Part 1:The Journey-Day 1

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I woke up to darkness and looked for the sun. I only saw dark sky. Figuring that it wasn't morning yet, I sat up and looked around. I was surrounded by puddles. I noticed that the lava was touching the trees but they weren't on fire. I decided that the ground was much too dangerous and tried to push myself up. My arm went out from beneath me. I turned to see the issue and was horrified by the third degree burn on my arm. I got up using the one strong arm and climbed into a tree. I sat in the branches.

I sat in the tree and after an hour the lava just evaporated so I climbed out of the tree. I walked into the forest to look for food and most importantly water. I walked past some berry bushes but I didn't trust them. I saw some apple trees and grabbed one and started to munch on it. Though within five minutes of eating a bite I started to grow a tail. I stared in disgust. It was long and furry, like a monkeys. I tried to run from it for multiple minutes before I realized that I had a tail. I continued to look for water.

After walking for at least five hours I found some water. I looked to the sky, trying to determine what time of day it was. I decided that it was midday. Anyways I scooped the water into my mouth vigorously. I should have been more careful though because there was piranha and it snapped and bit my hand. There was a ugly red mark seeping with blood where he had bit me. I tried to quickly rinse it with water and bandaged the wound with a piece of my shirt. I bit my lip wincing then thinking, I'm a man, be stronger. I walked on looking for any signs of civilization. I mean even if  I'm on a planet in outer space there could still be life forms. You never know. After five minutes of walking I felt something hairy on my upper lip. I found a pond and looked at my reflection. I screamed like a sissy little girl.

It was a caterpillar growing on my upper lip. I'm not joking. I decided  no more drinking from ponds. Only drinking the rain. I walked around some more, not really seeing anything. Eventually when I was walking I came across a monkey. The monkey screamed at me and then started to fling poop at me. It threw terrible stinky balls of poo at me. They smelled like rotten eggs and rotten cabbage. When one actually hit me, it exploded on impact. I held my nose and ran as fast as I could. After lots of running, the evil monkey stopped chasing me and I sat down to take a breather. I was terrified of this jungle. I walked around until the sun slowly started to set.

I started to walk back to the shore. Just as I went to plop down I heard the same sound I heard last night. The sound of the rain preparing to come down. I went to the coastline and just as I was kneeling down, I saw it. The lava falling at my face. I ran into the jungle where normal water hit me, refreshingly. I found a big tree and climbed it. I was about to go to sleep when the rain stopped. I got up and walked to the coast, to check if it was safe. I stood at the coast, looking out at the lava ocean, my eyes widening . . .

A/N: Hope you liked the chapter. Comment what you think will happen next.

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