Cats from the Past

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It's the future. The old gang of Shadowhunters we all know and love is long gone, leaving only Simon and Magnus.

Now, about Magnus. He loved and still loves his little Fairchild, the young Clarissa. He hated seeing her go just as much as he hated seeing them all go.

One day, Magnus found a small, orange tabby cat in the alley. He, of course, decided to take it in.

Magnus had spent about an entire evening trying to figure out a name for the kitten. It had refused a meal twice and it insisted on chasing the birds outside.

So stubborn, only wanting what it wants.

Magnus laughed to himself. Reminded him of Clary. And that's when it dawned on him.

"I know. You're my little Biscuit."

Magnus was always with Biscuit, never needing to bring her out.

There was one dark, quiet night in Brooklyn, Magnus and Biscuit together as usual. Biscuit was a young adolescent now.

Magnus looked out of the window and into the town below. He spotted another cat in the streets.

Magnus shot Biscuit a look that almost asked for permission to leave. Biscuit didn't seem to mind, so long as she could go too.

Magnus scooped her into his arms and made his way down to the streets.

He peered at the new cat. It didn't look too old, no older than Biscuit could be. It was a Korat with gray fur and darker stripes.

Biscuit couldn't contain her excitement over a possible new friend, and promptly leaped out of Magnus' arms and scurried over to the cat.

The other cat was startled and appeared very annoyed with Biscuit, but it didn't attack her. It even looked like it played with her a bit.

Magnus crept closer, and he noticed something familiar about this cat.

It had blue eyes.

Magnus was taken aback by this. The last time he saw eyes like that was....

Magnus was snapped out of his thoughts by a small bump on his leg. Biscuit wanted Magnus to say hi to her new friend.


Magnus led the felines back up to the loft. As he fed the new stray, he studied it closer.

He noticed how oddly shaped its stripes were. There was one pattern that stuck out more than anything. The cat had stripes on its neck that reminded Magnus of...

The deflect rune.

Magnus tried to focus on something else.

"Ah, you know, we haven't even given you a name yet, have we?" he said to the gray cat.

It looked up at him sternly, but with a subtle sweetness and it. As Magnus looked down at it, be found the perfect name for the cat.

"That's it! I think I'll call you Sweetpea!"

Even for a cat, Sweetpea looked utterly displeased with his new name. Magnus was sure he hated it as much as Alec did. But hey, at least Alec didn't have to live with it forever.


Over the next week or two, Magnus also found two more cats that happened to strike uncanny resemblances to the old crew.

First he found another gray Korat. It had stripes like Sweetpea but lighter. It also had a white stomach. It walked with the same confidence that Magnus saw in Isabelle.

This cat also bore a scar on its chest that Magnus saw as the angelic rune that Izzy once had. He decided to name this one Serpien, after Izzy's famed whip.

Sweetpea was very protective of Serpien, probably because they were of the same breed, but Magnus saw it as a sibling-like bond.

Later, Magnus found a white Turkish Angora with the same golden eyes as Jace. Biscuit was especially interested in this one (go figure). Magnus gave the cat the name Heron, for Jace's surname and the cat's feather-like fur.

The four cats got along quite well, and often played with each other.


Magnus kept the cats for quite a while. He even invited Raphael and Simon to come over to pay a visit.

Simon was at first startled at Biscuit, for he too saw her resemblance to Clary, but played with her nonetheless.

His undead boyfriend, however, hated cats, and he knew Magnus was aware of this.

Magnus knew Raph would go with Simon anyway, so he just chuckled to himself as Raphael stared daggers at him.

Magnus was happy with his new friends. So happy, in fact, that he didn't realize just how long cats actually live....


{Hope that was okay! Sorry for you non-Saphael shippers, I just had to do it. Also sorry for pointing out the whole "Magnus outliving loved ones because of his immortality" thing at the end, I wanted to make you sad. Feel free to leave ideas for future one-shots in the comments!}

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