Aly jumped at the sound of his voice.
"Oh..yeah I know but I didn't mind doing them manually. Hope you're not mad that I relieved Doris. She looked tired plus she did a fantastic job with dinner and I wanted to show my appreciation for her skills"

"No. I'm not mad, that was really sweet of you. I appreciate your selflessness towards her and I believe she does too. Now may I have my PA back?"

"Thanks and sure, that was last glass anyway"

Drying her hands in paper towel, Aly turned the light off and followed Chase who made his way to his study.

As they walked, her thinking he was mad kept replaying in his head. He really wasn't mad at her, how could he be mad? How could anyone for that matter be mad at someone so... Perfect? None of his 'women' even bothered to pour a glass of water moreover wash dishes, instead they ordered around Doris which irritated Chase and caused arguments. She was more than just his maid and they often abused her kindness thinking he'd stand for it, yet Aly who didn't know either of them that well was quite comfortable with doing housework.

Aly was nothing like those women and he was starting to like that difference more than he intended.

"We won't do much tonight as I'm guessing you must be tired, I'll just give you an idea of what we're working with"

They were both standing at Chase's desk while he arranged some files before handing them to Aly who began leafing through the pages.

Chase watched her as she took interest in the printouts and he couldn't help but find her intelligence and intellect very attractive. Her outer traits didn't match up but her inner traits were all he'd want in a woman and more.

"A purchasing proposal? Not bad, this shouldn't be hard for us to finish up. It's possible we might finish in a day"

A day? No, it had to take longer not because of the proposal itself but because he wanted her around longer than that. He'd have to find an excuse to delay the completion.

"Well we'll see how that goes. Is ten okay for us to start?"

"Yes that's fine, goodnight sir"

That was the final straw, as Aly turned to leave, Chase held her hand and pulled her back; back into his arms, back into a deep  passionately possessive kiss.

Instinctively Aly gave in to the earth shattering assault Chase's lips were rendering on hers. When he finally released her, he kept his forehead against hers then whispered against her aching lips.

"My name is Chase. Goodnight Aly. Let's go"

Turning off the lights, he locked the door then they both walked off, each retreating to their respective room.
As Aly settled into bed, she couldn't help but crave more of those kisses. Each one got better than the last making it harder and harder to fight her growing attraction to Chase.

Amanda needed to get her ass home and soon.

Chase couldn't fall asleep, he had needs Aly could but wouldn't satisfy in ways he desired and no amount of cold showers could help.
She had what it took but she wouldn't willingly give into such desires.

Chase needed company and he needed it now.

Picking his phone up he texted Brielle, inviting her over, an offer she accepted instantly.

Aly slept like a baby, she can't recall ever feeling so well rested in a long time. Stretching she got out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

On her way from her room, Aly noticed Chase's door was still locked, but seeing it was just a few minutes past six she took it he was still asleep and made her way to the kitchen. She was in the mood for muffins so she quickly whipped up batter for a batch; thankfully Doris kept the kitchen well stocked with easily accessible ingredients and utensils.

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