Chapter seven

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(A/N Jesus fucking Christ! This story has 33 views? That's crazy! The most I usually get is three, tops! I'm amazed, thanks for sticking with my shitty writing! Ily 😆)

Liz's POV

I knocked on the door of Juliet's house. The door was opened by a very heavily pregnant woman, eight months minimum.

"Who are you?" Asked the woman.

"Hi! I am elizabeth Purdy, but you can call me Liz. I heard you were pregnant! Congratulations!" I said, anxiously winging it.

"Oh yeah, I visited you in hospital when you were dying of broken ribs! How are you, honey? Come in, by the way" Juliet said, hugging me and inviting me into her home.

"I'm good, thanks! A little bit squishy still but fine! How are you doing? Being pregnant must be difficult"

"You have no idea. Tea? Coffee?"

"No thank you, I'm alright. Anyway, I heard you were freaking out a bit so I came to give you some moral support and company. Maybe it would help to talk about it?"

"Yeah, please, sit" Juliet said, lowering herself onto a sofa. I sat in a chair across from her.

"So, what's going on?" I asked.

"Well, I got offered a job. It's in Sweden and the offer is too good to pass up, I can't do it with the baby though. She is due in a week. I told Andy, hoping he would help, but he was totally useless and just made me feel even more depressed. I don't know what to do anymore!" Cried Juliet, her voice cracking.

"I have an idea! Do you want to keep the baby?"

"No, I like being independent and I'm not ready for a baby"

"Maybe Andy and Ashley would take it?"

"Maybe, you would have to ask though"

"True. I'm sure Andy would be fine with it"

"When I go to give birth, I want you to be there. You can take the baby immediately and you can name her. Then give her to Andy. Please?"

"Of course! Anything! Are you sure, I don't want to take your child against your will"

"Of course I'm sure"

"Well then, consider it done. Call me when you go into labour, I'll be right here. I need to go, don't hesitate to call if you need anything. Alright?"

"Yes, thank you. I don't know how to repay you"

"Just keep my niece safe" I said, leaving the house and jumping into Ashley's car.

I drove back to Ashley's apartment and opened the door to see Ashley and Andy snuggled on the sofa, watching batman. I smiled at them and walked to my room.

I plugged In my keyboard and played 'Friend, Please' by Twenty Øne Piløts. I sang along and closed my eyes, allowing myself to shut out everything that was happening.

The door opened but I didn't notice because of the music. The song finished and I looked up so see Andy and Ashley, gazing at me like proud siblings.

"What?!" I asked incredulously.

"Nothing, you're just really good" Andy said.

I blushed and looked at my feet, hoping that they would leave.

"So, how are you feeling?" I asked Andy.

"Much better, thanks. I went back on my meds and now I realise he stupid I was being!" He laughed.

"Anyway, am I alright to carry on? I want to work on a cover of 'SING' by MCR"

"Oh, yeah, of course" said Ashley, leaving quickly and dragging Andy with him.

Two days later, my phone rings. I answer it to heat Juliet's voice.

"Hi honey, how are you?" I asked.

"The baby is coming!"

"Right, just hold on. I'll be there in a minute" I said, running out of the house and grabbing the keys to Ash's car. I jumped in and drove to Juliet, picking her up and driving to the hospital.

She got wheeled into a ward, me sprinting behind the nurses.

Juliet grabbed onto my hand and screamed as she pushed one last time.

There was a crying sound and I looked to see a tiny, grey, baby girl.

The nurse took her to be washed and checked while Juliet got calmed down and checked.

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm... Okay. I know that my baby is going to be left in good hands" she said shakily. I smiled reassuringly at her as her baby was carried into the room. The baby was handed to Juliet and Juliet gazed lovingly at the newborn.

"So, what do you want to call her? If I name her, I'll get too attached and won't be able to leave" Juliet asked me.

"She looks like a Xavier. What do you think?"

"I was thinking exactly the same thing" Juliet said with tears in her eyes.

"Xavier Century Purdy-Biersack" I said.

"Definitely. Please, take her. I'll get attached" Juliet pleaded, forcing Xavier into my arms.

Xavier woke up and I caught a glimpse of her eyes. Crystal blue, just like her fathers.

"She will be safe, I've got all of her stuff ready. Goodbye" I said, carrying xavier out of the hospital.

I put her in the baby seat I had picked up from Juliet's house and drove back to Ashley's house.

"Hey, guys, I need you to meet someone" I called through the house.

"What, have you finally got a girlfriend?" Asked Ashley from the kitchen.

"No, actually. Much better" I sang as Andy and Ash walked into the living room. The car seat was hidden behind my legs and I stepped out of the way, revealing xavier. I un-strapped her and picked her up.

"Andy, meet your daughter. Xavier Century Biersack" I said, handing Xavier to him.

Andy started crying while clutching xavier to his body like she would run away. He looked at her and smiled.

"She looks like her father" Ashley piped up. Andy nodded while staring at Xavier like she was the best thing ever to happen.

"How? I thought I would never get to meet her" Andy asked in disbelief.

"Long story. Let's order pizza"

Eyeliner and war paint (adopted by black veil brides)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ