Chapter Fifteen

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At breakfast, my seat, unfortunately, was in front of Melody. The table is a square shape which made it obstinate, I'd either be closer or facing her. My eyes focused on the cereal, but my mind didn't. Each bite was tasteless. I offer a few glances at Melody. Sometimes I catch her eyes glimpsing at me. Jude avoided this awkwardness and left after finishing half of his food. Left Melody, Gerard, and I.

"You look a bit distracted," Gerard said. His eyes moved from me to Melody and back again. Silence murdered our time before anyone of us respond. I grabbed my mug and gulps the tea in quick swallows almost choking. He nods. Turns his full attention to what looked like an oatmeal. 

The clumsiness in the atmosphere remained.

A minute later, a sound finally entered our kitchen. "Hey, guys!" Autumn chuckled and sat on the place Jude fled. 

"Good," my ears caught Melody mumbling. 

"Thanks for coming! It's difficult sitting with these two alone."

"What happened?" she asked him. Grabbed a cucumber from Melody's plate and ate.

"I don't know what happened, but I'm certain it's ridiculous," Gerard scratched the back of his head.

She makes a face. "I'm sure of that too."

Both I and Melody eyed them. Our gazes screaming the inclination to kill them. Autumn mouthed Let's Run to Gerard. Following the orders they rushed out.

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