Going Public

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I sat on a couch in the Room of Requirements, waiting for Draco. I was going to ask if he thought we should go public. Or if he wanted to.

When Draco finally entered, I basically jumped on top of him. But since I was so light, he caught me perfectly in his arms. He walked over to the couch and sat down, situating me to sit in his lap.

"Hi Draco." I giggled. "Hello love." Draco said and kissed me lightly. I groaned when he pulled away, chuckling at me. "Ready to snog the day away?" He asked sarcastically, knowing I'd say yes. I giggled at that.

"Not yet. I have an important question that I need you to be serious about." I said seriously. He nodded. "I think we should go public. Do you want to?" I asked.

His face lit up like a little kid on Christmas. "Yes!" He exclaimed. But then he frowned. "But what about your brother? Would he accept us?" Draco knew I wouldn't continue if Harry didn't approve when we go public, that's why he asked.

"I already took care of that. He'll accept us as long as I'm happy. And I'm happy. He caught onto my quizzing him though and he knows I'm dating a Slytherin. But he doesn't know who yet. Just don't hurt me and he won't have to kill you. And that goes with Gin, Mione, Anna and Mal too." I laughed when I finished.

He chuckled and kissed my nose. I giggled. "Then in that case, I'd love to go public. But, could we snog first?" He answered. I chuckled but nodded anyway. "Yay!" He said dramatically. I shook my head amusedly but was stopped by Draco grabbing my chin gently and forcing me to look at him. I got lost in his handsome blue grey eyes as he leaned in and kissed me.

After an hour of snogging my boyfriend, we decided to go out there and reveal our relationship. When we stood up off the couch, I straightened my hair and Draco straightened his hair as we made ourselves presentable.

I don't know why I'm so worried about this. I don't care what people think about me and my choices. Well, I care about what Harry thinks, but he said that if I'm happy, he'll be fine with my relationship. I'm worried about Draco. I don't know how he'll handle it.

Will he handle it well? What if he doesn't handle the hate towards us? What if he breaks up with me? Will he still love me?

Draco must have noticed my uneasiness because he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me passionately. I melted into his kiss and all my worries disappeared.

"I love you Kylie." Draco said when he pulled away. "I love you Draco. Now let's go public." I said and take his hand, pulling him out of the Room of Requirements.

When we leave the Room of Requirements, nobody is out there. Good. We don't need anybody knowing about our special alone place. We realized that breakfast would just be finishing up, so we just walked around the school, hand in hand.

After a while, a few students began to pass us and whisper. I looked at Draco to see how he's holding up and smile when he looks down at me. Why was I worrying earlier? He squeezed my hand reassuringly. We walked on and soon I see Harry and my friends talking.

When Harry sees me, he smiles, but then he spots Draco and glares...at first. When he sees us holding hands, he walks up to us, stopping our walk through the castle. He glanced between us and I got slightly nervous.

What if he disapproves? What if he tells me to break up with him? What if he feels betrayed by me? What if he hates me? I don't want to lose Harry. I only found him four years ago. But, I don't want to lose Draco either.

Draco must have felt my nervousness because he squeezed my hand reassuringly again. I smile up at him and he smiles down at me. I look back at Harry and see he's smiling at us.

"Don't hurt her. Or I'll have to kill you and go to Azkaban for it." Harry tells Draco. Draco smiles at me and looks back at Harry. "Never. And if I do hurt her, I don't think it would be only you attempting to kill me. Who else did you say would try to kill me if I hurt you Kylie?" Draco promised.

"Mione, Gin, Anna, Mal and Harry. Honestly, I'm not sure about Ron. He and I don't get along too well." I said, feeling Harry's gaze on me as I look at my loving boyfriend.

"Got it. So I would have five or six people attacking me. Good to know." Draco joked. "Actually, you'd have the whole Gryffindor House. After all, she is the Gryffindor Princess." Gin said as she and the girls and Ron came up to join us.

Draco nodded, looking a little scared. I laughed and he glared playfully at me, making me laugh harder. He rolled his eyes and snaked his arm around my waist. I blushed and stopped laughing.

"You're cute when you blush." Draco said to me. I blushed as red as a tomato. "Hey! Remember me! The twin who is being forced to watch somebody hit on his sister." Harry said and flailed his arms in front of Draco & me to get our attention before we kissed. I laughed and so did everybody else. I hugged Harry.

"Thanks Harry. I'm glad you approve." I said and then pulled away from our hug. He passed me back to Draco who immediately put an arm around my waist, making me blush again.

"So long as you're happy, I approve. But if he ever hurts you, I will be in Azkaban by the end of the day." Harry said. We all laughed at Harry who's ears turned a light shade of pink.

"Well, how about you two spend the day together and we will keep Harry away so you two can have some alone time." Mal winks at us. "Hey! Don't give me that idea." Harry snapped at Mal. Then he looks at Draco & I seriously and pointedly.

"Don't you dare go off and do something stupid! I do not want my sister getting pregnant!" He hissed at us. "Gross!! Not until I'm married and thirty!" I shriek, insulted that he thought I'd do something so stupid.

"Good. And I'm fine if you never get married too." Harry said. "Harry James Potter!" I shriek at him. Anna, Mal, Gin and Mione began laughing at us. I glare at them, shutting them up. They quickly pull Harry away.

I glare menacingly at Mal's retreating figure. I am going to kill her later.

When they disappear from sight, Draco spins me around to face him. I smile up at him and he smirks. I raise my eyebrow at him. "Want to show people what we like to do as a couple?" He asked. I giggled and nodded my head.

He bends his head down and kisses me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back gladly.

'Draco Malfoy is all mine! And you know that ladies, so back off!' I shouted mentally. When he pulls away, we continue walking through the school. I glare at any girl who looks like she's checking Draco out. Draco glares at any guy who checks me out. I like being a public couple.

The Slytherin Prince. The Gryffindor Princess. A couple. I like the sound of that. The Slytherin Prince is mine. The Gryffindor Princess, aka me, is his. I love that.

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