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Rey's POV
It has only been a few days since Luke died and yet I can still feel his presence so I went to Anakin and asked him about this. "The force can allow those to return in the form of spirits to guide those who need guidance" Anakin said to me about the afterlife of the force. I was indeed shocked to know that some can return like I had heard of this in the courscant archives but I didn't think it would be true. I went to Luke's grave and I meditated there hoping his spirit would emerge and to my hopes he did. "very surprised to see you at my grave rey shouldn't you be helping your children training to be jedi". I was shocked to see my former master and my father appearing out of nowhere and speaking to me. "Well father my son has almost finished his training Anakin is just doing his final examinations on him now". "Just to make sure we don't have another Vader or Kylo Ren again" I told my father and he just gave me this nod and just disappears. I go to the jedi temple to see the progress on little Anakin and from what grandfather Anakin told me he says he is cleared but is still at risk of falling to the dark side just like every other force being in the galaxy.

Finn POV

I have a hard day of work fixing up new x-wings for the resistance and training a new battalion of resistance ground troopers. I go home and just put something random on the holonet and I then hear of the republic's second reformation which I find now weird. It wasn't that long ago that the republi fleet and capital were destoyed so I hurried back to the command center. I was having a hard time trying to find general Organa and I was told that General Organa was on a diplomatic mission to restore the republic. I looked at the tracer logs for Organa's ship and right now it looked like the republic was making corellia its new capital and if I must say so it is not a bad idea. Then out of the blue a emergency transmission came from corellia it was from the senate building and they were under attack from the first order. I told the pilots to gear up and prepare for launch the first order's fleet had just entered the system. I then contacted Rey and asked her if she could help us and she said she will getting the falcon ready immediately. I was to lead the ground assault to already retake the republic capital. Our transports had lifted off the ground and just jumped to hyperspace. We landed on the planet and I studied of what our enemies had captured and what was still left to capture. The first order still had to capture the planetary defenses but they main target they were protecting was the senate building. Yet I could sense with my weak jedi powers the presence of a being a knew all too well.

Meanwhile in the senate building

"Tell me general where is the resistance's new base" The scarred man asked leia organa of the resistance. She was doing her best to resist this person she had never seen before. Then suddenly he lifted her off the ground while choking the living life out of her. "Tell me where is the resistance base NOW" General Organa then shook her head and he clunched his hand and she fell dead at his feet. "Lord Tanoess send the body of their general down to the lower levels with you when you face the jedi" the new apprentice replied with a simple "yes master"

Anakin Snr POV
I could feel a disturbance in the force a someone I knew from a long time in the age of the empire and the clone wars. Could it be possible she had turned to the dark side. I had to know while rey piloted the ship to corellia I meditated while in my meditation I felt leia's death the first order was now on my number 1 for payback. "Anakin we are approaching Corellia" I told her to land us near the square where the battle zone was neutral until the wounded were collected and brought back into respective territories. When we landed I viewed all the wounded I was just shocked by all the brutality the first order was showing, then I saw a figure come out of the senate building and It threw a body at me when I got the body off me I knew the face of my daughter anywhere. I got my lightsaber and Ignited it and ordered rey to get the wounded on the falcon and the dropships. I then went head to head with snoke's new apprentice and I pulled off the mask covering her identity and just couldn't believe who I saw in that first order armor. It was my former apprentice Ahsoka Tano "why join the dark side now ahsoka the empire is destroyed" I said to her as our lightsabers locked together "because I reliased that the jedi can no longer protect this galaxy so I decided to side with our enemies and wipe out the old jedi and replace it with our own new jedi" she replied to me and I could now sense her anger after decades. I broke off the clash and decided to retreat as the falcon started to fly off and I jumped on to the ramp. We returned to the resistance base on D'qar everyone attended Leia's funeral even han did as he was in tears. I decided to go searching for answers for Ahsoka's turn and what better place to look on then malachor the last place we dueled and she walked away after that never to be heard from again.

Lineage(Star Wars Fanfiction Rey X FinnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon