Zoro X Reader: Best Winter Ever Part 2

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Soo sorry for taking so long I now present part 2 of 'best summer ever' hope you enjoy~

Oh yeah if you guys have Tumblr you can follow my one piece ask blog which is

Ask The Straw Hat Pirates

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Now lets begin!!

(Y/N) : Your name

(F/C) : Favourite colour

(E/Y) : Eye colour

(C/U) : College/University

(B/N) : Brothers name

(Y/C) : Your country


You were looking looking all over your brothers room looking for his stupid game luckily Zoro helped which made things a lot better.

"(Y/N) what are we looking for again?" Zoro asks

"This" you show an image of the video game.

"Oh this thing" He holds up the video game.

"What? Where was it I looked everywhere?"

"It was under the bed" he says and smirks at me.

"We'll whatever its not like it was a competition" you walk up to Zoro to take the game but fail to reach it as he holds it high so that you can't reach.

"Zoro come on" you say as you jump try to take the game.

"Well take it" He says and starts to laugh at weak attempt.

"Ok plan B"

"Plan B?" He looks down at me in confusion and you quickly tackle him to the ground and swipe the game out of his hand.

"Haha bet you didn't see that coming". You had a giant grin on your face but you where not aware of the position you were in until you noticed Zoro's red cheeks "Hey why is your face red?"

It was too late but you finally realised that you were sitting on Zoro, you could feel you face heat up and quickly got of him.


"N-no it's o-okay" great we were both flustered and and avoiding eye contact great!


"H-hey its getting late you wanna sleep? Not with me I mean sleep in my brother's room of course hehe" 'oh great more awkwardness great (Y/N)! Just great!'

"Yeah sure" He replies.

I get up and take out some a pair of my bro's old Pajamas and hand them to Zoro.

"Here you can wear these, goodnight" and I walked out.

~Time skip~

You had just woken up from a horrible nightmare and looked and your phone to see the time '12:00am'. 'Great I can't sleep, I wonder if Zoro is awake~ God I can't stop thinking about him'.

You make your way to your bro's room and slowly open the door and quietly make your way to the bed *poke* "Zo-" you were cut of by Zoro taking you to the ground.

"Ouch! What was that for?" You say wincing in pain.

"(Y/N)? Sorry I thought you were..nevermind what are you doing here shouldn't you be asleep?" He got off me and helped me up.

"Umm I had a nightmare and I thought..." the words couldn't come out of your mouth.

"Hey don't worry I'm here with you"


"Yeah now come on let's get in bed" he pulled you into an embrace and couldn't help but giggle in happiness.

"What?" Zoro asks.

"Well...I never thought Roronoa Zoro would be the cuddling type~".

"Whatever" He says.

The laughter dies out and you look up at Zoro "Hey don't you wanna go back to y'know your world?"

"Yeah I do I miss the crew and the adventure but.." He pauses and leans his for head against yours "...what's the point if your not there"

"Huh? Why me?" You wait for an answer only to realise that the marimo had fallen asleep, 'stupid marimo!! If you didn't looks so cute I would kick you off the bed'.

You ended up falling asleep a few seconds later



YAY! Hope you guys liked that if you did drop a comments and vote! And you have any ideas of what I can write or if you want a specific to happen please share and I'll do my best!!

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