Bone Tired

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"BROTHER!" *cough* "HELP ME" *gasp* Sans looks up to see his Boss, his body parts scattered across the snow as he was slowly turning to dust. "Pap!" Sans screamed running towards his brother and falling down next to his skull "SANS! IT HURTS!" Papyrus whispers, voice slowly fading as the wind rips apart the half dusted monster. "Paps, wait no!" Sans gasps, helplessly trying to catch the disappearing dust clouds "Paps!"

"SANS! YOU LAZY ASS GET UP!" Sans could hear Boss scream before Papyrus bursts though the door of his older brothers bedroom, knocking a hole into the newly plastered wall. Sans groans, wiping the tears from his eyes and rolling over to see his brothers foot as the boot heel slams into his eye socket, the square edges of the heel rubbing slightly against the sides of the socket. "Boss! Ahhhh! I'm sorry, please...." Sans, with his remaining eye, glances up at his younger brother, seeing an angry grin spread across his bosses face. "YOU WILL BE SORRY IF I HAVE TO WAIT FOR YOU ANY LONGER!" Papyrus Yells grinding his boot a little as he continues to speak "I HAVE BEEN PATIENT WITH YOU SANS, I GAVE YOU AN EXTRA MINUTE TO GET READY AND YOU HAVE DISAPPOINTED ME STILL, NOT EVEN OUT OF BED NO LESS." with another grind, Papyrus removes his boot from Sans eye socket and slams it back down on his ribs, hearing an audible crack. Sans clenches his teeth as his Boss continues his instructions "IF YOU ARE NOT DOWNSTAIRS IN 30 SECONDS YOU WILL HAVE TO MAKE IT TO YOUR STATION WITH NO LEGS" and with one last twist of his boot Papyrus turns to stomp out of the room. Sans stares at the door, pain erupting from his ribs and eye, as he drags his tired body from his bed in search of where he had placed his old ragged jacket the day before. He would change his clothes from yesterday later, knowing he only had about 15 seconds left before his brother would be charging through the door again. He was tired from the nightmares that plagued his dreams, and his brother insisting a month ago on getting up an hour early didn't help this. The constant healing of his wounds taking the rest of what little magic reserves he had left, leaving him a walking shell of his former self. Sans clothes were dusty and mustard stained all over leaving a clear impression this was not the first time he had chosen to "change later." Sighing with relief as he had found his warm jacket, oddly warm. His face bright red as he rubbed it into the torn fabric, jumping as he heard his brothers last warning, He ran down the stairs and out the door as fast as his blurry vision could take him. Today was going to be a long day.

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