"Time for what?" Jade sat up confused

"It's time for you both to become the next Moon Goddess and God." The man stated.

"Pause. Why are you here? Who are you?" I stared down the, from his scent, dragon. He smiled.

"I am Drakon, Jade's father. Erik had me under his control I could not stop him, Forgive me for cutting down your men and attacking your mate." He bowed. I hummed.

"If she forgives you fine. We're done fighting anyway." He smiled nodding.

"Thank you."

"Now back to what you just said. When we gain that title, what will happen to you?" Jade questioned

"We'll return to my home, where we can live peacefully once and for all. We aren't the ones in charge anymore, but you can still call on us." Rose smiled.

"Because this time, we won't call nor come to you." Drakon smiled also.

"Ready?" I held Jade's hand nodding. She nodded also and we found ourselves standing on air over our packhouse with the moon in our sight.

"Jade, I pass all my authority and power to you. Lead, guide, protect, those of the supernatural races. Judge those who you see fit to be judged but, with no hate and with kindness always in mind. In the presence of he, and our predecessors. I now claim you Moon Goddess...." The moon glistened as Rose touched Jade engulfing her in its full light. Then she faced me.

"Daniel. All the moon God's before you perished before being able to fully take their place, hence you are the first." She took my hand "You duty is to your mate and Goddess first, then the supernatural races come into play. Your wisdom and strength will be the role alphas and leaders follow, your guidance will be in the ways of both peace and war. You are the spear where she is the shield. You are meant to guide those who are lost back to the light and judge those who you see fit with a just and kindness always in mind. In the presence of he, and with the stored powers of your meant to be predecessors... I appointment you the first Moon God."

Like Jade, the moon engulfed me in its light, unlike Jade a knew cold feeling rushed through me blowing my hair and clothes back. I shivered for a moment hearing, seeing, feeling nothing, then it all came back.

"How do you feel?" All of them stared at me as I stared at my hands.


"Then that's natural." Jade and Drakon laughed.

"Every decision on the supernatural world is now in your hands." Rose sighed as the silver glow around her disappeared, remaining around us.

"That's  awesome." I stared at Jade making everyone laugh.

Wait how long am I going to be prego since ya know, this is definitely not normal?" I chuckled at Jade's question.

"Two more months, three for the most. Your pups grow faster since you're from one of the highest supernatural races. They'll be fine as long as you don't overwork yourself and be safe." Rose explained then glared at Jade. "And you better! I want to see my grandkids as healthy as the goddess of life!!" Jade laughed.

"We'll see you when they're born. We have years to make up for now!" Drakon chuckled when Rose pulled him into her.

We reappeared in our room, still glowing faintly.

"They left." She blinked

I hummed sitting down on the edge of the bed and taking Jade with me. She instantly snuggled up with me and I nuzzled my face into her neck. I began to place light kisses on her neck and collar bone earning giggles from her.

"You're all mines.." I deeply inhaled her scent.

"This is going to be an interesting two or three months huh?" She mumbled into my ear. I nodded eyes on her baby bump.

"Babe..." I muttered looking up at her. She stared down at me

"Baby, I can feel what you're feeling, and with these extra hormones, you're turning me on." I gave her a cheeky smile proceeding to kiss her.

We continued making out. We lay on the bed with me under her. At some point, clothes were gone all I could feel was her.


*Jade and Daniel discussing about what they gonna do with the kids.*

Me: Well.... The twins are boys BTW. I should've let you vote.... ah well. I had a totally cool idea for the twins smaller sibling. Them being the overprotective ones.... yada yada yada!! Not telling~~~

A hybrid wolf rejected. (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now