Chapter Eight: Wanting Harry

Start from the beginning

“We can’t go any farther.” Liam said.

“Harry’s ordered everyone to leave him alone. The only people who can go up there are people not in the pack, his parents and my parents.” Zayn said. “And humans.”

Louis nodded, and started up the stairs. “His room is the 4th door, on the left.” Zayn called out, as Louis reached the hallway. He walked to the 4th door on the left, just as Zayn said, and knocked lightly on it, knowing Harry could hear him. He didn’t say anything, just wait.

There was a noise on the other side, like someone growling and the door was ripped open, Harry’s eyes blazing as they landed on Louis. The eyes softened slightly, and allowed Louis to see the redness in them, seeing that Harry had been crying. Hard.

“What are you doing here?” Harry said, trying to be emotionless and closed off, as if that would protect him.

“I… I want to explain.” Louis said softly, looking at him, drinking the sight in.

Harry scuffed. “You rejected me, Louis, you don’t need to explain. I got the message, loud and clear.” He grumbled the last bit, but Louis could see tears welling up in his eyes again.

“I-… I didn’t mean to.” Louis said, “Reject you. I didn’t want to, I was just… Scared.” He admitted softly, stepping into the room.

It had been destroyed, the room. Tables had been flipped, chairs broken and the window smashed through. The bed was the only thing in one piece, but the sheets were another story. The bathroom, from what Louis could see, had a broken mirror.

“Why?” Harry asked. The question could have different means, but Louis decided to take it his own way.

“Why was I scared?” He asked, as if confirming. “Because you sprung something on me, something big and… I was scared you were joking, that this was your idea of a sick joke and were twisting with my feelings.”

Harry looked at him with a pained look in his eyes. “Louis… I wouldn’t…”

Louis nodded, and crowded into Harry’s space, wanting to feel him. “I know…” He placed a hand on Harry’s cheek, looking up into his green eyes.

Harry leant down, lips brushing over Louis’, before placing them down firmly, and kissing him. Louis moved his arms around Harry’s neck, clinging onto him and going up onto his tippy toes, so Harry didn’t have to bend down as far to kiss him. Harry’s arms went around his waist, pulling Louis flesh against him, as his tongue brushed over Louis’ bottom lip. The human let out a soft moan of want, opening his mouth for Harry, who let his tongue slide in with practiced ease. His hands moved to Louis’ waist, lifting him up. Louis let his legs wrap around Harry, letting out a small squeak of surprise when Harry’s hands moved to his bum, supporting the light human.

They continued kissing for a few moments longer, until Harry set Louis back down, softly, on his feet. He put his face into Louis’ neck, breathing his scent in deeply. “Please tell me Zayn or Liam didn’t guilt you into coming here or something.” He said softly, as if Louis could easily rip his heart out with a single word.

Louis hit him lightly, as if the idea offended him. It did. “No.” He said, “I came here because I want you, Harry.” He paused. “For some godforsaken reason.” Louis teased, but there was no heat behind the words. If anything, they were fond.

Harry laughed, “I want you too, boobear.”

Louis let out a low groan. Harry knew he found the nickname annoying. It was bad enough that his mother called him that still, but Harry finding out and calling him it? Unbearable. (He was lying. He loved Harry calling him that, but like hell Louis was going to admit that) “I’ll find an annoying name for you soon.” Louis pretended to threaten.

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