Alpha's Secret Mate (boyXboy)

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I watch my pack move through the night, silent but deadly. I give a low snarl, telling my pack to close in on the old buck. I stopped and let my son Liam follow through with the hunt.  Liam snarls loud, signaling the attack. The buck began to run faster, but he was old. The buck couldn't run out my pack. I watch as the pack takes down the buck. I smile a wolfish grin, happy with my son and the hunt that went smoothly. I watch for danger as my pack eats. My son looks up in horror at me, I give him a confused look. "DAD BEHIN" Liam never got to finish, but he only was cut off as a rouge killed me. I feel the world slipping by, my eyes wide with shock as I fall to the forest floor. I hear screaming but it soon fades to a mumble. I close my eyes, I feel the ground beneath me growing moist. I knew that it was my blood. My son watches me as I turn back, my human form, nearly in half. I hear a howl, it seems so far away. My world goes black as I slip into a forever sleep.

<Liam's P.O.V>

"AHHH SHIT" I scream myself awake. I run my hands through my hair and look down to my sweat covered body. What the hell was that? Dad is in the other room with mom. He is fine. I shake my head, trying to get the dream out of my mind. I breathe a sigh of relief and fall back down to my bed and pillows. I stare at the ceiling thinking of anything but that horror dream. I give a growl deep in my chest. "I give up" I lazily swing my legs off the bed and stand up. I give a growl as I stretch. My stomach gives its own growl, saying its time I ate something. Hmm, meat or cereal for my first day of school? Meat? Nah, don't need people staring at me 'cause I have meat breath. So cereal I guess. I open my door and head down stairs, giving nods to some of the members of the pack house. "Yo, sup Liam. Ready for school?" Chase nods his head and we do our hand shake. "Dude you smell like meat!" I say sniffing his sent. "Dude, its school for our kind, it really shouldn't matter what I eat" Chase replies with a smirk. I shake my head, remembering that my new school where for our pack, we don't need humans to interfere with us. My father doesn't want any of us to have human mates, he said something about female humans are unable to blah blah blah, killed baby, blah blah. So yea. I run downstairs and out the back door. Hmm not hungry enough for deer, so maybe a rabbit. I take off my pants and shirt, not wanting to rip them. I get onto my hands and knees and breathe. I smile as I hear the familiar bone cracking noise as I change into my wolf. I instantly pick up a fresh trail of rabbit. I find out that it's only a few feet away, and hasn't noticed me. I easily pounce and bite the throat, giving it a quick death. I look around and eat the rabbit. I hear a sudden wolfish laugh I turn around to see Sadie running over to me. I quickly finish off my rabbit and get ready to pounce, knowing that is why Sadie is laughing. "ahhh, bad wolf bad!" She says as I tackle her, she pops me on the nose with her paw and starts to wiggle out of my grip. I let her get onto her paws as I run into the bush, grabbing my clothes on the way. "Sadie don't look, I'm changing OK?" I hear her laugh her yes and I change back, sliding on my pants and clothes. I hear Sadie changing back so I don't go out into the clearing just yet. I peek and see her finish sliding on her top. I come out with a grin and scoop her up "let go of me Liam!" Sadie squeals and swings her arms, nearly hitting my face. I let her down as we reach my car "ready for wolf school" I ask with a quick flash of a smile. Sadie simply hops into my car and clicks her seat belt in. I shake my head and I get into the driver's seat.

<Sam's P.O.V>

"Wake up honey, you got to go soon. You are going into the pack school. So dress nice and behave!" My mother says, shaking me to get up. "Mommmmm, I'm up, jeez. Leave me alone" I groan at her making her angry. "fine" She turns on her heels, and storms out of my room. I  shake my head and hop outta bed, i start mocking my mother "get dressed nice, blah blah! behave blah BLAH!" I throw on some jeans and a loose fitting shirt. I drag my feet to the kitchen and take a piece of toast. "BYE MOM, I'M GOING" I yell over my shoulder and hop in my car, turning the keys. 

I yawn and walk closer to the building. I start getting stares like i was freak show. I brush it off and continue towards the building. "hey wait up!!" I hear a voice shout behind me. Turning around I see that it is a boy, most likely to embarrass me. I roll my eyes as he shakes my hand, "Are you the new kid? Your name is Sam right? Of course it is, follow me, I'm going to show you the leader of the pack, well not really the leader" By then I have shut out this kids voice and follow him as I have no choice because of  his death grip on my wrist and is almost dragging me inside and around the building. "Liam! Liam! It's the new kid, say hi pup" He pats my back hard enough to have me taking a few step forward. I look back and give him a scowl, so not pleased with ANY thing already. I look up at this boy, called Liam. He seemed pretty built, I don't understand why he is called "alpha"  "Ha, thanks Ray. So your Sam right?" I nod my head, giving him a very girly smile, they kind girls do when the guy actually remembers there name. Liam laughs and pats my back, as he touches me I feel sparks of energy run through my back. He must of felt it too because he quickly removed his hand and looked away quickly. "Um ya, I'm Sam." I give him a sheepish smile but quickly turn away as I feel my cheeks heat up. If you haven't guessed I'm gay, and I try to keep it secret. Liam clears his throat and I look back "Ya ok, here is your classes, we have a few together, so I can help ya a bit" He rubs the back of his neck nervously. I smile and take the sheet of paper and read it over. WHOA! i have fighting class? Hunting class? What school did my mother put me in??!!  I look up with shock across my face and Liam bursts out laughing, holding his stomach to keep him from falling over. Ray starts waving his hands around getting Liams attention. Liam looks up, I turn around to see Ray giving the "knock it off" thing across his neck. I look confused but I guess Liam gets it. He instantly shuts up and looks at me "Dude, uh don't worry, its just different names, you will see later" Liam stumbles through his words. "OK, thanks Liam" I flash him a smile and walk to my class as the bell rings. "room 209? OK, OK. nope, not that---OH here we go, room 209, History class" Before I knock on the door a man opens the door and waves me in. "Welcome Mr. Haze please take a seat. I am Mr. Sean" I give a quick nod and take a seat that is the closest to the door. Mr.Sean starts talking but I tune him out, making sketch's into my book. "Dude, nice work" I look up and smile at the girl and quickly dive back into my drawing.

<Liam's P.O.V>

I can still feel Sam's touch on my hand. I cant get him out of my head. I am totally tuned out of the class because of Sam. Why do I feel like that around him? I feel this need to always have contact with him. I bunch my brows together and frown. "Liam whats wrong man, you haven't even talked!" Ray hits me. I look up at him, still in my worried state. "Dude, your a nervous wreck! your sweating and your pale dude!" I rub my face and get up and saying that I was using the wash room. I run out of the class room, letting my feet take control of where I go. I find myself in-front of the room 209 knocking on the door "Yes Liam, what would you like?" I gather my thoughts "Oh um the principal whats to see him" I look around the class looking for his face. "Really? OK Liam, Sam you are needed" I hold my breath as Sam pokes his head out and stands up grabbing his books. I swear I felt my heart skip too many beats, as I stand there staring at him. I snap out of it when he brushes against my shoulder. The door closes and I grab his shirt, pulling him to who knows where. I feel the sun light and hear my car unlock. "Um Liam what are you doing?" Sam says in a panicked voice. I tremble at his voice. "Get in the car" Rushing through my words as I fumble to open my door. "Liam, what about school, I can't ditch on my first day!" I look up and move around to his side of the car, I open his door and point "In, NOW" Sam looks at me shocked and slides into the seat. I slam the door shut and hop into my own side of the car. 

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