Levi x Depressed!Neko!Reader- My Only One {Lemon}

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Requested by Pietra_Maximova
Warning: Ending has smut. If you are not comfortable with sexual content please do not read! Also this might be triggering so keep that in mind. Thank you!

Song used: My Only One by All Time Low

Paint yourself a picture, something s obscure
To hide away the messes behind your manicure

(Y/N) loved Levi. Her sister Hanji knew that. But (Y/N) never believed Levi would love her back. Because she was a Neko and she wasn't normal. (Y/N) had been battling with extreme depression for a couple years now. Hanji and her close friends were the only reason she was on the road to recovery. If not for them, (Y/N) was pretty sure she'd be dead.

And all of my obsessing to find the perfect words
Sick of second guessing, I didn't mean to make you hurt
Didn't mean to make you hurt, hurt hurt

(Y/N) was walking home like normal when she was pushed over onto the rough road.

"Get out of our way loser." A girl spoke. She was faced with one of the meanest girls in school. (Y/N) scrambled up quickly and dusted herself off. The girl looked to the side and smiled.

"Have fun." She said. (Y/N) didn't know what was happening until she was pushed to the side.


What do you say when your heart's not in it, your heart's not in it?
What do you do when you just don't get it, you just don't get it?

The (h/c) haired girl's eyes fluttered in shock as she tumbled to the ground with someone else. She heard the passing of a car.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" The voice asked. It was none other then her friend Levi.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine." She said. She quickly got up and bowed slightly.

"Thank you, now I have to go." She said, her ears twitching as she rushed home. Levi watched her run off and sighed.

If only she knew.

Where do you go when you reach your limit, you reach your limit?
'Cause all I know, all I know is
You are my only one, you are my only one
You are my only one, that's all I know, you're all I know

(Y/N) burst in the door, tears flowing down her face.

"(Y/N)? What happened?" Hanji asked, rushing over to comfort her sister.

"I almost got ran over and Levi saved me and-nd I'm so useless!" She cried. Hanji hugged the girl.

"No, no you're fine." She said. The young Neko continued to sob.

Break another mirror to keep away the stares
Of another guilty reflex, a reflection left in tears

(Y/N) sat on the couch, Fairy Tail playing on the screen. She was still a bit sad from the earlier event.

"Hey there." A voice from behind her said. She jumped a bit and turned to see Levi leaning over the couch.

"L-Levi! What are you doing here?!" She exclaimed.

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