stitch 15: changed

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Ben and I were sleeping that night, I woke up to see a blue light shining on his jacket that he first worn here. I gently put Ben's arm down and walked to his jacket and took that blue light, it turns out to be a comlink. Someone was calling. And I accpeted the call.

"Ben..." a rusty, voice of a middle aged man said. I recognized it. It was my father's.

"Dad!?" I quickly went outside the backdoor and talked to my dad.

"C-cloud...?" His voice fainted.

"Yes dad...its me...i missed you so much." I said shedding tears I held back a long time ago.

"Oh my daughter...I missed you too.Where are you?" He said

"Castell system." I whimpered. "'s gone..."

"I know dear...she is one with the force now." He said. "Why do you have Ben's comlink? Where is Ben? Is he with you?"

"Yes, yes he is. He is safe." I said.

"Bring him to Anoat right away. He needs to finish his training. He's almost a Jedi Knight. Please Cloud. Bring him here." He pleaded.

"Okay...but please, give me more days with him." I begged.

"Okay, but once youre ready, bring him here." He said. "Be safe, Cloud."

The call ended and as I turned around I saw Ben standing at the doorframe.

I dropped the comlink. "Ben, you frightened me."

"Oh yeah?" He said, a smirk playing on the corners of his mouth. "LIAR!!"

his voice boomed the whole surroundings.

"No...why...Ben." I tried to walk near him.

"Supreme Leader Snoke was right! You are not to be trusted! You have betrayed me! You told me you are with me. But you arent!" His fist clenches.

"Ben I am with you..." I said. "It was my father...he needs you-"

"No. Thats not true." He said. He motioned his fist upward. And I can feel my throat clenching.
He was force choking me.

"I...I...I love yo-" I managed to utter those words. Before he slammed me to the tree.

I was almost dead right there. I can see Ben walking towards me.

Memories, memories flashing to me as I watched Ben picked me up and choked me again.

"Eyyy... come on Ben. Dont be like that. Lets play!" I said reaching his hand.

He lets go and pushed me to the corner. "I said i dont wanna play!"

I fell to the ground earning bruises to my knees. "Aahh!" I cried.

Ben's face lightened and walked towards me "I'm- s-sorry...are you alrigh-"

I cannot take it anymore. Its always like this.Everytime i ask him to play he does this does that. And hurts me.

"Arent you happy to see me? Arent you happy that you are with me? Do you hate me? Why? Why do you hate me Ben!? Why do you always hurt me!? Why!?" I cried.

"Sshh...i am so sorry...i didnt mean it." He pulled me into a hug. "I am very sorry Cloud...I promise that would be the last time I will hurt you."

I remembered that time when he first moved in Naboo. I remember that cruel Ben Solo who pushed me down the ground.
But he promised me that it would be the last time that he would hurt me.

But he did again.
This Snoke guy fucked with his head.

He is not the Ben I knew. He is not the Ben I loved.

He was gone.

Star Crossed// Poe&Kylo X Reader ☑️ EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now