23: Fire Alarm and New Friend..?

Depuis le début

He has never been, and probably never will be, a good boyfriend...
First Nick and then Harry. God knows, maybe Louis really is meant to be alone.

"Hi! I'm Kendall! You are?" That brunette introduces herself.

"Oh, don't talk to him. He is a faggot! I don't even understand why is he sitting with me. Like, please take your unworthy gay ass somewhere!" Harry says, sounding annoyed.

Louis' eyes widen. Oh.

So this was the whole plan all along?

To embarrass Louis?

To humiliate him?

To make him fall in everyone's eyes?

Wow. How stupid can a person be? Obviously less than Louis. He can't believe Harry said that!

He called him a faggot. He is unworthy.

Faggot. Unworthy. Faggot. Unworthy.

These thoughts swirled like a hurricane, in Louis' mind. He put his hands to his ears, trying to stop them.
He can't have a panic attack here in front of the whole class. He would die before this.

The fire alarm rang suddenly. All the students rushed for the door, but Louis. Louis was still there as the water sprinkled from the ceiling's system. Harry had not waited for Louis. No. He had rushed out, leaving Louis alone.

But honestly who would put their own life in danger for someone worthless, like Louis?

Louis tried to get up, but he couldn't. Louis was having a panic attack. And the stampede wasn't helping at all.

Suddenly, god knows from where, someone rushed in.


Louis couldn't exactly tell who the person was as the sound of drizzle was increasing.

The person rushed to Louis and took him outside.

Like, literally carried him.
Louis and the boy (he assumed that the the person was a boy, because he couldn't feel you know.. the things..)
were soaked to the skin.

Everyone was rushing out of the building. But Louis couldn't breathe.
The person, as if somehow magically, understood what Louis was trying to say about not being able to breathe, took Louis to a relatively secluded place behind the school.

Louis was put down on some dry mat, and a blanket was being draped over his shivering form.

"Louis? Breathe in. Breathe out."

Louis listened to the boy and followed the advice, as the boy calmed him down by running a hand soothingly on his back.

After the repeated actions, Louis finally looked up.
He saw a cute boy, from his English class, who was worriedly talking on the phone, all the while rubbing Louis' back.

"I-I-" Louis tried to speak.

"Oh! Wait a second." He said to Louis, and hung up the call after muttering something like," He is safe, come here."

"W-who a-are-" Louis tried to question, but the boy shushed him.

"I am Stan. And no, I'm not kidnapping you!" The boy, Stan smiled.

"Stan! You got to Louis right?!" Was it Liam?
Louis saw Liam and Niall running towards them. Ed was behind them, holding Louis' backpack.

Okay. What is going on? Louis can't decipher any of this.

How To Break A Heartbreaker's Heart?• L.S. • *Completed*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant