Chapter 2~ Strangers

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Things to look out for~
Y/N=Your name
H/C=Hair Color
E/C=Eye Color
H/L=Hair Length
C/N=Cats Name (There's a reason it's a cat and not a dog this will be explained in the future thank you)
H/N=Horse Name
F/C=Favorite Color
S/F/C=Second Favorite Color


After the invading the little princesses parents were presumed dead or missing. It had been many years since that happened and the little princess had turned 6 years old yesterday. Her "Aunt" Coral had gotten her something.... something special... but we'll get into that later right now our little princess is training and that's where our story begins.


My Auntie Coral gives me training every day, today was physical training tomorrow was magical training. Sword training is the most fun for me because I... actually get to do something. My Auntie says that I have magical powers because I have wolf ears. I'm not sure how I got them but Auntie says they were from my mother being a Meif'wa and my Dad being part Werewolf. I still don't understand it but I don't really care they give me inhuman stealth, speed and agility. Having wolf ears also makes the obstacle coarse my Auntie puts out everyday a breese. Sigh*" I better get back to training" I said no louder than a whisper. My mind was racing all over the place to my magic, my parents, my past, it was all to much but I took it out on the training dummy. My E/C eyes were lit aflame with a small F/C glow as I started hitting the dummy with all my might. I didn't just keep wacking it I used a strategy as if it were a real person which seemed true. My Auntie had already started up her magic making the dummies move and fight me. 3 of them came at me all at once, thanks to my Aunties sword training I sliced them all in half with one slash. "Yeah!" I shouted I finally perfected that move I've been working on for weeks. "Oh Y/N time for bow training" YES!! Bow training the best training of the day. I got my horse H/N, from the stables and started at a slow trot to the forest. My Aunt uses her magic to move the targets in the forest and with me on H/N, it's even harder to shoot my bow and get a bullseye. I aim my F/C enchanted bow at the first target, bullseye sweet. The next targets has 5 at the same time I pull 5 arrows from my quiver and aim. "Wooohoooo" I yelled as I wooshed past the targets hitting them all straight in the center. H/N started slowing down we were nearing the edge of the forest. My aunt said that part of the forest was forbidden. H/N came to a complete stop at the end of the forest. The forest Beyond this point had a dark Eerie glow it didn't have the the light that our Forest had. I knew it was forbidden from going into the forest but I was still curious. There were so many questions that were left to be un answered about the other side what was over there? Why did my aunt not want me to go over there what did she not want me to see? I shrugged the feeling off and made H/N turn towards the other direction.
               As soon as I got home I tied up H/N to the stables and walked into our little cottage and saw my aunt cooking dinner. My aunt turned to me an extra dose of excitement in her eyes. She handed me a plate of food and told me to sit down. She sat down with me and said "I have a surprise for youuuu!!!". "Really what?" I asked curiously she said "Since you've been such a good girl and you've been training hard so I got you a present!" I sqealed "Really, Really what is it, what is it?" I almost screamed she didn't say anything she just smiled wide and handed me a basket with a red and white checker patturn blanket over top of it. I grabbed the basket and slowly lifted the blanket seeing two little F/C ears and a fluffy tail. I lifted it more to see a sweet F/C kitten with a S/F/C star on her ear sleeping. "Aaahhhhh I love you so much Aunt Coral" I screamed. I hugged her tightly she kissed the top of my head and hugged me back." Well what are you going to name her?" She asked. " Um, I don't know .. how about C/N." "It's settled." I smiled brightly thinking that is was probably the  happiest point of my life but then it took a turn for the worst a loud burst came from the door. 6 large black figures came in from the door... they had this strange dark energy emitting from them but that didn't matter now. "Y/N!!"my Aunt shouted but the figures already grabbed me and put tape over Aunt Corals mouth. I screamed as loud as I could a single tear dropped down my face. The black figures took all our things and our pets they took my weapons. They took a small look at me and said" Are you the Fire Stone Princess?!" When they said that my Aunts eyes widened. They looked at my Aunt then, me, I had a confused look on my face. They looked at my neck and saw my necklace which had a flame  dragon symbol on it. (Picture above) My Aunt says it's from my mom and it was our cities symbol.
The black figure picked it up and laughed a little. I got angry and shook my head away from him making the necklace move from his hand back to my chest. "Hands off my mother's necklace!" I said in the strictest voice I could muster. He smirked at me and said to the fellow black figures "She's a fiesty one tie her up!!!" As soon as he barked the orders they tied me up and put tape over my mouth. I struggled and struggled they finally had enough of it. They hit the top of my head and everything started to go blurry the last thing I saw was my Aunt crying then everything faded to darkness....

Sorry about another cliffhanger but this will be continued in the near future
Stay Minty my friends~♡

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