"I couldn't," The werewolf replied.

Running her hands through her hair, the tribrid made a courageous attempt to sit up. She pressed her fingers against her eyes for a moment before meeting the lover's gaze, "You have to stop doing that"

The male glanced over at his girlfriend, a chuckle escaping his lips, "It wasn't exactly a choice. I can't turn it on and off whenever I want to, Hope,"

"I know that but you if you obsess over this, it's going to take over,"

Adrian let out a sigh as he finally gained the strength and motivation to leave the bed, "Can we change the subject?" He got to his feet and began a search for something he could wear that wasn't yesterday's clothes.

"Alright..." Hope watched her boyfriend go through one of her dresser drawers as he searched for anything he left behind, he couldn't exit her room half-naked without being questioned, "Are you ever going to tell me how you got them?"

"Do I have a shirt or something here?" The boy ignored her question, even though he knew exactly what she was talking about; his scars. He shut the bottom drawer and slung a black shirt over his shoulder, "Nevermind, I found one"

The tribrid couldn't help but sigh at the failed attempt to change the subject. She pushed herself off the bed, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but I can't to help you. I want to know how I can help you. I'm really struggling here. I mean, how many times have you been there for me? Millions. You're always there for me but I don't feel like I've been there for you,"


"No, just— please, let me finish. This is really important to me," The girl told her boyfriend before she continued, "I care about you and I want to be there for you. I want to be the one you trust and come to with your problems but this—whatever you're not telling me, you need to tell someone because this isn't healthy," The boy glanced over his shoulder for a moment before nodding but the girlfriend spoke again as she sat down beside him, "It's tearing you apart and the last thing I want is to see you get hurt. I want you to know that I'm really trying to understand"

"I'll tell you... someday,"

The alpha werewolf of the Salvatore school stared out at the school's driveway through the large windows in the room he was standing in. He could see older students leaving the school and getting on the shuttles or cars as they departed earlier for spring break.

"Adrian" A female voice spoke, drawing the boy's attention to her, "Did you hear me?"

The boy glanced back and shook his head as he faced his guidance counselor. Emma smiled, "Lots to think about?"

"Something like that" The male replied as he plopped down on the couch by the wall with an exaggerated sigh. He had left for his weekly therapy session with the guidance counselor after his talk with Hope and he had reached the same conclusion, the whole drama with Olivia and his family was making him go crazy and he had a feeling that it was going to get worse.

"I wonder if we should add more sessions for you," The woman spoke, "I think it'll be good for us to have more time to address the problems you're facing. You'll have as much time as you need to open up... even though we've already covered a lot of material,"

Adrian nodded slowly. He inhaled sharply, preparing himself to tell the counselor about what he had done the past few days but he didn't know how to tell her, "I—I uh, I need a new bottle of those pills you gave me last time"

Miss Tig furrowed her eyebrows. She closed her notebook and set it aside, "But I gave you two bottles, they should have lasted for at least a month"

𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now