Chapter 1 - New schools & Old faces

Start from the beginning

I turned around and looked at my surroundings. I've lived here for ten years and it still amazed me how identical every house was on my estate. I looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was already brightly shinning in the sky. Although I wasn't a fan of cold weather I didn't like scorching hot rays of sunlight overheating my body. I took off my jacket and tied it around my waist. All I had to hope for now was that my hair didn't react with the humidity of the air, I can go from honey brown curls to full on Afro frizz.

I made my way down the porch stairs walked along the side walk, it was only a twenty minute walk but I get bored and impatient easily so I decided to listen to some music, I slipped out my iPod from my backpack and after flicking through the playlists I put on my headphones and started to drift into the world of music.

"Wobble d wobble d wah wobble wobbling, stack stacking my paper my wallet look like a bible....."I continued singing out loud until I noticed that in the corner of my eye I saw someone staring. I turned my head around to get a full view, it was a mother and her child who couldn't be more than 4 years old. The mother, or whoever she was, was giving me a deathly glare. I was confused about what was her problem until I realized I had I tendency to sing quite loud and that the song I was singing was exactly 'clean'


I mentally face palmed myself and gave them an innocent grin before continuing to walk

I started imagine what the school would look like. I wasn't really nervous about my first day at a new school, I'm just not the type of person to get embarrassed or nervous anymore, plus it's not like I didn't know anyone there. My childhood friend Carlos has been going there since 7th grade. He's minted as in really rich so he can afford to go to a private school. Both of his parents are lawyers, best in the state actually.

Commit murder and his parents could reduce a life sentence to 5 years. Literally

I'm not rich though, far from it. I'm going there on a scholarship with my best friend Nyah and the horrible nightmare to be around Kayla St. Claire. I shivered at the thought of having to be in the same school, she's a total witch. We're not here on some scholarship based on smartness though.

We're all here on sports scholarships. Cheerleading scholarships to be precise. We were all offered after being seen by the principle at our last competition.

So technically I'm not going there alone

Now I know what you're all thinking. As soon as you hear the word 'cheerleading' some of y'all would suddenly assume that i'm some mean stuck up bitch who parades around school with my cheerleading minions following close behind whilst I bully all who I believe are inferior to me and drop my skirt as soon as a hot guy is in sight.

But lemme tell you one thing.

I am not that girl. I'm not that stereotypical high school cheerleader who believes she's the bomb just because of the sport she does. I do cheer because I love that adrenaline rush you get whilst you are catapulted in to the sky. I love to perform in front of screaming crowds. And most importantly I do cheerleading because it is and always will be a part of me.

God, that sounds cheesy

After 20 minutes of listening to music, carefully making sure to not raise my volume I had already made it to the front gate. I looked up in awe, at the school sign

Bradstone Academy for students searching for success

Boy were they are gonna be disappointed with me...

I made my way to the reception and checked in. After searching and finding my name on her computer, the receptionist passed me a timetable, a locker combination and a map of the school, without giving me a second look.

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