Chapter 20

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2 months later~

A gentle breeze carried the scent of pine throughout the forest. The warm sun shined down on Marinette as she traveled down her well known path. She was holding a fresh bouquet of flowers.

She stopped when she reached the two tombstones with her parents' names etched on it. She knelt down beside them, gently laying the bouquet up against the stone.

"Hi mama, hi papa," Marinette said softly. "I miss you more each and every day." Her eyes then travelled to the newly placed tombstone with the name "Alya Cesaire" etched onto it.

Marinette smiled softly and placed a bouquet of flowers next to Alya's tombstone. Her eyes watered. "I miss you," she whispered. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

Strong arms were suddenly wrapped around Marinette's waist, startling her. They squeezed her tight. Blonde hair brushed up against her face and soft lips pressed her cheek.

"Hello, my soon-to-be Queen," Adrien whispered.

Marinette smiled and faced him, returning the kiss. Since Gabriel was exiled, Adrien took the throne. That meant he was officially King. He and Marinette planned to get married in the future.

"Hi," Marinette replied softly, her face falling.

Adrien's gaze traveled to Alya's tombstone. "It's not your fault she was slain by my father."

"I could've saved her," Marinette mumbled, letting go of Adrien.

"No," Adrien replied, shaking his head. "You need to stop blaming yourself."

Marinette didn't answer; she just stared at the ground. Adrien spun around and sat criss-crossed in front of Marinette. He lifted up her chin gently and stared directly into her eyes.

"She wouldn't want you to be sad like this," Adrien whispered.

Marinette's pupils shook as she looked at Adrien. Finally, she nodded. "You're right," she said in between uneven breaths. She grabbed Adrien and pulled him close, burying her head into his chest. "I just miss her so much," she cried.

"I know," Adrien nodded, rubbing her head comfortingly. "We'll get through this together, I promise."

Marinette nodded and cracked a smile. Without Adrien, she didn't know what she'd do.

Adrien stood up and outstretched a hand. He smiled. "Come on, my lady. We have some cheese to get for a certain kwami."

Marinette laughed, grabbing his hand. She stood up. "Yes, of course."

The two skipped childishly to the village where everything was going smoothly. Nino and Rose were outside tending the fields, Kim, Ivan, and a few other villagers were rebuilding a damaged building, and Max was teaching lessons to a few of the uneducated children of the village. Since the village never had enough money for education, the children were not fortunate enough to get a good one.

"How's everything going, Nino?" Adrien asked his friend. "Need some help?"

"Yeah, dude!" Nino exclaimed with a joyful smile. Adrien cracked his knuckles, rolled his sleeves up, and grabbed a shovel. Marinette giggled.

"Just dig up little holes there for seeds," Nino instructed, pointing at a patch in the dirt behind Adrien.

Adrien nodded enthusiastically and turned around. "No problem," he glanced at Marinette. "Watch my awesome gardening skills!"

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