Sven looked at Serenity, a smile appearing on his face. Without Serenity noticing, Sven quickly checked her out, nodding to himself afterwards as if he was pleased with the view he had right now. After getting a coffee, Sven walked over to our table, sitting down next to me and across from Serenity.

"Hazel, introduce me to your friend," Sven suggested, the corner of his mouth tugging up to a smile.

"Sven, this is my best friend Serenity. Serenity, this is Sven."

A slight smirk appeared on Serenity's face, "Oh, so you're the super hot and outgoing Sven that Hazel constantly talks about."

Sven turned his attention to me, a chuckle escaping past his lips, "Is that what you say to your friends about me? That I'm super hot and outgoing?"

I felt my cheeks reddening at his comment, embarrassment flowing through my veins and my heartbeat quickened for a second. The palms of my hands were starting to get sweaty and clammy at the same time.

"That's how my friends and I always talk," I chuckled, hoping he wouldn't tease me anymore. Sven nodded as if he didn't believe my answer and haphazardly ran a hand through his hair, making it messier in the process.

Sven's gaze turned to Serenity. His eyes lowered to her lips when she ran her tongue over her lips to moisten them. "So, Serenity, for how long are you planning to stay here?"

"For a week," Serenity replied, slightly playing with the ends of her blond hair. As she said that, she gave Sven one of her killer smiles. You know the one where a person smiles so brightly, showing off rows of perfectly lined white teeth. That was Serenity's killer smile and that's what made some boys crazy about her. Her smile was one of her biggest assets, not to mention that she was extremely good looking. I was basically the DUFF next to her, but I didn't really care.

"That's cool," Sven chuckled. "Do you girls have anything special planned? I could show you around town if you want to." He offered, leaning a bit closer to Serenity. How is that everyone else makes flirting seem so subtle and normal but when I flirt it's like I'm trying too hard and it's way too obvious, resulting in the guy being weirded out by me.

I didn't really mind the two of them flirting. Serenity can do whatever she wants but it's just a little unfair towards Luke. Yes, they aren't officially a couple or anything but Serenity has been after him for months and now, she's just flirting with a guy she met for the first time ever. Obviously she has heard things about Sven from me, but they're still practically strangers.

"That would be wonderful," was Serenity's answer.


Our next stop was the beach. Considering we don't have beaches like this back in Maine, Serenity wanted to make sure we spend some time here. She also wanted to get a nice tan before school starts so it would look like she was on holiday somewhere tropical, when in reality she spent the whole summer inside on her computer and left her house when it was extremely necessary. When I still lived in Maine, we'd go to each other's houses basically every day and just sit on the Internet the whole day and occasionally show each other something. I guess that's why neither of us had that many friends back home. We were way too antisocial for someone our age and to be honest, people scared me out a bit.

Imogen, Saskia and Everett were already at the beach. Shocking, I know. They spent their whole life on the beach basically. Walking up to them, the girls immediately looked at Serenity, slightly frightened by her good looks. From the corner of my eye, I saw Everett eyeing me up and down as if he was checking me out. But I doubt he would do that when he has a lovely girlfriend, that's just rude and disrespectful to Imogen.

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