Start from the beginning

"I what?!" I cried and Blue tilted his head.

"You... Alexander," he frowned. "Can we talk about that later?"

"No," I shook my head, "I don't want to talk about feelings right now. Because I am locked in the F.B.I's headquarters, and Renee is dead, and I don't want to feel guilty on my birthday."

"Birthday," he repeated and for the slightest second, his golden eyes shone. I didn't say anything, because I wasn't entirely sure what was so good about my birthday that would make even Blue happy.

Before I could do or say anything else, Blue had stepped so close to me that there was no space in between us.

"Blue," I whispered, too afraid to be any louder in fear of my voice cracking. I put a hand on his chest in an attempt to make a little room between us, but he grabbed my wrist and pinned it against the wall above my head.

"Your aura is so much darker, Alexander," he said, and he was so close that his breath was on my face and it smelt like mint. His eyes flicked down to my lips for a second, then back up to my eyes. "When I first arrived in Northrun, you were bright and I could see you at night like you were a beacon."

"Blue," I tried again, but I couldn't say anything other than his name. Because as much as I didn't want this, I did. He leaned closer to me and his lips touched the tip of my nose lightly.

"We've ruined you," he whispered and his eyelashes fluttered against my skin. He kissed my cheek and it was so dangerously close to my lips that I stopped breathing completely.

Blue reached up a little higher and locked our fingers together. It was such a small insignificant detail, but it made my heart do funny things. I squeezed his hand, which I didn't mean to do honestly. But it made me feel closer to him and all I wanted to do was let him breath me in and be done with it.

Blue out his other hand on my cheek, and his hand was so warm that it was melting my brain.

When Blue finally kissed me, I felt lighter. So light in fact, that I would have floated away if Blue wasn't holding me down.

But it felt as though Blue was scared that I was going to break underneath him.

I grabbed Blue's shirt with my spare hand and squeezed his other hand even tighter. Then Blue's hand dropped from my cheek to my back and he somehow managed to push me even closer to him.

It became more urgent then, and my hand roamed over Blue's body, and he started kissing my neck, and my breathing became heavier. Blue's breath was hot on my neck, and all I wanted to do was melt.

"Blue," I moaned.

Then he stopped.

And before I knew it he was halfway across the room.

"Wh-" I breathed, but before I could finish the door burst open. Blue made an almost hiss like sound at agent Delany and his eyes shot to me.

"Are you alright?" He checked.

"F-Fine," I stammered. He narrowed his eyes at Blue, but it was wasted because Blue was already glaring at him.

"You have to come with me," agent Delany told me and I looked at Blue in a panic.

"She's underage," Blue spat, "you can't interrogate her without her parents."

"She's eighteen," agent Delany smirked, "as of six-oh-six this morning."

Blue went to try and protest some more, but I didn't really want to be in a room with Blue for too long so I followed agent Delany out.

He took me to a room on the top floor of the motel. There were two tables in the room, one pushed into the far corner and the other was in the very centre of the room.

"Take a seat," agent Delany ordered me. I obeyed and sat down in the seat closest to me, and he sat opposite. "I need you to be one hundred percent honest with me Alexander."

"Alex," I corrected him.

"Well, Alex, I need you to be honest with me," he huffed and I nodded. "I need to know what happened to my fellow agent, Tommen."

"Tommen?" I frowned and in the confusion I jolted forward. As I did, my knee brushed against something cold underneath the table.

A gun.

I felt my eyes widening as the memory of Tommen pointing his gun at me. I remembered his blood on my face while Lincoln made him choke with it.

"Alex?" Agent Delany frowned.

"I-I don't-" I started.

"I'm not asking you to give me any names," agent Delany told me. "No one has seen Tommen since he went crazy and tried to kill the sheriff's daughter. We just need to know where he is, or where his body is."

"The last that I saw, he was unconscious," I mumbled, "but I'm sure no one hurt him."

Agent Delany nodded, but slid a yellow folder into the centre of the table. Without warning, he opened it and I was greeted by a picture of a mangled body.

I instantly started gagging and Agent Delany quickly closed the folder. He got up and rushed out of the room, returning with a glass of water for me.

"I should have warned you," Agent Delany muttered after I'd recovered.

"You think?!" I snapped.

"That was Tommen, Alex," he frowned and my heart dropped into my stomach.

"Why?" I breathed. "Why did you asked me if you already knew he was dead?"

"I wanted to see if you knew," he sighed. "Personally, I don't believe that it was your friends. The way that Tommen was murdered, it was so brutal. Everyone here thinks that he was tortured for everything we know, which is insane because we were working with Blue and Desire not that long ago."

"Then-" I started.

"We had to bring you all in because of your recent light show in the woods," he answered without hearing the question.

"Light show," I repeated.

"Yesterday, there was a bright white light in the middle of the night. A lot of people were blaming aliens," Agent Delany chuckled slightly. "If only."

I felt my heart stop, because the bright light was me. Everyone was brought here because of me.

"I'm sorry to drag you into this," Agent Delany apologised. "You're only a human, you shouldn't be involved in all of this."

"I know a lot more than you think I do," I muttered.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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