Chapter 18: Trying to Settle in

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The room they put me in is like the one I had accidentally teleported in, grey and bleak.

"You ok?" A voice says by my door and I turn to see Robin walk in.

"Sure, I'm a little home sick but other than that I'm fine, why?"

"You looked terrified when you woke up earlier, and from what I've read you stood up to Sabertooth like he was a little kid."

" To tell you the truth I was pretty scared when I "fought" him. "

"Ok, but what happened back there?"

"You probably already know I'm a clone, ja? Well I have been captured several times to be experimented on by the weapon x program, and who knows what else, so I don't have a good experience with doctor's offices."

He then sits next to me and we talk about things that only old friends would really talk about.

"Who do you miss the most, from your dimension?" He asks and I don't take any time to answer.


"Who's that?"

"Mein brother."


"You know, I've never talked to anyone this openly before, I feel like I could trust you with anything and you wouldn't even tell Bruce."

"I don't tell him everything just the stuff he wants to know."

"Ja, he probably already knows everything about me anyways."

"Not who your dad is, no one knows that, or when you die, I don't even know everything about you."

"I'm not very complicated, well except for my mind, it's not very easy to find out all my secrets."

"So you have telepaths in your dimension?"

"Ja, Prof. Xavier is one und..." My head is engulfed in pain and my hands immediately go to hold it, "Robin... get Megan... someone is... trying to..." a piercing scream fills the room and I realize that it's coming from my own mouth.

"Megan, we need you in here, Maxi's in trouble."

"I'm on my way."

"Robin... I can't hold him back any longer... he's just tearing through my defense... ahh..." I start to breath heavily and I see Megan fly into the room and I let her into my mind before I black out. I open my eyes and I see the inside of my subconscious, a twisted version of a dream I once had. There were buildings that spiraled up into a indigo colored sky with cartoon stars that dotted around the clouds and the grass was a teal color. I turn and see Robin and Megan standing and staring at my mind. 

"Hallo, so this is my subconscious."

"Uh... what is that?" Robin says as a large jelly fish floats past us.

"Probably just the transportation, I have a feeling that I know where Grodd went..."

"Wait, Grodd, as in the Gorilla who has telepathic powers?"

"Ja, I felt his mind as he broke through my final wall,causing me to come here."

"Ok, where is he?"

"My vault where all my secrets are stored it allows me to forget about them."

"How bad will it be if he gets in there?"

"I'll go insane from the wall breaking, but if he knows what the material is then he will find a way into the chamber faster, so I can't tell you what it is, you'll just have to be ready for anything."

"Oh, like zombies?"

"I don't know, possibly?"

"How do you not know?"

"Because I can't remember the fail safe!"

"It's your subconscious, can't you recall your memories?!"

"That would take hours of calling them forward and looking through they're bags!"

"What, how do your memories have bags?!"

"It's my subconscious, I can do whatever I want with my memories!"

"Exactly, can't you just teleport to the right memory?!"

"I... I... don't remember all of them." I look down and continue to walk towards the compound while Megan walks awkwardly at the end. Robin seems a little agitated but I think it's because this place is messing with his head, making his emotions more prominent.

"I remember one of the traps I set." I say to brake the now consuming silence.

"What is it?" Robin replies softly.

"The same ones from the Hunger Games."

"What are the 'Hunger Games'?" He asks.

"A book where a dozen kids kill each other in an arena, it's actually really good."

"So there are going to be little kids trying to kill us if we go in the compound?"

"Haha... nein there will be wolves with the eyes und hair color of your loved ones und creatures that look a little like Killer Croc und smell like blood and roses. Just don't pay attention to it, it's just supposed to throw the person fighting them off."

"Ok, why blood and roses?"

"Because that's how it is in the book..." A loud roar cuts me off, Grodd.

"That's our Que, let's find him before anything bad happens." I start to run and Robin follows with Megan. We get to my vault and see Grodd fighting the mutts from hunger games. One of them have blue fur and yellow eyes, and another has black fur and blue eyes. 

"Why did you make the dogs look like this again?" Robin says and his face has gone pale.

"It's supposed to be a distraction, just pay attention to Grodd." I teleport by Grodd and Unsheathe my sword.

"Don't hesitate to destroy Grodd, it's just a mental projection, but don't let him kill you or else you probably will go insane." I do a series of jabs and slashes at him but he dodges each one and retaliates with a wave of psychic pain. I yell with exertion und land a thorough blow to his exposed arm und I feel his muscle muscle tearing beneath the sharp blade of my sword. A deep scream emits from his large jaws. 

"You will pay for that, child... with your useless life!" He grabs my face und I cannot see, the thickness of his gray hand suffocates me but I can't move it. A feeling of weightlessness overwhelms me as he brings me down in a swift movement and I hear my back crack from the impact. Another scream penetrates the air, but this time it is mine, the noise of battle is immediately covered in silence. I barely open my eyes to see Grodd swing his fist at me und I teleport to the top of his head bringing my sword down on his neck. Hearing the sound of joints und bones splitting as it continues down his back, he falls and disappears, letting me fall to the ground again. I blink and wake up to see the concerned faces of Artemis, KF, and Aqualad peering down at me, Robin, and Megan.

"Are you guys ok?" KF says first.

"Now I am." I reply und Robin und Megan wake up with shocked faces.

"What just happened?" KF says again, "You guys were, well mostly Maxi, crying out in pain and when we ran in here you were all... asleep."

"I was attacked, but everything's fine now, I just want to go for a walk." I get up and leave while the team members all get caught up, or not I don't know if Robin and Megan will actually tell them what happened.

"Where are you going?" A voice says and I hear footsteps run to try and catch up with me, it's Robin.

"I don't know, that was a really bad experience, I've never done anything like that."

"You didn't actually kill him, Megan told me that you were thinking about it."

"Did you tell the team?"

"No, we left that decision for you."

"Danke, I don't think I want to tell anyone, ever."

Clone (An X-Men fanfic)(Completed)(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now