I smile slightly, "Yeah."

"Anyway," Kiara laughs. "Let's do something, we don't want to spend the last days together like that, now do we?"

I grin. "No."

The rest of the day goes by too quickly for my liking, and at night we go to the movies like promised. I'm too excited when I get in the car, never really been inside one before. Lots of humans surround me at the movies, and I find myself okay with it, loving it actually.

Joelle doesn't leave my side during the rest of the night, not wanting me to leave. Jeremy surprisingly converses with me more, telling me all about his favourite subject; science. The kid is a genius, too. On Saturday morning, I stand by the door, giving them my goodbyes.

"I will miss you." Joelle pouts, not breaking our tight hug.

"Me, too." I say, rubbing her back before putting her back down.

Jeremy shyly asks, "Will you be back soon?"

I smile and press a kiss to his cheek. "I will."

His eyes widen in surprise as he blushes, running off to his room. We laugh lightly before I hug Kiara and Peter. "I will be back soon, don't have too much fun in my absence." I joke.

Kiara laughs heartily and kisses my forehead. "We'll be waiting for you."

"I will see you soon, dad." I grin, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

He pulls me in for another hug before muttering into my neck, "Soon, my love. I will be waiting any time."

Pulling back, I wave at them as I say, "Bye!"

On my way back, I stop at Alfredo and look at Louis' parlour, hesitating whether or not I should go there. Again, and surprisingly, I follow my mind and walk towards the parlour. Taking a deep breath, I push the door open and relax slightly when I see only Liam.

"Hello, Tallulah," He smiles sympathetically at me. He knows.

"Hi," I reply nervously. "Is Louis here?"

He shakes his head, "He's home. He's been sick these past—"

Before he can finish his sentence, the parlour's door is pushed open and in walks a very tired looking Louis. His hair is a bit messy under the red beanie he is wearing, his skin slightly paler, his nose a bit pink and his eyes circled with black rings. His eyes shoot up to mine as soon as he notices me, though he doesn't seem surprised, he looks as if he was expecting me, in fact.

My throat goes dry immediately and I find myself shaking slightly with nervousness. Louis clears his throat and looks at Liam before nodding with his head towards the door, silently asking Liam to leave us alone for a bit.

Liam immediately catches on and gets up. "I... I should go bring some stuff. Be back later."

None of us reply to him as he leaves. Louis looks back at me before saying, "Sit down."

His voice sounds off, and I soon realise that his nose is blocked when he takes out a tissue and blow his nose. I almost smile but then I remember the situation that we are in and then sit down as he told me. Louis looks at me for a few seconds before sitting down across me.

"How are you?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"How am I? I don't know, how are you?" He replies sarcastically, making my heart hurt.

"I'm sorry, Louis." I say, looking down at my feet.

"I know you are." He surprises me by saying.

I dart my tongue out to wet my lips and say, "That's what I meant when I said that I don't deserve you."

His eyes shoot up to mine. "What?"

I take a deep breath and continue, "I know I don't deserve you because of who I am, but I just... I let my heart get in the way when I should have thought rationally about it before I came to your parlour. You deserve much better than me, you deserve a human, a normal woman with you, and I'm sorry that I can't be that for you. I tried to act and be normal for you, but it's against my nature and it's impossible. So I'm sorry for letting everything get this far and for hurting you and lying to you, but it was truly out of my control."


I cut him off to let everything out. "It was true; everything that I felt with you and towards you was true. I truly do love you, and everything I did was just to have more time with you, because I couldn't get enough of you and your kisses and touches. I love everything about you, and it blinded me. It blinded me from the fact that I'm trying to perfect something that won't work out."

Louis keeps his gaze on the ground as he sniffs and wipes away a tear from his cheek. "You told me you will try to not assume things that you don't know anything about."

What do you value the most? For me, it's life in general haha.... Hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading and please, don't forget to vote and comment :) x I love you!

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