Pulau Rintis

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Yaya's family was kind. They'd allowed them to borrow their back-up car and eat without expenses, and pay only RM30 per week for stay.

Ali, Bakar and Comot had been trying to spy on the house next door through the fences. They've spotted the power sphere that had been mentioned about in headquarters. Which mean they were on the right track. They'd also got to know the boy and his grandpa's name, Boboiboy and Tok Aba.

Yaya sometimes was seen floating in mid-air. But she was in control of it. That made Bakar curious that she has a relationship with Boboiboy and Ochobot too. They'd also tried to keep an eye on Yaya's actions but nothing she does is odd other than floating around.

Yaya had told them that night that her school, Sekolah Rendah Pulau Rintis, was having an open day tomorrow. Which for lucky. Ali can still study throughout his mission, and that means he could still live a normal life though he is faraway from home. At least for now.

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