Chapter eleven

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A few days past after that horrid supper, and Gilbert has been inviting me over less and less.

I guess he was just so busy with his new girlfriend and all, he didn't have time to hang out with me anymore.

I also had a strange feeling that Zoe didn't like me, but I wasn't so sure.

I mean, she was nice to me, but there was something in her eyes, it looked as though there was jealousy inside them.
I could be wrong of course, she is really a nice person.

One time, when I did go over and Zoe had gone to college,(which was just down town so she would be home every night), I noticed all of Prussia's antiques and his collections from his country were gone.

I asked him about it, and he said Zoe didn't know about the countries, and how she might tell other people about our secret.

I was horrified, I didn't want that to happen! I just became a country, and I realized then that a mortal could easily take that all away if they said something about it to another mortal, and that person to another, and so on.

I remember being quite nervous around Zoe that afternoon. I tried keeping calm and going about my business with Gil, but it was hard. She was always there, and all I really wanted was some alone time with Gil.

(Not that kind of alone time!)

Once it was time for me to go, Zoe almost seemed eager for me to leave.

I mean, she didn't push me out the door or anything, she just asked once in a while of what time I would be leaving.
Which to me, felt like a lot.

It was a little while after supper when I finally left. We said our goodbyes and I went to the car and got inside quickly. I held back a few tears and stared straight ahead.

I put the keys in ignition and started to drive.

That's when I let myself cry. I tried to swallow the pain as I drove, because driving and crying don't mix well.

I finally calmed down enough to get back home, and I parked on the side of the road. I walked up to our porch and entered very silently, and locked the door quickly.


I snuck back upstairs and laid down on my good old Canadian themed bed.

I was about to fall a sleep when I heard a huge crash from downstairs. I jumped and grabbed Kumajiro protectively. He whimpered and I snuck out of my room.

Alfred was also awake and was carrying his baseball bat. He was only in his boxers and snuck down the stairs after me.

We reached downstairs quietly and I peeked, I couldn't see anyone, but I wasn't so sure.

I looked up and saw Papa France and England standing at the top of the stairs with worried expressions.

I gulped and Alfred went ahead of me. He then whispered to me, "Don't worry Mattie, I AM the hero after all."

He began to tip toe to the kitchen and I followed closely behind him.

I glanced over his shoulder and froze.

I saw someone standing in the kitchen looking like he was holding something dangerous. He wasn't facing us, but he seemed to be looking at something.

Alfred snuck up behind him fairly quickly, I might add, and swung the bat as hard as he could against the robber's head.

He fell down with a huge THUD and I quickly turned on the light.

England and France came rushing downstairs as soon as the coast was clear and we took a good look at the culprit.
We all gasped as we turned over his body to see who it was.

It was Gilbert.


A little while later, Gilbert came to and had to explain why he had broken into our house.

"Vell, listen, I didn't mean to. I have been sleep valking for a vhile, und it vas getting out of hand." He said hurriedly.

I rose an eyebrow, "Uh...b-but your house was on the other side o-of town." I said confused.

He began to stutter a little bit. "O-oh! I vas valking downtown, zhen I fell asleep quickly. Don't vorry, I vasn't trying to hurt anyone. I...uh...I'm sorry, I zhink I vas drunk actually." He muttered.

France sighed angrily, "I don't understand. Were you drunk or not? Were you sleep walking or are you lying to moi?" He asked annoyed.

Gilbert rolled his eyes, "Ja, Ja, I vas drunk. Me und Zoe had a fight so I valked down to a nearby pub und gotten drunk. After zhat, I continued to valk und for some reason, I managed to valk all zhe way across town. I found your place und decided to crash for zhe night vhen I realized I couldn't get in. So my brilliant drunken mind had me grab a nearby rock on zhe ground and I smashed zhe window and I unlocked zhe door quickly. I stepped into zhe kitchen and had grabbed a drink of vater to sober myself up, und zhen I blacked out." He said truthfully this time.

We all were confused a little bit since his accent was hard to understand at times, but we all pieced it together. Papa France was generous and let him sleep on the couch.

When I heard about the fight between him and Zoe, I felt a little happier that he might even break up with her.
But of course, that wasn't the case. Not for a long while actually.


After, Prussia had crashed on our couch for the rest of the night. Not that anyone minded really, Papa France would let him or Spain crash at our place before me and Alfred were born.

So, did I tell you Prussia is three-hundred years older then me?

It's fine really, he doesn't age, so in the mortal world, he'd merely look twenty, and I only look sixteen.

Besides, I'm sure Papa France is older then Papa Britain.
So it would be okay for us to date anyways.

I've always wanted to know what it would feel like to date someone older.
Creepy I know, but oh well.
The morning after was fun.

Me and Prussia made pancakes for everyone, and we also set out sausage Gil went to get when he didn't see any in our fridge.

That day was literally one of my favourite days.
That is just one of the reasons why I love him.

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