Chapter 2

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Troy Bolton and Oprah were like no other. Trump met them at a friend of a friends birthday party's few years ago, and they had been friends ever since.

It had always been Troy and Oprah, and Trump and Shrek. Then at one of their 'bonding nights' as Oprah liked to call them, it had become Troy and Oprah, as well as Trump and Shrek..

Three years have gone by since then, Troy and Oprah FINALLY completing college, and here we are today. Today is the day Shrek and Troy go out for lunch together, alone and without their significant other, to discuss...things.

"I want it to be something special, like nobody has ever done before. Send chills down her spine, you know?" Troy said to Shrek as they ate their cow fat.

"Me too, but I really have no idea how I'm going to ask Trump, she's just so..." He motioned with his hands.

"I feel you."

"So, got anything in mind for Oprah?"

"Well, actually..." Troy trailed off to devour his cow fetus. It was almost as good as the ones Oprah makes him to take to work most days. "I was thinking, you know since I've got access to all the fancy DJ music producer stuff at work that I might make her a mix, kind of like a life play list? I don't know, but I was also thinking I'd do the singing, so if you could help me in the booth..."

"Dude! That's genius! You're basically Bill Nye The Science Guy the way that you work that thing. Shrek said and they high-five.

Shrek's mind began to wonder. What was he going to do?

"Well, I really want to make this special for Trump though."

Troy nodded, "I know what you mean man. Once you find the thing that you want you will know it is the right choice. Find something she loves." That's the thing. Shrek knows so many things about Trump that his mind can't put together anything for the most ultimate proposal.

"Trump loves Kanye West; what if I booked a private concert in our house and then... No. Too much money. I can hardly buy clothes from the public malls." Shrek was scared. If only the almighty John Cena was here.

Shrek's thoughts were dancing around in his head. What if he does something wrong? What if Trump says no? The way her hair swoops is as bright as the sun. Shrek needed that in his life.

"What if I'm not read....y...."

"WHAT CAN I GET YALL" screamed the waiter while popping his gum. "My name is Billy. That's right. Billy Ray Cyrus. What can I get y'all?" Troy Bolton looked at Billy with a stern look.

"Listen Buddy, we already have food and my pal and I are trying to talk so can you please go? That would be a good idea." Troy was feeling pretty salty today.

Just then, the perfect idea came to Shrek's childish mind. What if he made a song and a hunt for her?

"Troy. I have a good idea... I hope. What if I made a scavenger hunt for all the first times we met and stuff? It will bring her to our first date, kiss, meeting you guys and all that."

"BRO! Yes! I'm going to help you out though. I guess we will be seeing each other everyday for a while."

"I guess so man. Whatever we can do to make this perfect."

A few weeks went by; Troy and Shrek were spending more and more time together every day. Trump and Oprah always suspected they were out doing 'guy things' like cow tipping or something. The guys have been meeting at Troy's work after hours and were writing Trump a song and making Oprah a play list. They had spent so many hours there they basically lived there. It was starting to be the new home swamp.

"Troy? Where have you been lately, you've been a little...checked out, I guess," Oprah asked one Friday night while they sat in their living room watching movies with Shrek and Trump. Troy glanced to Shrek who was too busy talking to Trump about running for president to answer, so Troy just smiled and made up a quick lie.

"Just like really busy at work and stuff. There's this new artist that I'm helping record and mixing stuff for him...I don't know if you've heard about him, but his names Adolf. He thinks he's like the next Adele or something. Super annoying and not even NEAR as talented as the Adele," Troy took a deep breath and hoped Oprah wouldn't see through his lie like she usually did.

"Cool, bro."

The next night while Shrek and Troy were working on Trump's song in the studio and planning things for the scavenger hunt; they heard a knock on the door.

"What do you want, it's like 10pm," Troy yelled and peeked through the window of the studio.

"Umm, my name is Bob. Bob Duncan, I don't know if you've heard of me but I work for Bobs Bugs Be Gone and I'm supposed to be here to get rid of your bugs," a balding man said from the other side of the door.

Troy groaned, his boss never mentioned anything about a bug problem, but then again his boss did call him Reggie or Becky, neither of which were his actual name. He pulled his long brown hair into a tight man bun before opening the door. When Shrek and Troy opened the door to their surprise he was wearing a spider's costume.

"To catch the bugs you must be the bugs." Bob whispered in Shrek's ear.

"Who is this guy?" Shrek whispered to Troy

He had no idea. The bug problem he had was this huge bug right here.

"IM GONNA SQUASH YOU LIKE A BUG" screamed Bob while he laid on the floor rolling around.

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