“First you need to learn to defend yourself. Right after you left, she came in. Last but not least she is with your sister.”

“Oh,” was all I could come up with, “well I need to go change if this will be a more physical day than planned.” I said more to my self than Mr. Gray.

“Very well just meet out in the back.”

“I'll see you there Mr. Gray.” With my back to him an retreating to my room I heard him call out my name. I looked back over my shoulder.

“Since you are not my superior nor my elder call me Micheal.”

     I nodded and smile though I doubt it reached my eyes. I started back down the hall. Not long though my mind wondered back to Devin. Why had he not come to train me? He probably had better things to do. Yes, like his job.

Dressed and ready, I stand looking, no staring, out the window. Mr. Gray, Micheal was not standing alone. Devin stood next to him in black gyms shorts and no shirt. I now felt uncomfortable. I had changed to the most boyish outfit I could find. Baggy gym shorts and a oversized t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, leaving large holes in both sides. I had a tank top and sports bra on, so there would be no sneak peeks today. They had their backs turned towards me. Allowing me to gaze upon Devin without anyone seeing me.

    His tan seemed seamless meaning he didn't wear a shirt a lot. His muscles weren't so defined they would be hard but nice and firm. I couldn't help but lick my lips as the thought of me digging my nails in his back crossed my mind. At that moment I heard someone clear their throats. I turn to a very amused Maraget. That's when I took a chance to really look at her.

She must have been a little older than what my mother would be. She was slightly plump but still very pretty with long black hair, icy gray eyes and pale skin. She was much shorter than my 5'10 only standing about 5'3. She looked very tired but the smile never wavered. I knew then I was caught and there was nothing I could say to get out of it.

“They sure are easy on the eyes. Especially, that Mr. Crest. I heard he is the best hunter we've had since your Great Grandfather.” She had moved to stand next to me.

  “Child, your not hiding anything from anyone. We all see how you look at him and even more how when your not paying attention, he watches you.”

  What Devin watches me? This can't be happening. I can't do this right now. I don't have time to fool around with some guy. There were creatures trying to kill me and my family off for power. Hell, I could barely keep my emotions under control as is.

“I don't know what you mean but there isn't anything there.”

“If you say so, but let me give you some advice. The pull you feel will not go away.”

   With that she disappeared down the corridor. I presume to go back to my sister. I turned back to the window to see those blue eyes looking right into mine. That's when I knew what Maraget had said was true. The pull I felt for him at that moment was the farthest from innocent one could get. I just wanted to know was it the same for him. He broke his gaze first starting back into his conversation with Micheal.

Walking out the door I remained silent, just ready to get it over with. Both men turn to look at me. I felt afraid now as Micheal wore that ever familiar smirk upon his face. Damn how I would love to knock it right off.

“Today we're just going to work on you endurance. We need to get you whipped into shape before we can really train.” Micheal's face no longer held the playful features. They had been replaced by a strict unwavering look a Drill Sargent wore. I knew I was about to enter boot camp and neither men would be easy on me. He did something I didn't expect and shifted right in front of me. His wolf had his eyes but with specks of gold in them. It's fur was chocolate and thick, he took very good care of his wolf. It showed how close they were and that made me smile.

It wasn't the reaction that the hunter thought they would get from this. I heard a huff come from Micheal has he step up behind me readying himself for the run.

“We'll give you a minute head start. Make use of it.” That was all Devin said as he hit the stop watch and I spirited away. Just then it hit as to what they were up to. I was pray and they were the hunters. I knew then this wasn't just endurance training, it was a test. A test to see what I had going for my self. Shit, I knew this wasn't going to be good but I'd give them a game if that's what they wanted.

Lucky for me our land went on for acres. I had plenty of wooden and swampy areas to hide in. There were several times I had went hunting with the guards for supper. I loved the feel of the hunt.

  Sneaking up on unsuspecting animals, gators were my favor pray. Right now the shoe was on the other foot and I was the pray. I was told no magic could be used. I had to strictly go off my instincts. Which for me would be a peace of cake.

I had been running for some time. I thought by now the hunters would have found me. Maybe my antics were working. I had taken many trails only to double back, only to take a different route. I knew this land like the back of my hand. This was my playground and my rules. I had even went as far as to discard my socks and shoes.

  Leaving in different locations, there my scent would be strong. Being trackers though they would soon realize the game. That's why now I was cover in swamp mud and quickly approaching the weeping willow. My Grams had planted it when she gave birth to my mother.

It was big enough now that it towered over a story high, with thick strong branches. Sitting on top of a small hillside, surrounded by small trees and bushes. I quickly began my climb. I would be able to see if anyone was near. I saw the a iron linked fence. I ran around our property, which must have taken a lot. The fence was 9ft tall an at least 2ft thick. That's when the feeling hit me again. I peered through the swing leaves. Pulling in my power so it was only a faint whisper on my skin. Who ever it was would know I'm out here but would think I was a good distance off. My scent already masked by the swamp caked mud on my skin I knew they wouldn't be able to see me.

It was then I that I heard the faint snap of twig. Snapping my head in the direction praying it would be the hunters. My hopes smashed as the dark cloaked figure stepped from behind a tree. It seemed to be examining it.

  I watched as it ran a clawed hand that seemed to be decaying. Skin was peeling and hanging on by what seemed to be green-yellowish slime. Just as the breeze blew thru the trees did I smell it. Death filled my senses. The smell was full of sulfur and rot.

It took everything to keep what little I had on my stomach down. It wasn't until I looked back did I see that the thing was looking in my direction. Pushing my powers down even further and checking to make sure I was still mostly covered in mud. Did I dare look back towards it?

It was now sniffing the air in hopes of finding something. I didn't know but my body was trembling all over. Fear was pouring out my pores. It looked back at where I was hidden in the tree and smiled a jagged yellow tooth smile. I remain posed in my spot off the ground. It slowly reached up and slid it's hood back. The sight that filled my eyes brought feelings of horror to my heart. The skin I saw peeling off the creature wasn't it's own but Mr. Taje's. Mr. Taje had been a rougaru. Which meant that this creature now possessed the power to shift. It reached up as if to test the iron fence. Only to hiss as the iron set fired sparks up it's arm on contact.

“Old magic, will not protect you and your family for long princess. We will claim back what is ours'.” It's voice was deep and venomous.

Filled with hate that was directed towards me. If anything had been taken from this creature it probably deserved. That much I knew for sure. Since it already knew I was here. I let my power flow over me. I knew the hunters had to be getting close and I wanted this creature caught. If that meant using my self as bait so be it. That's exactly what I will do.

Silent Ones        Voodoo PriestessWhere stories live. Discover now