Warning a little heart throbbing scene here read upon your own accord.

Yugi POV.
Aknadin shoved me in a room with only a bed in it. He turned to lock the door and turned back to me.
"I said, strip" He then held a gun up to me. So I did as I was told and stripped. Leaving my boxers.
My eyes widened but I did as I was told once more.
He walked slowly up to me grabbing something. A chain, thick metal chain. He clasped it to my hands and to the bed I was sat on. He, He then stripped. I felt like crying, screaming, anything.

For what was going to happen next I was. Afraid. He wanted to use me as a pleasure slave. I gulped and waited, waited for the suffering and pain I was going to receive. All of could think was Yami, my dark, my fiancé, my Mou hitori no boku.

Time skip.
Yami POV.
Yugi has been a while I hope he's okay I thought. Just then the door opened and Yugi was yet again in Aknadin's grip but my eyes fell on Yugi. He was only in a bath robe which he held together due to no ties on the robe. Oh god. What happened. Was the first thought in my head so I decided to ask.
"Y-Yugi? What, what....what happened? Did he hurt you? What did this monster do?"
"Haha, go on aibou tell him, haha" I growled under my breath as I nervelessly waited for an answer. Yugi then tried to run to be, but was stopped when Aknadin spoke
"One step closer and you both die."
"O-Oh Y-Y-Yami, h-he he, he....... R-R-Raped m-me" Yugi cried sinking to the floor and crying his eyes out. How could my step-farther do this. He was truly a monster. He deserves to be locked away and left to rot, to be forgotten about. My anger took over and I found my self shouting at the Monster. Who hurt my aibou.
"YOU RAPED HIM! HOW THE HELL CAN I CALL YOU MY STEP-FARTHER? YOUR A MONSTER! TRULY A MONSTER. HURTING AN INNOCENT BOY. STRIPPING HIM OF HIS PRIDE. JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT. LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HIM, TO MY LOVER! I HATE YOU. YOU DESERVE TO DIE!" I was so intent on putting him in his place and shouting at him giving him a piece of my mind that I didn't notice that he walked up to me, until it was too late. He stabbed me in the stomach with a long, stick like wooden, very sharp, weapon, a stake as it was named. (A/N I found out by Yugioh1998 that vampires can be killed by stakes, garlic and things like that) I placed my hand over the wound, which was pouring with blood at this point. I felt my self get weaker by the second, and my step-farther just laughed, as he walked away, a free man, a free monster.
"Nooo! Yami!" Yugi shouted as he ran to me. I noticed he turned into vampire form from the devastation.
"Stay with me"
Mel: I know, I know I'm a horrible human being. Getting Yugi raped and Yami stabbed. But I promise that it isn't all doom and gloom.
*Yugi sobs into Yami's chest*
Yugi: *through sobs* will Yami, my love be okay Mel.
Mel: I don't know Yugi, you'll have to wait and see.
Yugi: how can you not know? Your writing the book, you BAKA!
Mel: *gasps* Yugi
Yugi: OMR! I'm so sorry Mel. I don't know what came over me. Can you forgive me, please?
Mel: course I can, I was more shocked that you broke that innocent act of yours. But I guess you aren't all that innocent as you want us to believe. Are you?
Yugi: N-no.
Mel*smiles and hugs yugi* It will all be okay, don't worry.
Yugi: Thanks Mel.
Mel: no problem Yugi.
Thank you to Yugioh1998 for the idea and 1.64k reads, 99 votes and 130 comments, keep it up :p
Until next time.
Fangirl out.

P.S If you didn't know what the stake was from the description here is a photo:

S If you didn't know what the stake was from the description here is a photo:

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