l e o n | m i x e d

Começar do início

So why was he sending me that! It only made me fall for him more. Those simple things were enough to make me get shivers.

I put my phone back into my pocket, a small smile on my face. I walk to the music room, and see Francesca playing on the keyboard. She was randomly pressing notes, with her elbow over the speaker.

"I was getting bored," Francesca complains.

"I am so deeply sorry for making you wait for two minutes," I say sarcastically.

"You better be!" Francesca laughs.

"So what did Diego say?" Francesca asks.

"What?" I splutter and she chuckles.

"I saw you smiled when you looked at your phone. That's how you smiled yesterday, this morning. It's your I'm in love with Diego smile," Francesca said smirking.

I didn't say anything for a while. Was I really that obvious? I wonder if Diego knew that I liked him, if I was that obvious!

"Well he just said that he would be late," I tell her and she nods.

"What else?" Francesca motions for me to continue, moving her hands in a go on motion.

"He might have added a kiss emoji," I blush and Francesca squeals loudly.

"Shut up!" I yell and she rolls her eyes, still squealing slightly.

"He's probably teasing," I finally say.

"Well he is a tease," Francesca giggles.

The door opens and the rest of the class walks in. Camila comes to Francesca, so I walk over to Federico, and start talking about the lighting for the show.

Halfway through the class, Diego still hadn't shown up. I guess he really is going to be late.


Half the day passed and Diego hadn't come yet. I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little worried. Francesca teased me throughout the whole day about how I was such an adorable boyfriend.

"You are so sweet! Such a caring boyfriend! Worrying when your boyfriend isn't turning up for classes!" Francesca swooned.

"We are not dating," I correct her and she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah yeah yeah, and I'm stupid and blind," Francesca said sarcastically.

I smirk. "The first step is to admit it,"

"Moron," Francesca hisses.

"Idiot," I argue.

That argument went on for a few more minutes. It did at least take me out of my worries for a few minutes.

I decide to go to the music class, so I could work on a song. Singing and playing always made me feel better. It always made me relaxed and calm. When I reach the music room, I hear something crash, followed by a few more things. I gasp and barge in.

I wish I hadn't.



Making out.

I could feel my heart break as I saw them. My heart shattered. I trusted him. But Violetta came first. Again. He chose her over me. He loves Violetta, and he doesn't love me. He was probably sick yesterday. It was simply silly of me to believe that we could be together.

Diego and Violetta realize my presence, and break apart. They don't distance themselves, they stay close together. And just like that my sadness vanished, and it was replaced by anger. For leading me.

"Violetta. Leave," my tone was firm, and my gaze was narrowed.

She didn't waste a second as she scurried out the room, closing the door behind her. The blinds were already closed. Diego and I didn't do anything for a minute. We just stared at each other. Or at least he stared at me, I glowered at him.

"So you like me huh?" I scoff coldly.

"Listen, Leon. That wasn't what it looked like. Okay, never mind, it kinda was. But it's just-" I cut him off from his pointless rambling.

"You're just in love with her, and you decided to play with my feelings. You decided it would be fun to act like you liked me, and then kiss me, and then break my heart," I seethe and he swallows hard.

"I broke your heart?" Diego asks, more to himself than to me.

"Yeah you did! I actually believed that maybe we could be together! I actually thought, hey, maybe Diego likes me!" I shout and I didn't notice him taking a few steps closer to me.

I didn't notice until his chest was almost touching mine.

"A-and, I really f-fell for you," I stutters and Diego smirks.

I gulp. "Don't smirk,"

Diego laughs. "Aw, why not?"

"B-because you are in no place to smirk!" I say defiantly.

"And besides! I'm angry with you! I hate you!" I shout.

Diego doesn't reply.

He simply presses his lips to mine, and captures them in a passionate kiss.

And just like that, my anger disappeared.


These guys love kisses 😏😏 This was a terrible chapter :/ It's kinda why I added a kiss, to make up for it! Next up, Diego!

Are you angry with him? For kissing Violetta? Tell me what you think! Thanks for reading! Sorry for any errors 💚

~Lexy 😈

Hidden Feelings | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora