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Okay guys, this is my first fanfic. I'm trying to make this really non-cringey. Please give feedback. I would really appreciate it. Also, there will be swearing and talk of drugs. So if it bothers you, don't read it. Lastly, thank you so much for reading.

Summer 2011

"Thank you Dallas! We are Risky Business and we are so happy to be here at Warped Tour. You've been an amazing crowd," Charlie tells the crowd before starting our last song.

It's not that big of a crowd but it's okay. Nobody really knows us. I think it'll be easier to get our name out there now though, since we're playing Warped Tour. And I'm happy that our set is pretty early so that we can party longer and watch other bands.

I stand up from my drum stool and follow the other girls off stage. We instantly grab water since it's so hot here. I mean, I'm not that hot because I have a little fan behind my drum kit but the other girls are dying.

"It's hot as balls," Lexi groans.

"I need alcohol," Danielle moans. "In ice."

"It's not that hot," I shrug.

"That's cause you get a fucking fan and get to sit while you play," retorts Lexi.

"Sucks to play bass," I stick my tongue out at her as we walk back to the tour bus.

"Shut up bitch," she says sassily.

"Both of you shut up," Charlie groans.

"Ah. Sweet air conditioning," Danielle sighs as we all make it onto the bus. Our manager, Carly, is sitting on the couch typing on her laptop.

"So-" I'm cut off by hearing my phone ring. It's been on the table the whole time we've been playing. I walk over and pick it up to see that my brother is calling.

"Hey," I pick up the phone.

"Hey, Al. How's the first day going?" Gerard asks.

"Is that Gerard?!" I hear Lexi yell from the bunk area.

"Good. We just finished our set," I sigh. "Yeah, Lex." I answer

"Tell him thanks again for the bus because we would have to shower inside if we didn't have it," Danielle says heading into the bathroom.

"They said thanks again for the bus, G," I tell him and put him on speaker so I don't have to go back and forth.

"No problem," he says. Gerard was the one who advised me to use their old bus and try to get on the Warped Tour lineup. And that was something we did by ourselves. I didn't have to tell them who I was. I've remained on the down-low the entire time. He and Mikey also helped me get Carly because she was a friend of their manager.

My brothers, Gerard and Mikey, are in a band called My Chemical Romance. They created it in 2001 and it completely blew up. I was nine when MCR was formed. Gerard was fifteen and Mikey was thirteen. Its kind of strange but my parents were kind of young when they had my brothers. But I'm lucky, because I grew up around music and it just helped me realize my passion sooner. Like my brothers, I love music.

However, it was decided to keep my identity as Gerard and Mikeys' sister a secret. They didn't want me to grow up with that kind of fame without wanting it. Therefore, when I joined Risky Business as a drummer, we decided to not mention to anyone

"How's your tour going?" I ask.

"Great. We're in Madrid right now. We just finished our set too. What time is it there?"

"Almost five. We have an earlier set," I answer.

"Okay well I gotta go. Mikey says hi," he says. "Listen Al, promise to be careful, okay?"

"I promise, G. I'm gonna take a shower then get drunk. Love you bye," I say then hang up.

"That was mean," Lexi says.

"I was kidding," I shrug and brush past the girls as I walk to the lounge in the back of the bus.

Just as I sit down on the leather couch, I hear footsteps getting closer. Sure enough, Lexi comes in and sits on the other side of the couch, across from me.

"Al," she sighs. Shit. I'm gonna get one of her dumb lectures. She's the oldest out of us, while
I'm the youngest, and she tries to mother us. I don't know why.

If I'm being honest, they're not exactly my best friends. I know you're supposed to be best friends with your band, but I'm just their drummer. I can't write music and the only thing I've ever cared to do was play drums. Although, they see me as practically their sister. I try to do my best, but I suck at relationships.

"What's wrong?" She asks me.

"Nothing. I'm fine," I shrug passively.

"Are you sure?" She asks and I nod. I just want to get a drink and go see some bands. "Okay. Just take a shower. You fucking stink," she gets up and walks out.

After we all take a shower, we all get dressed again and do a shot for good luck. We actually don't plan on getting shit faced.

I'm happy with my decision to wear acid wash jean shorts and a ripped Guns N' Roses t-shirt with black sandals. Since I couldn't be bothered to dry my hair, I left it damp. It would curl up a little when it dried naturally. Leaving it also gave me more time to apply foundation, a bit of highlighter, and mascara. They, however, all decided to be slow and dry their hair. Lexi has her blonde hair up and made the dumb decision to wear black skinny jeans. She's wearing a simple white t shirt with converse. She put in more effort with her make up as she is wearing eyeliner, dark eyeshadow, and red lipstick. Danielle left her blue hair down and is wearing a black tank top and black shorts. She doesn't wear make up that much so it's not a surprise that she's going without it tonight. And lastly, Charlie is wearing a Nirvana t-shirt with jean shorts. Her black hair is thrown up in a pony tail and her light make up compliments her brown eyes.

"Asking Alexandria is gonna be on any minute! Hurry your fucking asses up!" I say bossily dragging Lexi by the arm toward the large crowd at the main stage. We weave between many people trying to get as close possible.

We finally make it to the stage where Asking Alexandria will be playing just in time for the first song. Sadly, I'm kind of short so I can't see that well. We stay on the outside of the crowd so that we don't get caught up in the mosh pits.
We hear the beginning of Welcome and everyone goes crazy.

Asking Alexandria has always been one of my favorite bands. I've never met the band. But I hear that their all alcoholic douches. They make great music though.

The Rock Princess? { Ben Bruce Fic }Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя