kstitch 2: butterflies

638 13 5

"I didnt know you were there..." I said,sensing his presence.

"I didnt know you were up this early." Ben replied, picking up his training stick.

"Are you going to attend the party next week?, its thanksgiving Ben." I said, not breaking my concentration.

"Of course, I need to see someon-something and my mother would need me there , since dad isnt around" He grunted, taking hits on the dummy.

"Say, why dont we duel?" Ben suggested and I turned to him

"Why? What for?" I said, standing up.

"Just..cause..." He pouted.


"Fine. By the way you arent wearing your robe. It is a must." I said. Trying to hide the pink flush on my cheeks.

"Well my shirt and sweatpants is fine. And you arent wearing yours too." He said, pointing out the tank top and sweatpants that I am wearing.

"You asked for it." I ignited my lightsaber and walked towards him.

"Oh really? Cute little Cloud." He teased, hitting my lightsaber.

"You underestimate my power." I said, hitting him faster and harder.

He was alarmed and try to hit me as hard as he could.

"You could do better than that." I chuckled.

I was looking at his eyes while he hits my lightsaber, the determination in his eyes, the passion, its all visible. Then he caught me unguarded and made him threw my lightsaber.

"Oops. Caught your guard low." He chuckled.

I took away his lightsaber and wrestled him. Pushing him to the ground and i am now on top of him.

"Who's the cute little one now?" I said. Pinning him.

His breath brushing against my cheeks. I realized that he was very close and our lips are almost meeting "Still you"

I felt this shitty stuffs in my tummy again. I was frozen. I cannot move. I did not know what to do.
I was lost in his deep brown eyes, who were also glued to mine.

My hands were on his perfectly built chest. I can feel his heart beating.

I quickly moved away and used the force to get my lightsaber.

"Training's over. Get back to your quarters. You did well." I said.

"Cloud... what is it that youre gonna tell me? Last night? When I came to your room?"

"Well...its about your lightsaber, I am gonna ask you if I can tag along with dad to train you."

Liar. I said to my self. And it doesnt even make sense at all.
I was literally going to confess.
Confess my feelings for him.

"Ohh... is that it?" He said, expecting other things.

"Yes..that's all." I smiled and tapped his shoulders. "Now if you may excuse me."

I left the temple with regret and these butterflies in my tummy.

I am seriously wondering,

Does Ben like me the way Ilike him?
Is he giving hints?
Is he playing with me?

Or its just my imagination?

Nah its just my imagination.

I've been always doing bad in school.

Star Crossed// Poe&Kylo X Reader ☑️ EDITINGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ