¡Kankri & Mituna!

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"What w9uld y9u like t9 kn9w first?" Kankri says "Ummm well John told me that horns are seriously sensitive, are they?" You say hoping that it's true because he also said that they taste like candy corn. "9h my, they are very sensitive and they taste like candy c9rn as well 6u-" Kankri was about to finish his sentence but he was cut off. "7h3y 74573 lik3 c4ndy corn?!" Mituna says as he sees if it is true. "Mituna that is very triggering and I d9n't understand why y9u w9uld d9 that 6ut I think we sh9uld g9 9n." He says with his eyes on Mituna to make sure he is not going to do anything else.

"We have these scars 9n 9ur sides fr9m when we were grubs they are sensitive as well. 9h yeah and 9ne m9re thing y9u sh9uld kn9w..." He sounds a little bit scared by that last part. "What is it?" You say. "9kay are d9wn there is very different than a humans d9wn there, we have 6ulges n9t what y9ur kind of guy w9uld have." He says looking into your eyes and Mituna was laughing a lot. "Here let me sh9w y9u•••" at what Kankri said Mituna stopped laughing and your E/c eyes open widely. Kankri slowly pushed his pants down and then his red sweater, "There y9u g9." He said looking at you blushing red. "4nd I h4v3 7wo big bulg35." Mituna says as you gulp. "9h and he has these fish fins 9n him there are sensitive too."

After that chat you had that would hopefully change somethings in your relationship. You, Kankri, and Mituna were watching a movie. For most of the movie you were writing down all the things that they told you, you also thought about how it was pretty cool that you would have your first time so different than every other girl would seeing you are with a troll.

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