Chapter 7

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Looking at this new comer, I instantly go on alert. Tobin instantly steps in front of me and puts his hands palm up as way of submission. Neither of the trolls dare move first, Tobin stands defensively in front of me, and the newcomer stands looking unsure of what to do. I tentatively step out from behind Tobin which seems to break the spell; all at once Tobin reaches for me, just as the new troll reaches for me. Tobin reaches me first and yanks me back behind him and growls at me, the new troll draws a sword looking ready to use it, and i know I can't just sit there and watch Tobin get hurt over me. "Wait!" I call out. "What is it you are after, we don't have any money or anything" I babble. "I'm not here for money, I'm here for you Spirit, so if this thing" she spat out with disgust "Will hand you over, then we'll be on our way." "What do you want with me, I don't even know you" I counter. "My employer hired me to find you and bring you back to him." she commented like it was the most obvious thing in the world. rolling my eyes I open my mouth to argue, but then what she said hits me, who would want to find me? not wanting to give myself away but damning myself for being so obvious I ask "Well who could it be that want's me, I don't even know anyone around here." " it doesn't matter if you know them, they know you; he described you perfectly right down to the dimple on your right cheek" she snarled at me. As I watch her more closely I realize she isn't in a fighting stance she's left the right side of her body completly open to an attack; she looks ready to kill but her body says something completly different.  She looks scared almost unsure of her next move, and something else that I cant quite figure out. Continuing to stare i realize Tobin hasnt made a sound in quite some time praying he didnt leave me i turn to face where i hoped he still stood. hes still there i think with a sigh of reilef but he is so still if i didnt know better i would say hes just being cautious but the longer i stare the more i see the same look reflected in his face as of that on the females, he looks almost in awe. "Oh my God" i exclame how did i not remember almost all otherworld creatures have life mates including trolls and if i would have to guess i would say Tobin just found his mate. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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