"No. They were just trashing things. At least that's what I know." I reply. Red Robin just nods at my words.

"Did they take anyone else?" He asks, looking down at me.

"I'm pretty sure they didn't. I think I was the only one who managed to really piss them off."

"Okay. Did they say anything that could have been important? Anything suspicious?" His eyebrows furrow and he places his bottom lip between his pearly whites. He stares ahead in thought, seeming as if there is something more on his mind than the simple questions he's asking.

"Uh, not that I can remember." I say, fiddling with my fingers on my lap. "I was knocked out a lot of the time."

"Oh. Did the Joker directly say anything to you about the Batman? Or anyone associated with him?"

"Nothing important. Just pointless teasing, I guess."

"And none of that seemed sketchy? Even in the slightest?" He says. "Joker almost always has some sort of clue hidden in his stupid jokes."

"I don't know. None of it seemed dodgy to me," I answer. "But I don't think I was paying much attention to what he was saying."

He nods again, chewing lightly on his lip. With a sigh, he stands up and smiles down at me. Red Robin's mask covered eyes seem to be piercing my own as he maintains friendly eye contact with me.

"Thanks for that, Penelope."

"For what? Talking to you?"

"For answering my questions." He chuckles, heading back to the window.

"No problem-o." I cringe at my own choice of words, slapping myself mentally for simply speaking before thinking.

"I'll see you around, Poppy." He flashes me a gleaming smile, turning and hopping out of the window as gracefully as a ballerina, not leaving a trace of anything but the scent of his cologne. 

"Yeah, see you around."


I glare harshly at the screen of my laptop. Don't get me wrong, I adore Teen Wolf, but Theo Raeken is such a dickhead that it angers me beyond words. Even though this is probably my twelfth time watching this episode.

I jump as my mum suddenly swings the door open, barging in and placing herself on my bed beside me. She looks at me, her eyes filled with a mixture of emotions - curiosity standing out the most.

"I'm going to tell you something."

"What is it?" I ask, shutting my laptop and turning to face her.

"I've enrolled you at Gotham Academy." She blurts. "You'll be at school on Monday."


"I'll be honest, sweetheart. It's for my own sense of security."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I spit, glaring at my mother.

"I feel safer if you are safe. I don't want to send you back to the same school where you were kidnapped - where you were taken away from me!" She stresses, grabbing both of my hands in her own. I sigh.

I understand. I'm not happy about it, no, but I understand. My parents are all that I have and I would do anything for their happiness. Even if it means I have to leave all my friends. I know that I can still stay close to my friends - all the two of them - even if I'm attending a completely different school as them. It just won't be the same. The biggest obstacle, though, seems to be the fact that I am moving to Gotham Academy.

The students from Gotham High and Gotham Academy have never gotten along with each other. G.A. is a private school. G.H. is a public school. G.A. is populated by snooty rich kids with egos bigger than The Death Star from the Star Wars movies that I had been insanely obsessed with as a child. Ironically, the rivalry between the two schools have caused many disastrous events in the past years; there was the time when a kid from Gotham Academy had hospitalized a poor boy for several broken bones, and when students had blocked off one of Gotham City's busiest roads for a whole day due to a riot caused by angry Gotham High attendees.

So, I may as well just scrap all hopes of staying friends with Jack and May if I'm going to move to G.A. The amount of crap I would get for switching from High to Academy would have me pulling the hair out of my head in no time.

"How did you manage to even get me into Gotham Academy? Isn't it pretty much impossible for families like us?"

"You've been offered a full Wayne Foundation Scholarship." She smiles, her eyes sparkling with what can only be pride. "For art and commerce."

"Wha - when?"

"We got a letter in the mail earlier today. You're father and I agreed to have you start there as soon as possible. Why waste time?"

"Yeah," I send her a small smile, nodding my head.

"I'm so proud of you, Poppy." She places her hand on my left cheek for a couple of seconds before standing  up and making her way out of my room.

I groan loudly, mumbling multiple cuss words under my breath as I shove my legs under the blankets on my bed.

INSIGHTFUL ⇛ Tim Drake  [ currently on hiatus ]Where stories live. Discover now