favorite? In your dreams baby cakes, by far Spirit is def. my fav! Sorry love.' She winks at me and blows him a kiss, then pulls her head back in the bathroom and starts humming "give me everything tonight" by pit bull. I just chuckle to myself and shake my head at them; life can't get any better than this, not with friends like mine!

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