stitch 22: Sing me to sleep

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He wasn't wearing his mask. Not even his cloak. Or that giant dress.
But all he wore was a black shirt and a black pants.
I didn't trusted him. I was scared it was a mere foolish trap. But for some reason, I actually think I would do the right thing to do; and it was saving him.

I pulled him out of the escape pod carefully and put his arms around me. "Hang in there, bud"

He didn't replied because he was losing consciousness. He was getting much more heavier. "Hey..hey..hey...Kyl—Ben..." The foreignness of his name made me stop my tracks. "Yeah... Ben...hang in there, stay awake. Your daughter would be delighted to see you."

"But this..." He coughed more.

"Sshh...of course... Of course... I just mean, save your strength , pal." I smiled at him.

We reached the main base. I don't know if it's the right decision because I'm showing the enemy the secret base. But I can see that he isn't an enemy anymore. I can feel it.
People looking at us and rushing over us. Some are stopped by their tracks. Especially finn.

"We need a medical capsule here right now!!!!" I yelled.

"What are you doing with him?! Are you betraying us!?" Rey said, her eyes are full of fury.

"He's injured badly. And i need to do the oath of the resistance—Help those who are in need." I smiled at her and laid Ben in the medical capsule. "Hang in there, bud." I touched his shoulders and watched him get taken away by the med team.

"Poe, are you nuts!?" Finn said, rushing to me.

"Look, I'm not going to say it twice. And i hate it when people tries to make me say stuffs twice" i smiled ane held my fingers up to them nd slowly moved away.

People in the base are looking at me, they are probably wondering why I did that. But like what I said, i won't say it twice.

"General Leia." I called out to her.

"Yes, Poe?" She turned around from the computers.

"He came home."

Her emotionless face turned to something indescribable—a mixture of fear, worry and happiness swirling inside her.

"Bring me to him." Was all she said and we made our way to the medbay.

"He's stable now. He lost alot of blood. He is injured before he escaped. And his wound on his chest stopped bleeding now." Xyrom said, standing im front of the doorways

"Can we see him?" General Leia asked—No, its more like a plea. A mother's plea to see his child. A mother's desperate wish to see his child and cradle him into his arms like he was five years old and scared of the lightning.

Seeing him like that must've caused the general too much pain in her heart. "I was actually hoping to see him someday you know, but not like this."

"He crashed near our base." I said.

"Near our base?"

"Yes general." I replied.

"I don't know what to do..." She sighed

Star Crossed// Poe&Kylo X Reader ☑️ EDITINGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ