Chapter Twelve

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   Chase was leaning against the wall dressed in nothing but gray sweat pants that hung loosely on his hips, barefoot with his well toned arms folded across his perfectly sculpted chest. His hair was disheveled and wet, causing tiny beads of water to drop across his broad shoulders; its obvious he just took a shower. Aly felt an unfamiliar stir in her abdomen.
"Enjoying the view?" He asked, a smirk playing across his face.
Embarrassed to have been caught lost in her wanton thoughts, Aly quickly turned her attention to the floor wishing it would open and take her in.
"G-good morning sir" she stuttered nervously "your file" she quickly retrieved it from her bag, fingers struggling to cooperate.
He walked towards her.
'Shit he's getting closer. This is not good, not good at all. I can never let anyone but myself know the effect he was starting to have on me'  Cautious Aly had been awaken.
"Thank you" His finger brushed against her hand and lingered for a few seconds as he took the document from her outstretched hand. Immediately she combusted internally thanks to Wanton Aly who craved more of his touch.
He's your boss, this goes against everything you stand for.  Cautious Aly  had sobered up from its intoxication from the sight of Chase's body. Nate, focus on Nate, You're focusing on working things out with Nate. Despite being drunk by lust, every word Cautious Aly slurred out was true.
"I should go" she turned to leave but halted.
"No, join me for breakfast" that sounded more like an order than an invitation.
"Run! Head for the hills! Get out! Danger!"  Cautious Aly  the drunkard was frantic but as usual was right, she should go, this was danger.
"I have a favor I'd like to ask of you and since you're already here, why not get it over with? Plus if my attire makes you uncomfortable I'll put a shirt on"
"No! Don't!"  Wanton Aly screamed desperately.
He was now holding her hand and Wanton Aly had set off her Internal fireworks.
Slowly she turned to face him with the intention of turning him down in keeping with the judgments of Cautious Aly.
"Please?" his temptingly kissable lips curled into a smile.
"Uh... sure" So much for turning him down.
"I'll go let Doris know to set you a place"
Aly stared lustfully at his bare back as he walked away towards the kitchen, his muscles flexing as he walked. Wanton Aly  skipped happily through her sunny meadow.
The question lingering on Aly's mind now was- What kind of favor did Chase want? She hoped he didn't have some sick idea of using her as bait to reel in some big client; a lunch meeting she was up for but anything that required her and some  bald headed old guy getting intimate, hell no!
"Ally, this way please" Chase was standing a few yards from her putting on a white T-shirt.
She walked behind himWanton Aly a bit disappointed about the shirt but its snug fit didn't make it all bad, she still got glimpses of the imprints his shoulder made in the soft cotton material.
They entered a kitchen the size of something Aly expected to see in a restaurant. How big is this place? The stainless steel and black color scheme suited him, anything else would seem odd for him. Doris had set two plates of scrambled eggs with green peppers and mushrooms,  and toast on the island counter along with a jug of orange juice, two cups of coffee  and a stack of  strawberry pancakes.  Aly took a seat on one of the stools at the counter then Chase did the same sitting directly across from her
"Thank you" she smiled at Doris who stood next to Chase "looks delicious"
"No problem dear, please enjoy and thank you" She replied returning a smile.
Chase thanked her then relieved her of duties, telling her to go have her breakfast and he'll take over from here. Smiling she thanked him and left.
"The big bad wolf does have a soft spot after all" Aly teased once Doris had left.
"And what is that to supposed to mean?" Chase asked buttering a slice of toast.
"What you just did with Doris, seems very.. Unlike you". His gaze was now directly on her.
"I'm not a slave driver Alyssa" The way her name rolled off his tongue made her tingle much to wanton Aly's delight. "I might be ruthless when it relates to my company's well-being, I might be an asshole at times as I'm only human but I'm not a slave driver. I can be harsh at times but that's only when circumstances require me to be"
"Circumstances?"  Aly's newfound courage challenged him to elaborate.
"Like you and that smart little mouth of yours. You seem to like challenging persons and I find that rather cute, however I should warn you Ms Laurence, I love a good challenge"
"So being mean to me is your idea of a challenge?" She shot back taking a forkful of her mouthwateringly good meal

"It shows who's in control doesn't it?" There was that smirk again.
"Oh so you're a control freak then?" It went silent before he offered a response.
"You'll know in due time Ms Laurence" He replied coolly.
Aly  shrugged and continued eating. They ate in silence except for the back and forth clinking of the utensils.At the end of the meal, Chase collected and deposited the empty plates and glasses into the sink.
"Let's go to my study where we can talk about that favor I mentioned earlier"
Anxiety took over as Aly got up and followed him out of the kitchen, up a few stairs then down a hallway till they stopped at a door he opened with the keys he took from his pocket.
Even in the dark, Aly could see the decor of his study was similar to that of his office at work. With the flick of a switch the room  was illuminated with very low lighting. The walls were painted a red wine looking color while thick dark green carpet covered the floor. His desk was dark brown along with the shelves and bookcases. His chair was black leather as were all other chairs and the sofa in the study. There was a calming; almost sleepy feel to this room.
Chase closed the door behind us and motioned me to have a seat on the black leather sofa as he went to collect a file from the drawer on his desk. The vibration of her phone indicated that Aly had gotten a new text message; hoping it was Nate, she anxiously reached into her bag and pulled it out. Seeing it was indeed from him, she opened it excitedly.
Good morning lovely lady, all has been forgiven. Dinner... Hmm, I like sound of that and I'm good with coming over to your place if it makes you more comfortable :) Does 6 work for you?
X Nate
She replied immediately.
You've made my day :) six is perfect . looking forward to our evening :)
X Ally
Her heart soared, they could try fixing this; her day had been made. She was so excited she didn't even notice she was joined by Chase on the couch until he cleared his throat.
"Sorry" she smiled trying to control her excitement.
"It's fine. Now, what I want to ask is outlined in this contract" He handed her the document
"Is this some Fifty Shades of Grey kind of thing?" Aly blurted out immediately then covered her mouth after realizing what she had said.
Ladies and gentlemen- klutzy Ally *cue applause *
An amused expression made its way across his face at her random outburst.
"No Ms Laurence, it is nothing like that. However, that could be arranged, I take it such a thing is a dirty little fantasy of yours?" He was smiling mischievously.
Embarrassed beyond description,  Aly diverted her attention to the floor.
"Sorry, I don't know where that came from"  She deliberately ignored the last part of his comment.
"It's ok. My favor is me asking you to be my wife... My FAKE wife" he added quickly emphasizing the 'fake'  "you will be compensated, it's only for two years, at the end of which you will get said compensation. You'll move in with me, continue working if you please and have your own room. Sex is not a part of this agreement, we'll only convey the image of a couple in public. I know you're wondering why all this and now so the answer to that is my father still has minor shares in the company, we have a 9:1 ratio however he's willing to withdraw his presence from the company altogether making me the sole owner under one, condition I prove I'm responsible and capable of settling down by getting married by the end of the year"
Aly  froze as her mind became flooded with thoughts.
'Me? Play wife of Chase Callaghan? FUCK NO. What about my life in those two years I'll be 'tied' to him? No, no, no....NO'-  She thought in shock.
"You don't have to do it or agree now, I'll give you until Friday to decide. As I said earlier, the contact will outline everything in detail, step by step"
"I...I uh, I'll... have to think this over, this is a huge step with major sacrifices, I really don't know" She stuttered.
"Take your time and go through" He said once more.
"I dont know, I.." She was cut off by Chase's lips against hers in a heated passionate kiss which she  gave in to; their tongues battling for dominance.
"Think about it" He whispered against her lips before standing up leaving her seated and shocked by what just took place.
All the other 'Alys'  gathered and wept bitterly as the mourned for Wanton Aly who died from shock and excitement.
"I...I have to go, and I'll let you know my decision" She got up after her legs regained their strength and placed the document in her bag.
"I'll walk you out" he offered seemingly unaffected by what happened.
Aly called to Doris telling her thanks again for breakfast and that she was leaving.
Chase walked her to the elevator and as she got in smiled and said bye.
"See you tomorrow sir" she  smiled weakly as the doors closed and she began her descent of the floors.

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