Chapter 3

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     John didn't know what was happening. His back hurt, he was cold, and he was staring right at Sherlock. Wait, what?

    Sherlock stood in front of John, waiting for him to wake up properly. When he saw him, a grin lit up his tired features, before it disappeared and confusion took it's place. Sherlock shuffled past John and unlocked the door before going in. He turned around when he noticed John wasn't following,

    "You should really come inside, it's cold," Sherlock's voice echoed around John's head before he realised what the words were. Slowly, he got up and followed Sherlock in.

"It is you, Sherlock?" he hadn't expected for him to actually appear.

   "Yes," was all Sherlock said before making his way up the stairs to his living room and sitting down. He stared at John as he entered and did the same, his eyes were so perfect; green and beautiful. He was acting uncomfortable though, sharing his stare with Sherlock, but much more intense.

     John was wondering if Sherlock could see straight through him, if he already knew what he was here to say. He began anyway,

   "Sherlock, you might already know what I'm here to say," he paused and sighed, rubbing the back of his head, contemplating whether he should confess to his feelings or not. He knew that they were staring at each other, Sherlock seemed transfixed on his face, but it was probably just John's mind messing with him. Sherlock's face was so perfect, with his cheekbones, his brilliant hair, his gorgeous eyes. His eyes... John mentally slapped himself to get back on track, "but, I'll say it anyway, Sherlock, you know about me and Claire,"

Sherlock sighed deeply and looked down at the floor; John was still talking but, as he had always used to, he zoned him out. He really didn't want to hear about Claire right now. When John had finished, Sherlock looked up to see John's face flushed red, what had he said? Sherlock wished he had been listening but didn't want to ask John to repeat himself as it had obviously been hard to say it. A pang of guilt shot through Sherlock. Trying to avoid having to face humiliation, Sherlock stood up and made his way to his room, grabbing the shopping on his way.

     'Oh no, he hates me. Why did I ever say it?'  John knew he was glowing red but he didn't care, he's just lost his friend and his secret love at the same time, nothing could be worse. "I'll be off then," he said as he stood up and began towards the door.

    Both of them had their heads down, neither of them noticed the other before they collided.

"Ouch, you-" was all Sherlock said before realising that John was in his arms. He let go quickly but they both stood, staring at each other, dumbfounded but secretly glad about their encounter.

   Earlier, Sherlock had noticed that John was acting strangely. He was pretty sure that friends didn't stare at each other for minutes, not saying anything. A blush was creeping up John's neck, making it's way onto his cheeks again.

   'Wait a minute,' Sherlock thought as he stepped closer to John, 'Blushing, Eyes... dilated, heart...' he grabbed John's hand which earned a small flinch from John, he put two fingers on his wrist and his eyes widened 'elevated!'. Of course! He drew back his hand and studied John's face again.

    John wasn't sure why Sherlock had suddenly grabbed his hand, but with the way he reacted and drew his hand back, John was pretty sure he's just figured out how John felt. Although he was slightly annoyed that Sherlock hadn't been listening when he's confessed it earlier, he was glad and scared that he knew now. He wished that he could know what Sherlock was thinking, but he thought that he should go before Sherlock got spooked by it all.

    "Sh-Sherlock, I should- I should probably-" John was cut off by Sherlock's lips against his. His eyes widened and his face grew hot. He never thought this would happen. Ever. He stood there, shocked for a moment before quickly kissing back.

     Sherlock never thought he would kiss someone. Much less another man. He didn't know what had come over him, but he figured that John liked him and was about to leave so he made his move. Although it was a strange sensation, he rather liked it. John was the one to deepen the kiss.

   He tangled his fingers in Sherlock's black curls, he tried to pull Sherlock as close as humanly possible. Before long, he felt Sherlock's arm around his neck, pulling him closer. John was astounded that Sherlock was actually doing this.

     'He is human after all' John thought.

     Sherlock tried to form an intellectual thought, but he couldn't. All of his thought's merged together, even his Mind Palace, which was always open and ready, couldn't be reached. Only one thought, one word made sense.


     It was all he could think about, the word repeated itself, over and over. John. John. John. That was all he wanted to think about. He felt John's free hand wind it's way around his neck, pulling him down closer to him. Sherlock moved his hand from John's neck to his waist and embraced him. He ran his other hand through his sandy blonde hair.

'Definitely human' John thought. Unfortunately for them, humans need to breathe every now and again.

     Sherlock pulled away first and gazed into John's eyes; those perfectly green eyes. His sandy hair, the little wrinkles by his eyes. He looked at his lips and noticed that the corners were turned up ever so slightly. Sherlock couldn't help but smile with him. He didn't try to hide it the way John did though, he smiled wider than he ever remembered doing.

     John started to laugh at Sherlock. It wasn't mocking. It was... pleasure. He never thought that the great Sherlock Holmes would have such a genuine smile. Or show any emotion. He was glad that he was the cause of it though. He ran his hand through the taller man's curls.

     When John stopped laughing, Sherlock took his hand from around John's waist but continued to play with John's hair; John didn't seem to mind at all. He took a deep breath, which Sherlock assumed was a supressed yawn.

     "You need to sleep," Sherlock whispered, before taking his hand and guiding him to the bedroom.

A/N what'll happen in the bedroom? Literally, they'll sleep. Or will they...? DUN DUN DUN! Don't forget to comment/vote/share and whatever else there is to do! Thanks.

In the Blink of an Eye (Johnlock)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant