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After Gerard had finished his meal, he excused himself from the dinner table and went back his room. He sat on his bed lost in his thoughts. Suddenly, he began to think about music.

He's heard a lot of music and it was all so interesting how one could cone up with such magnificent pieces. He had told his mother many times he would like a piano, but his mother kept denying him telling him that they didn't have the money at the time. She had promised him many times that when they were able to, they would buy him a piano.

But he didn't want to wait. He had done it many times before, and wouldn't mind doing it again. He would leave every night to go to a piano teachers house and he would get lessons every night at around 11 at night, but neither the teacher nor Gerard cared.

He heard the slam of a door coming from the front of the house snapping him out of his thoughts. He immediately hid under his sheets and faked sleep, even though he knew his father wouldn't care if he were asleep to yell at him.

To his surprise, Gerard didn't hear any yelling coming from either his mother or father, and Baby Mikey was quiet. He could hear his parents having a civil conversation, no yelling, no screaming, no objects being thrown. Nothing. Just peace in the house.

He slowly peeled the sheets off of his body and crawled off the bed. As he tiptoed to the door to see what was going on, he heard Mikey begin to whine a little. Probably wanting a toy of some sort.

He carefully opened his door, cursing it when it loudly squeaked, causing both of his parents to stop talking and look at him. He looked in his mothers eyes and saw joy, then he looked at his fathers stern cold face, and saw nothing.

His face was expressionless as usual. Gerard just stared at his father waiting for something. He wasn't used to his father to stand in one spot when Gerard interrupted a conversation he was having with someone. But today was different. His father didn't seem angry or disappointed. But he didn't seem happy either. But that's better than being mad.

"Gerard. Come here," his mother spoke softly with a small smile.

Gerard walked up to her as she crouched down to meet his eye level, her dress folding on the bottom.

"You're getting a piano," she told him, and as he began to smile very wide, his mother did as well, and out of the corner of his eye, he swore he saw his father's lips curl slightly upward.

"You're father got a raise at his job, and he is now making enough to get you a piano. But you'll have to wait until the end of this week. We are going to save money so we'll have enough left for food and such."

"Thank you," he exclaimed, hugging his mother quickly, and looking at his father over her shoulder and saw his smile. He pulled away from the embrace and slowly walked over to his father.

"Thank you, father."

His father simply smiled slightly again and held out his hand for a handshake. When he felt Gerard's touch, he flinched a little, not used to the caring touch of the boy.

Gerard let go of his hand and stepped closer slowly and opened his arms to possibly get a hug from his father, but his father refused, holding his hand on Gerards chest to keep him away. "No," was all he said.

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