chapter 1:arrangements and introductions

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Your pov:
That guy mark has eyes that you just easily give into.
I took out some new clothes and put them on.i felt clean a little better. Not as good as taking a bath our shower, how i long for that day.
I stayed in my room the hole time just relaxing. I haven't been able to relax in a very long time i suddenly found myself sleeping.
~~~~~~~after a power nap.~~~~~~~
"(Y/n),(y/n).(y/n)!!" I heard a voice call I woke up by the third time mark called my name.

"What" i said in a sleepy voice.

"Get up its time for dinner." Mark said.

"Ok." I got up and then went to the kitchen they had a soup and crackers. I havent had a hot meal in forever. I haven't been able to find any cooking utensils. Mark gestured a bottle of hand sanitizer to me.
"Just because its the end doesnt mean we have to act like cave men." He commented.
"Im not arguing with that." I said.

I sat down at a table surrounded by candles.

"Howd you guys even cook the soup?" I asked amazed.

"I made a fire," a tall guy admitted.

"Impressive." I said.

"So um we havent exactly gotten a proper introduction." He added on.

"Oh um sorry im (y/n)"

"Hello (y/n) im wade."

"Im bob" the chubby one said.

"Im sean but you can call me jack." The guy with green hair said.

"Nice to meet you sorry for pointing a gun in your faces."

"Its all good." They said.

We sat and talked about where i would sleep. I felt like i should contribute to the group so i asked what i could do to help.

"Uh you can be on kitchen duty." Sean joked.

I gasped."you jerk!!" I said i threw somethin i found off the floor and hit him dead on the forehead and everyone laughed,

"But seriously what can i do you guys saved my life what can i contribute."
They all looked at each other.

"Maybe you can be our runner girl." Mark suggested.

"I can do that."


"So now all the arrangements have been made introductions have been made i think its time i know who im living with.whatd you guys do before all hell broke loose?" I asked.

"We were youtubers." Wade said.

"Oh i knew you guys looked familiar my sister was all over you guys would not shut up about you she drew fanart and all. What were your names?"

"She talked about us but you dont know our names?" Marks asked.

"I usually zoned out wheb she mentioned YouTube she had you guys as her wallpaper on her phone."

"Oh." Mark said.

"I am lordminion777"wade said

"I am muskyderm." Bob added.

"I am jacksepticeye."sean chimed in

;"and i am Markiplier." Mark added.

I snapped my fingers."niw Markiplier thats a name i remember. Mark you were her all time favorite she would not shut up about Markiplier she wore your shirt she has every item that has your name on it she even wore pink mustache underwear!!" I said laughing.
The giggled.

"Ultimate fan much." Jack said.

"Oh yea she was. I have her drawing book. We used to draw together before she passed."

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