The ballot box began to light up from the inside, the box it set shaking before it spat three pieces of parchment into the air. Emma reached up and grabbed them before she unfolded the first one to read the contents out loud, "The werewolf representative will be Adrian. The vampire representative will be... Kaleb. And lastly, the witch representative will be Josie"

The werewolves rose from their seats, applauding and cheering for their alpha who couldn't help but smile in victory. The vampires stood up, cheering for their representative. Mg had been the candidate but Kaleb had won which saddened him as the vampires around him started to applaud and dance in his honor. All of the witches except for the Saltzman twins looked pleased as Lizzie wore a look of horror and betrayal whilst her sister wore one of shock.

As all of the students in the grand hall cheered for the representatives, Adrian found himself searching for his girlfriend in the witch section but found her nowhere. Hope had left and he couldn't help but think that the reason for it was Landon.

"Thank you all for voting" Emma smiled as the pupils continued to congratulate their friends, "And congratulations to our newly-elected representatives"

The Aquilo alpha felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see who it belonged to. Jed and Owen stood behind the boy, both wearing huge grins on their faces. He sent them a smile, hiding the fact that he was strongly considering the thought his friends had put in his head and he really wanted to get rid of the human. He nodded, "Today"

Jed cocked an eyebrow, "As soon as we see him?"

"How fast can you find him?"

"Dude, we're werewolves"

The three male werewolves sat in Ms. Tig's office after being called in there. The boys had gone outside to search for Landon and found him crossing the backyard. Together, the males had jumped the human just like Adrian and Rafael had done the day before. The Aquilo boy had approached Landon in the yard and a fight broke out not a minute later thanks to the Kirby boy's rambling about the alpha acting jealous whilst he spent the with Hope.

The door to the office opened and a furious Emma stepped inside, "Gentlemen, do you know why you're here?"

"Well, it's not because of all the good we've done for this community, is it?" Owen questioned, the sarcasm clear in his voice.

The counselor creased her eyebrows in anger as she took a seat behind her desk, "There's a zero-tolerance violence policy at our school which you all know from previous experiences that the school doesn't take that kind of behavior lightly"

Adrian shifted in his seat, "Maybe it wouldn't have happened if you and Doctor Saltzman hadn't come up with that brilliant idea of yours. If anything the two of you are responsible for what happened to Landon"

Emma crossed her arms, "Are you admitting to harming another student?"

The olive-skinned boy shrugged, "No, I'm just saying that maybe you pissed someone off by forcing their girlfriend or boyfriend's hand to sign some fucking agreement to keep them apart"

The witch sighed, she realized that it had to have been personal and faced the other students, "Would you give us a moment?"

The males nodded and rose from their seats, ready to leave until an order from their alpha told them otherwise, "Sit down"

"Are you kidding me?!"  The werewolves turned around when they heard a female voice yell in the hallway outside the office.

𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now