Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Kinsley's POV:

Next morning...

I woke up to Jayce groaning. He must have one heck of a hangover. I would if I were him.

I heard Jayce groan again, "Ugh!" and then heard a loud thud. I ran over to his room to see what happened.

I saw Jayce clutching his head in a fetal position on the floor of his room.

I smirked at the sight. I know, my best friend is experiencing a really bad hangover and all I do is smirk. Call me mean but he had it coming to him for not being cautious of his alcoholic intake last night.

I finally felt pity for him and got some aspirin and  a glass of water to help his raging head.

"Here," I said thrusting the bottle and the glass of water into his hand, "it should help."

"Hey, thanks," he said looking quite surprised.

"I didn't realize you were here," he said gulping down the aspirin.

"How would you have gotten home in your drunken state yesterday?"

"Oh. So you're the one I called. I vaguely remember what happened last night, I'm ashamed to say. I guess I shouldn't have let Luke talked me into a shots challenge. So what happened?" Jayce asked getting a better grip on himself after a wild night.

"Well you got drunk, called me to pick you up, barely missed my shoes when you puked, and professed your love for me," I added at the end to tease him. His eyes were saucers and face just made me crack up.

"WHAT! I said that?" He asked for confirmation.

"Yeah,  but I know you weren't in your right mind and dismissed it. You probably were seeing another girl's face. If that's it, I'm quite hurt you haven't said anything to me about her."

"Nah, you're the only girl in my life beside my mom and Ileana."

"Good because I don't think I can handle the competition and having to share my Jayce," I joked.

He looked at me for a bit not saying anything. I smiled at him and he returned it.

"Well," I said, "now that I know you're going to be okay I should get dressed and going." I began to back away to the room to get changed.

Jayce didn't stop looking at me, unnerving me. I nodded awkwardly and left the room.

Jayce's POV:

"...and professed you're love for me."

"WHAT!" I practically yelled. "I said that," quite shocked by my actions last night.

"Yeah, but I know you weren't in your right mind and dismissed it. You probably were seeing another girl's face. If that's it, I'm quite hurt you haven't said anything to me about her," Kinsley said.

"Nah, you're the only girl in my life beside my mom and Ileana," I said. It's true.

"Good, because I don't think I can handle the competition and having to share my Jayce." I was on cloud nine. She considered me hers. I usually hated it when my ex-girlfriends got clingy and snappy at other girls claiming that I was theirs and only theirs but coming from Kinsley's mouth was entirely different.  

She stopped talking but I continued looking at her thanking my lucky stars that I was fortunate enough to have Kinsley as my best friend. 

She smiled at me and I returned a warm one to her.

"Well," she said, "now that I know you're going to be okay I should get dressed and going." she backed up to the room that I gave her and shut the door behind her.

I smiled stupidly at the closed door knowing she can't see me but I can't help it she makes me like this, stupid and idiotic. I was putty in her hands and I would do anything for her. I frowned knowing I have to bombard her peaceful world with some bad news. Why couldn't Ileana tell her. At least then she would hate her not me. Ugh! Stupid conscience! That wouldn't be fair of me. I am her best friend even above Ileana.  


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