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we just went home and sleep what you thought something good will happen?

the next day we did our normal routine when we reach the school we were shocked due to the sudden sports festival asano came up to us saying that we are both joining the sports the game was about to start we were forced to play so i came up an idea with len our enemy now is the E-class

we began to line up for the greetings when that was done karma suddenly appeared out of nowhere and said

"i heard about the fight between you and nagisa"

"so you've heard so what?"

"im gonna win this for nagisa and for my friends" he said

" hahahahahaha" i laughed loudly enough to attract many students to look this way but i didnt bother them and continued my sentence"you're gonna win this? what a joke you got there karma say karma don't you know

in this world: winning is about everything winners are validated and losers are denied until now I've never lost at anything and I wont in the future since I always win im always right if you opposed me ill kill you no matter who you are I stated emotionlessly. he just stood there hands clench and a blush formed in his face I don't know why he blushed but that's really cute

when we stopped chatting that's when the game began asano was in charge of our field and isogai was in charge of theirs

i didnt bother to tell asano our plan bacause that would ruin everything as we begin to charge me and len hid behind the E-class without anyone noticing it. the E-class set a diversion to keep them busy hehehe nice stagedy but for us that's only a child's play as soon as i look forward i saw them to see a already pin out mens that was one of asano's men then they began to ran to the bleachers all the the students charge at the E-class except asano now's our chance

we took out the 2 watchdogs of the topling then came down the topling we didnt even hesitate to bring down the wood for our victory then came the horrofying looks of the E-class when they saw they're log fell down

they were so wrapped out at taking out the A-class they didnt even see us coming. the announcer announce us the winners but before me and len leave i yelled to them "I SHOW NO MERCY TO THOSE WHO OPPOSE ME; KNOW YOUR PLACE PEASANTS" leaving them with only grief and dissapointment.


after the game we were both called by the devil himself we didn't bother to knock so we just came inside looking inside i saw asano and the other 4 foreign exchange student arguing with the principal since the tension is getting weirder i decided that to cut it by asking

"so principal what do you want from us?"

"ahh good timing rin len, could you rin tell me what is the meaning of defeat?"

"sorry principal but didn't you know that defeat isn't found in our vocabulary?"

"is that so could you please fight the both of them at once the 4 of you"

"tch" kevin said

Then I suddenly got an idea I decided to tease them a little bit

"Awww is the little bitty boy gonna cry and go to his daddy". I mimic a crying sound that was so funny

Len laughed so hard that made him roll onto the floor clutching his stomach then he stood up and continued teasing them until

They had enough of us they were angry can't blame them suddenly

they began to run torwrds me and punched me okay that caught me off guard but before that could happend len grab his hand and twisted it "did you know that Len and I defeated a black belt on the first day of training. You can't beat us no matter how you many times you.try to finish us off you know?"

"what did you say pipsqueak?" a guy angryly ask he then run torwards me but when he did i did a back flip to him then proceeded to kicked and punch them effortlessly when i was done i told them this "be careful who you mess with if you pick on my brother again i wont hesitate to kill you no matter who you are" giving them a cold icy emotionless glare then glance at asano gakushuuwho was leaning at the wall

Well who wouldn't you aren't expected to see a kid beating up others with blood all over the place

"well done as expected to the son and daughter of the kagami's" the principal said while clapping slowly.

"i had enough of this nonsense what do you want from us sensei?" I monotonously said

"like i told you rin i only want the E-class back to where it is"

"then why bother us?"

" i just want to see what my enemy is capable of doing that is all"

"........len are you ok with this kind of game we're playing?" we turn our attention to him

"i don't care what kind of game we play rin as long as you it occupies your happines then it's fine for me" he said

"fine principal we'll keep on playing this game until you admit absolute defeat but until that day comes be our toy"

"let's see about that but if i win the game you must be asano gakushu's but if i lost i will do whatever you want."

"but what about the contract you signed?" this time len ask

"that is another subject to talk about next time you could say that this is another contract the difference here is that rin is not safe ."

" we'll then we need to get going now principal since there is something we need to do"

"hmm now what is that?" asano ask now already fine by the fight that he had to see earlier

"that's for us to know and for you to find out" i said then len suddenly said

"please make this game interesting if but if the game will be boring we will be forced to end the game so please entertain us"

"oh we will"

then we left them there planning how to make their next move

 say your mine @.@  asano x rinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin