Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Jayce's POV:

I heard the door behind me slide open then close. My friend Luke sat by me. I nodded my head, acknowledging him.

"Hey man what's up? You've been awfully quiet tonight," he stated.

I was quiet for a bit until I abruptly asked, "is it stupid of me to have fallen in love with my best friend?"

He chuckled, "no, its human of you. Besides how could you not? Kinsley is amazing and she's been by our side since she was a baby through ups and downs. Now I call that dedication. Take Ileana and me for example. Who would've thought from all the girls in the world I'd end up with her. We couldn't stand each other but stuck it up because I'm your best friend and Ileana Kinsley's. We stuck through it and found out our feelings weren't what we thought of them. That could be you and Kinsley minus not being able to stand each other," he said.

"Maybe you're right. I'm probably overthinking it. Hey, how did you know Ileana was the one?" I asked.

" I don't," he answered back, "that's the beauty of it. I get to fall for her a little bit more every day. Now come on! Let's have a boy's night and have some drinks," Luke suggested.

"Yeah sure, why not," I replied back.

Kinsley's POV:

As soon as I'm about to fall asleep my phone buzzed. Typical.

"You're speaking to Kinsley," I said when I picked it up.

"Kwinsley," I heard Jayce hiccup on the other end, "can you pwease come pick me up," I heard him slur. Uh oh! This means that Jayce is drunk. You have got to be kidding me! Great now I have to pick him up and play babysitter. I sighed...just my luck.

10 minutes later...

I pulled up to Club Rendezvous. Compared to other clubs around here, it was much classier. When I approached the club's bouncer, I told him I was picking up somebody.

When I walked in I went into search mode for Jayce. Jayce, like any other twenty-three year olds, drank. It was rare though for Jayce to get out of control like this. Only in special occasions has he splurged in an extra drink or two but he knew when to stop.

When I spotted him he was in the middle of a group of girls. Go figures. I don't blame them though. Jayce is extremely handsome and also very fit. They didn't stand a chance especially when his charming-self came out. I don't think he was trying to charm them though seeing that he could barely form a proper coherent sentence.

I walked up to him and pried him off the women's clutch earning me a bunch of stink eyes. I gave them a glowering stare saying 'dare me.' I wasn't in the mood. I knew they would just leave because starting a fight will only result in ruined hair and nails for them.

I dragged Jayce outside , taking on most of his weight and let me tell you, he isn't light.

We barely made it out before he vomited on the sidewalk. GROSS! When he was finished I attempted to direct him into my car.

"Kwinsey, I wove you."

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too buddy," I grunted as I began to drag Jayce.

"You're so pwetty and bweautiful. How could I not fall for you," he slurred at the end.

What, in the world, is he talking about?

"That's nice Jayce." Wow he must be super drunk for saying those but oddly enough something in me was experiencing a euphoria at the moment.

"It's twue," he attempted to kiss me on the cheek but I pushed him away. No way, after he just puked, was I letting him kiss me. That's just not sanitary.

Thankfully Jayce didn't pass out until I got him to his house so I didn't have to attempt to try to carry him. Key word attempt.

I decided to stay for the night to watch over him. Thank God I brought some clothes and supplies over earlier.

By the time I tucked Jayce in I was exhausted. Too tired to try to comprehend the events of this night. It was too much I'd just wait for tomorrow. As soon as my eye lids started to close I was gone.


The gif was totally of the topic of the book but I felt the need to share it. Isn't it just adorable!!!! 😍😍😍😍

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