Chapter 9

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I threw the last of my clothes in a duffle bag, hoisted the strap over my shoulder and walked over to the double doors that led out to my balcony that faced the woods. I placed my hand on the railing and hauled myself over the edge, landing lightly on my feet. I looked up at the almost finished manor, my eyes drifting over to the other wing where my uncle's window was. "Goodbye, Uncle Nik," I whispered before turning and walking away.

It had only been a few short hours since our heated discussion after he redaggered my mother, but I couldn't stop thinking about it. I wasn't sure if I was overreacting or not, but one thing was certain: I didn't feel like I could trust anyone right now. I wasn't sure where to go, I had the whole world to pick from after all. Leaving the country did sound appealing, but choosing where to go was difficult.

I compelled a ride to the airport and within a couple hours I was there. The first flight I saw was to the London Heathrow Airport in the United Kingdom. As soon as I read it, I knew what I was going to do. It's been about 50 years since I've brushed up on my education and now was as good of a time as any. The Heathrow Airport was conveniently about 70 miles from Cambridge University. If there was any way to clear your mind, it would be by cramming it with a bunch of other stuff, and I think most would agree that the best way to do that would be studying. With my mind made up, I purchased a ticket for the next flight that was scheduled to leave in two hours.

With nothing but a small stop at JFK, I landed in London, UK in under 12 hours. Because of the time change, it was already evening so I decided to find a place to stay for the night before heading over to Cambridge. I found a nice looking home with only a  young couple residing in it so it was esy to compell them to let me stay there for the night. I took over the master bedroom and once I finally settled in and was ready for bed, since I hadn't slept the night before, I pulled my phone out of my handbag and decided it was finally time to turn it on and see what messages awaited me.

I had no less than 15 calls from Uncle Nik, only one of which he actually left me a voicemail to let me know that Stefan was now showing his face again and congratulated me on my wonderful timing for deciding to leave. I rolled my eyes and deleted the voicemail then checked my text messages; only one new message was in my inbox, more recent than any of the calls, that simply said 'Please call me.' from Uncle Nik. I stared at the message for a moment until I decided I wasn't ready to talk to him yet, so I set the phone on the nightstand, rolled over, and went to sleep.

I woke up in the morning to a delicious smelling aroma drifting in my room from downstairs. I washed up before heading down where I found Andrea, the young woman, making breakfast. "Good morning, Natalia," Liam, Andrea's husband greeted from his seat at the table where he was drinking coffee and reading the paper. It was nice staying somewhere everyone had the same accent as you, it felt somewhat homey.

"Goodmorning, something smells wonderful," I commented.

"You're just in time, breakfast is ready." Andrea said. "I've made smoked bacon, eggs, some soldiers.."

"Thank you, Andrea, but that's not what I was talking about.. I actually had a different breakfast in mind," I said as I walked over to Liam. I took his paper from his hands and straddled his lap before burying my face in the crook of his neck, biting him.

"Suit yourself," Andrea said as she set her plate down at the other end of the table and sat down to eat.

When I had finished, Liam was a little bit unconscious. "That's it, darling, you just sleep it off," I said, patting his cheek as his head lolled from side to side. "If you'll excuse me, Andrea, I'm going to go get ready for the day."

Once I had showered and gotten ready, I gathered my belongings and set forth for Cambridge. Once I got there, instead of compelling my way into classes, I just simply showed up in whichever one I pleased, and if questions were raised I quieted them down rather quickly. I spent the day floating around from class to class until I decided it was time to grab a bite... of real food.

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